Chapter 1076 Attacked

The ghost is not an evil beast, but a royal beast. It looks like an ape, with black hair like steel needles all over its body. It can run upright like a human, and it can also walk on the ground like an ape on a steep mountain.

But right now, this ghost bird doesn't look like it was ordered by the beast master.

"So..." Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "Master is dead?"

After the death of the master of the beast master, the connection with the beast master will be disconnected, and the beast master will become wild. Therefore, it is not impossible for a beast master to chase to Shuangyue Island and die, causing the ghost to become wild. .

The most important thing is that if it's a ghost, it's normal if Qiao Ye didn't find it. The ghost is a fantasy beast, not a living thing, and has no breath. Secondly, this guy has the characteristics of spiritual power, which can avoid probing.

Thinking about it this way, Qiao Ye suddenly discovered that the mental state of the God of War map is not useless. To deal with ghost beasts like this type of beast, one can find it with the mind.

It seems that the mind is still stronger than the perception of spiritual power.

at the same time……

The ghost opened its mouth and screamed, and the sound waves swayed to the surroundings, the surrounding trees suddenly trembled, and one by one leaves continued to fall downwards.

The sonic attack is a kind of spiritual attack, and it is also the ghost's forte. However, this guy is obviously a bit unlucky, and he encountered Qiao Ye. For Qiao Ye, most of the spiritual attacks are useless.

The scream had no effect on Qiao Ye. Amidst the scream, Qiao Ye rushed forward and came to the ghost in an instant.


The next moment, Qiao Ye's fist hit Gui Chi's face directly!

With a muffled sound, the ghost's body flew directly towards the rear, and the moment it hit a big tree, it instantly broke the big tree.

The ghost immediately neighed, and then struggled to get up, but at this moment...


A black halberd flew over suddenly, and drove directly into the ghost's shoulder, nailing the ghost back to the ground.

The ghost's cry suddenly became more mesmerizing, and the body kept shaking on the ground, reaching out to grab the black eucalyptus, trying to pull it out.

But at this moment, Qiao Ye had come to Gui Chi, stepped on Gui Chi's chest, and pushed Gui Chi back to the ground.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye pulled out the black halberd and stabbed at the ghost again.

This time, the black halberd pierced the throat, and after one blow, the ghost was directly nailed to the ground.

Watching the ghost die, Ding Xiang stepped forward and said, "What is this?"

Qiao Ye ignored Ding Xiang, but put her index finger next to her mouth, making a silent gesture.

Ding Xiang was stunned for a moment, then whispered: "What's going on?"

Qiao Ye said: "The real trouble has just appeared."

When Qiao Ye finished speaking, some black shadows gradually appeared in the woods. Judging from the silhouettes, those black shadows should be real people, so the accurate term should be human shadows.

At the same time, those figures kept approaching, obviously it was the noise made by the ghost that attracted them.

After a while, with the help of the moonlight falling between the leaves, those figures finally gradually became clear, shaking their bodies, and slowly moving forward.

Ding Xiang frowned and said, "These people look a bit wrong!"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It does look a little bit wrong."

The state of those people looks like sleepwalking, their bodies are staggering, their hands hang down unnaturally, and when walking, the lifting of their feet is also very unnatural, as if they are carrying some gravity, making them drag The body moves forward in general.

What's more important is that these people's eyes don't have the slightest expression in them, and there is a feeling of numbness and dead silence in those eyes.

This state does not look like the state of a normal person.

Suddenly, a person suddenly raised his head, and without any warning, he flew towards Qiao Ye.

In the process of flying, the demonized person's body was full of light, and then his back seemed to be torn apart. Suddenly, five thick white bones grew out on the left and right. After opening, they looked like two huge bone hands. .


Qiao Ye glanced at the other party. This kind of physical change is obviously a demonizer!

The next moment, the other party came to Qiao Ye, and a bone hand suddenly pressed down towards the front.


Qiao Ye jumped backwards violently, and then, the bone hand hit the ground, smashing the ground into pieces in an instant.

But at this moment...

The moment he jumped away, Qiao Ye suddenly felt the air behind him become scorching hot, and then he looked sideways, and a woman appeared behind him, with one arm across his chest, and flames wrapped around his arm, turning into a fire dragon shape.

Qiao Ye froze for a moment, then murmured, "Spiritual cultivator?"

The next moment, the woman stretched out her hand and pressed forward, and the fire dragon wrapped around her arm immediately flew forward, baring its teeth and claws at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye landed on the ground, and immediately stretched out her hand to shake it. Black smoke gushed out from her palm, and it quickly turned into a black halberd.

The black halberd took shape, and Qiao Ye immediately swung the halberd and swept it out.


The black halberd collided with the fire dragon, and then there was a bursting sound, and the body of the fire dragon exploded directly, turning into a huge fireball.

Layers upon layers of heat waves rolled away, pushing Qiao Ye backwards. Before Qiao Ye could stand still, the sound of fists whistling suddenly sounded from behind.

Qiao Ye immediately turned around and held the black halberd across his chest.


A fist slammed on Qiao Ye's halberd, making a clear and crisp sound.

Qiao Ye looked up, it was a man in his early thirties, he had a strong aura, and his blood was very strong. After the blow was blocked by Qiao Ye, he took advantage of the situation and flew into the air, with his feet continuously facing Qiao Ye He kicked in the direction of the halberd continuously, forcing Qiao Ye back, then turned around and fell steadily to the ground.

This energy, this blood, this skill...

This guy is a martial artist from the martial field, right?

Qiao Ye felt a little weird, demonizers, spiritual monks, and warriors...

Isn't this a group of people?

Although coming from different domains does not affect teamwork and cooperation, if the three domains are united, the personnel will be too complicated.

Especially having a spiritual monk and a warrior at the same time is even more abnormal.

The battle between spirit and martial arts has created a feud between the two domains. Even the guardians of the spiritual domain will not cooperate with the guardians of the martial domain when there is no special need. Moreover, even if they cooperate, they are for the same goal. As for actions, usually they can do their own battles as much as possible, and only when it is very necessary, the two sides will join hands.

Even if the defenders are like this, how can ordinary spiritual monks and warriors join forces so easily?


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