Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1137 Seventy-two Earth Demons

Chapter 1137 Seventy-two Earth Demons

Lin Jiexu sighed, and then said: "I'll go and have a look!"

Lin Jie had to go to Xiao Ji himself. Although Qiao Ye had to deal with this matter, Qiao Ye was Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji was Xiao Ji. Just talking about Qin Jianchuan, Liang Zhicheng was just trying to scare him, and it was impossible to really embarrass Qin Jianchuan.

Lin Jiexu still likes Xiaoji very much. She is very talented and well-behaved. She is neither noisy nor naughty, not as naughty as a child. Ji's past, after all, such a young child has seen cannibalism and was almost eaten. It's normal to be autistic at all, and maybe it will be fine when he grows up.

But it was still too late when Lin Jiexu arrived at the place. He only saw the buttocks of a flying boat, which disappeared outside the Linglong Tower, leaving a mess all over the floor, and was injured a lot by Xiao Ji, or Sibuxiang people.

"Run away?" Lin Jiexu looked at a guard and said, "There are so many of you who are afraid of hurting others, so it's fine if you don't stop them, but you still can't stop a little girl?"

The boundary guard said helplessly: "That imperial beast is really powerful."

Lin Jiexu asked, "Alone?"

The boundary guard said: "Yes, everyone who was originally on the flying boat was driven off by her."

"Nonsense!" Lin Jie said angrily: "Such a small girl is running around in a flying boat, what should I do if something happens?"

The defender said: "She said she was going to find Qiao Ye."

Lin Jiexu asked, "Do you know where Qiao Ye went?"

"Uh..." the guard said, "I don't know!"

"Then can she know?" Lin Jiexu waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and send a few people to chase that girl back for me. Forget it, I'm afraid it won't be easy to deal with it if you just send some people. Inform Xuanyuan Beimu to let me know." She went to chase people, and called Lin Ziyi back to me, with Qiao Ye's relationship, that little girl still listened to what the two of them said."

The guard nodded and said, "I'm going to call now."

Lin Jiexu nodded and said: "It's arranged to come to the meeting, forget it, don't hold the meeting, all the idle people will move to me, hunt down Qiao Ye, and send the task directly, according to the standard of the first-level task , Acting as a team, the most important point, I want to live Qiao Ye, he must be brought back to me intact, I have to figure out what he wants to do, what is his intention, so, he must not be dead ,understand?"


The surrounding defenders agreed loudly, then quickly boarded the flying boat and left Linglong Tower.

"Qiao Ye..." Lin Jiexu watched the flying boats leave one after another, and whispered: "You must not let me down!"


Nine Regions Battlefield, Yeling County Stronghold.

Outside the Yeling County stronghold, there was a trail. Qiao Ye looked up at the sky. Before dark, he should be able to reach the Yeling County stronghold.

The flying boat had already been abandoned by Qiao Ye, because Qiao Ye used the flying boat of the Defender.

The flying boats of the defenders are all standard. After the daytime level, they can be requisitioned. Since the patterns on them are uniform and restrained, and each boat has its own number, Qiao Ye can't use the flying boat to keep going, because it will be found.

As long as Qiao Ye uses the flying boat, he can know where Qiao Ye is.

This was not originally used for tracking, but when exploring the void fault, if something happens, you can use it to find the location of the accident.

But in the current situation, if Qiao Ye continued to use the flying boat, he would obviously be searched by the defenders. Therefore, Qiao Ye could only abandon the flying boat and walk on foot.

The setting sun is like fire, and the aftermath of the scorching sun is still there.

Qiao Ye took out the kettle and took a sip, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye noticed something and looked up to the front.

In the middle of the road, there is actually a huge boulder. The boulder is about two meters high and three meters across. It is wet and emitting white smoke. Looking closely, the stone seems to have been boiled, and the water flowing down from it is boiling water. .

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, ignored the boulder, bypassed the road, and continued walking forward.

But not long after Qiao Ye had walked this way, he stopped again, and something appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes again. It was not a stone, but a broken knife, which was stuck in the middle of the road.

Qiao Ye hooked the corners of her mouth, showing disdain, then bypassed the broken knife and continued to walk forward.

About a cup of tea, Qiao Ye saw a melon shed by the side of the road. The melon shed was not big, and there were two or three tables. The boss was never seen. There were only one table with guests. There were two people in total, one of whom was tall and strong, The slap is like a cattail fan, and a melon the size of a head can be covered with a stretched hand.

The other person is short in stature, but looks rather refined. What is quite eye-catching is that this person is carrying a bag on his back, which contains three knives.

Qiao Ye walked directly into the tea shed and sat down at the table of the two.

Qiao Ye said indifferently: "Among the seventy-two evil spirits, boiled stones and swallowed knives?"

"Not bad!" The short man smiled and said, "I am Tun Dao."

The burly man hummed, "I'm Zhushi."

Tun Dao smiled and said: "Knowing that our seventy-two evil spirits are out, you still dare to come directly like this, it is quite courageous."

Qiao Ye sneered, and then said: "Give you a chance to live, tell me why you came to me, and I can spare you."

"Hahahahahaha..." Tun Dao was stunned, and then said: "We have always threatened our lives. This is the first time we have been threatened by others. It is interesting, really interesting."

The seventy-two earth evil ghosts, named after the seventy-two earth evil techniques, are a group of notorious guys...

These guys have been in the battlefield of the Nine Realms all year round. Among them are people from Wuyu and Lingyu. It is rumored that they have recruited some people from Moyu.

These guys have committed crimes in various domains, even serious crimes. They are wanted by various countries, or have powerful enemies. They cannot survive in various domains, and then fled into the battlefield of the Nine Domains.

Seventy-two earth evil spirits usually do anything, or more directly, do anything that has money.

In the previous war between Lingwu and Wuyu, these guys were mercenaries. They didn't care whether they were from Wuyu or Lingyu. They would help whoever gave benefits. Money was everything, without any emotion or integrity.

Now, the two realms of Lingwu can't fight anymore. These guys are mainly engaged in looting business. As long as they have passed through the battlefield of Nine Realms, as long as they are not guards, guards and secrets of the world, they all dare to rob .

In addition to looting, they also do head trading, which is the killer business. Someone pays for it, and they help kill people.

The Seventy-two Earthly Evil Ghosts are actually not only seventy-two people, at least thousands of them, but the strongest among them will have the title of Seventy-two Earthly Evil Ghosts.


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