Chapter 1138 Kill

On the surface, it wasn't a surprise that the seventy-two evil spirits found Qiao Ye. As long as someone gave them money, they would dare to do anything.

But in fact, it is very abnormal, because no matter what the boundary guards do, they will not give money to the seventy-two evil ghosts to help them catch themselves.

To put it bluntly...

I can't afford to lose that person!

Tun Dao looked at Qiao Ye, and said with a smile: "Actually, you have to ask why we are here. It's simple and simple. We two brothers are a little tight recently. I heard that Qiao Shaoxia robbed the treasure house of Linglong Tower. I'm here A pen with a thumb is enough courage, and then I want to ask Qiao Shaoxia for a few coins, so that I can make a living."

Qiao Ye said: "I robbed the treasure house of Linglong Tower? Who told you?"

Qiao Ye did have a chance to loot, but Qiao Ye actually only took Qingquan Liuxiang.

Tun Dao said: "Our brothers have traveled far and wide, there are always some ways in the world, and it is normal to have such sources of news, what does Qiao Shaoxia think?"

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "It seems that your Jianghu news is not very accurate."

"So..." Tun Dao took a knife from behind, slapped it on the table, and said, "Shaoxia Qiao is not planning to give generously? This is not good. Shaoxia Qiao left the guardian, and I am afraid that he can only be a river and lake person in the future." Yes, people in Jianghu should help each other."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Are you worthy?"

Tun Dao's face became gloomy and said: "Since Qiao Shaoxia doesn't give face, then don't we have to give face?"

Tun Dao said that he was going to grab the handle of the knife, but at this moment...


There was a sound of a blade being unsheathed.

Tun Dao was shocked instantly, how did the knife get out of its sheath before he grabbed the handle?


Qiao Ye grabbed the knife!

Qiao Ye held the handle of the knife in one hand and pulled out the knife. A silver light flashed in front of Tun Knife, and then Qiao Ye returned the knife to the scabbard.

Tun Dao looked down at his chest, and a hole had been cut in his lapel.

This is definitely not accidental, or Qiao Ye missed, as long as Qiao Ye thinks, that knife can cut off Tun Dao's head.

Qiao Ye said: "Let me ask again, how did you know that I looted the treasure house of Linglong Tower."

Tun Dao's face was ugly, and his heart was trembling.

Kicked to the iron plate!

Qiao Ye's cultivation level and ability are very clear among the defenders, but how can a person like the seventy-two ghosts know Qiao Ye's cultivation level?

Although these guys do a lot of evil, they are still afraid of the defenders. They usually walk around, and they don't have much contact with the defenders.

So, that's how Swallowing Knife and Boiled Stone came about.

Isn't he just a kid in his early twenties, so what if he is a guardian? Could it be that I can't clean it up? I have lived for more than ten years and practiced for more than ten years. Could it be that they were given for nothing.

But now, Tun Dao realized that he really couldn't deal with Qiao Ye, and he really wanted to give it for nothing.


Swallowing the knife was very strange. With just one knife, he knew that he was definitely not Qiao Ye's opponent, so he turned around and ran away immediately.

Boiled Stone is very dull, he mainly focuses on Tun Dao, he obeys Tun Dao's orders, he will do what Tun Dao says.

Seeing Tun Dao's body like a ghost, he slammed the table and jumped out of the melon shed towards the back. Zhu Shi also got up quickly and ran towards the outside.

Qiao Ye sneered, and slapped the table directly.

After Qiao Ye slapped it, the table flew out suddenly and hit Tun Dao.

Tun Dao turned around, and quickly drew the knife to chop it down, splitting the table in half.

Qiao Ye sneered and said: "You seventy-two evil spirits are dominating the battlefield of the Nine Realms. You really think that you are so powerful that no one can control you? It's because the defenders are too lazy to look after you. You are a complete waste of your time."

When Qiao Ye was talking, she stood up slowly, and the moment the words fell...

Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and suddenly came to Tun Dao.

Tun Dao was shocked, and quickly slashed at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye didn't intend to move at all, and let the opponent slash at him.


Seeing that the knife was about to hit Qiao Ye's head, Qiao Ye's body suddenly burst into golden light.

Nine-turn golden body!

Tun Dao's slash on Qiao Ye's head was of no use at all. On the contrary, Tun Dao only felt a tingling numbness in his palm.

at the same time……

Zhuo Shi came to Qiao Ye's back, raised his fist, and punched Qiao Ye's head.


When the fist hit Qiao Ye, it made a buzzing sound like hitting a bronze bell.

Qiao Ye said contemptuously: "It is rumored that among the evil spirits of the seventy-two places, the boiled stone evil spirit is born with supernatural powers, and can open mountains and crack monuments, that's all?"

Zhu Shi was furious instantly, and roared, "Wuhun, the Barbarian King of Qianling!"

Zhu Shi directly entered the martial spirit state, and a huge phantom figure appeared behind him. Immediately afterwards, the already terrifying figure suddenly became even more terrifying. The bulging muscles were like pieces of rock .

"Boy..." Zhuo Shi roared angrily, "I'm going to smash you!"

Zhuo Shi clenched his fists with both hands and slammed it down towards Qiao Ye. At this moment, Qiao Ye sneered and punched him back.


Qiao Ye's fist was like a baby's fist in front of Zhuo Shi's fist, but when the two fists collided fiercely...


Zhu Shi's miserable screams suddenly sounded, the expression on his face was completely distorted because of the pain, and his body kept retreating backwards.

When Zhu Shi spread out his hands, his ten fingers were completely distorted, and his hands were trembling constantly.


Qiao Ye stepped forward suddenly, raised his fist, and punched the boiling stone again.


Qiao Ye's fist hit Zhuo Shi's head, and Zhuo Shi's head exploded like a smashed watermelon, with brains mixed with blood constantly scattered around.

"You defeated a martial artist at the first level of the Martial Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 90,000 points."

After killing Zhushi with one blow, Qiao Ye turned around and looked in the direction of Tun Dao.

Tun Dao's legs were so frightened at this moment that his legs were weak. A punch was just a punch, and Zhu Shi's head was in a different place. You must know that although Zhu Shi listened to him, it was because Zhu Shi's head was not very active. , Tun Dao is very clear that Zhu Shi's strength is still higher than his own.

"Joe, Qiao Ye..." Tun Dao agitated his Adam's apple, and said with difficulty: "As the saying goes, keep a line in life, so that we can meet each other in the future, we..."

Before Tun Dao's words fell, Qiao Ye's figure suddenly flashed again, directly across a distance of more than ten meters, and appeared in front of Tun Dao.


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