Chapter 1139 Inn

"See you in the future?" Qiao Ye looked at Tun Dao and jokingly said, "Do you think you still have a chance to meet me?"

Tun Dao was choked by these words, and then showed a fierce look on his face. Since Qiao Ye is not willing to let him go, then there is nothing to say, he can't sit still and let Qiao Ye kill himself!

Tun Dao E came from the side of the gallbladder, and with a roar, three knives came out from behind, slashing in the direction of Qiao Ye.

This guy's sword skills are quite amazing. It's not uncommon to hold a knife with both hands, but the key lies in the third knife. There are buckles on both sides of the handle. Hit in the air.

It looks exquisite, but also a bit gimmicky.

For this attack...

Qiao Ye sneered, "I don't care how fancy you are, I just don't care.

Qiao Ye's body was shining with gold, but he didn't care about the three knives coming at him, and let the knives slash on his body, making a clanging sound.

Anyway, I can't break my nine-turn golden body!

And when Tun Dao's round of attack was over, Qiao Ye suddenly reached out and pinched Tun Dao's neck.

"Have you fought enough?" Qiao Ye said: "If you fight enough, die, I'm still in a hurry!"


Qiao Ye didn't give Tun Dao a chance to answer, she suddenly squeezed Tun Dao's throat with her palm.

"You defeated a martial artist at the first level of the Martial Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained a Martial Soul value: 82,000 points."

Qiao Ye took the space treasure from Tun Dao's body, then stretched out his hand and threw Tun Dao's body out without any intention of taking a second look.

All the way forward, Qiao Ye quickly disappeared at the end of the trail.

Although it was delayed for some time, Qiao Ye still rushed to Yeling County Village before dark.

Yeling County Village is a newly-emerged city in the Nine Realms Battlefield. It was built after the emergence of the Demon Realm. The reason for building here was mainly for trade. Now it is developing well. It is a gathering of people from all regions. Not to mention people from the Three Realms of Spirit, Martial Arts and Demons, people from the Beast Realm and the Art Realm also occasionally appear.

This kind of place where people from various domains gather can be said to be a mixed bag, which is why Qiao Ye plans to settle here.

Because there are boundary guards in Yeling County Village, but they are not easy to manage. Essentially, this place is actually a large-scale trading place and a gathering place for the north and south. There are not small interests involved in it, and it is inconvenient for the boundary guards to intervene. Therefore, the boundary guards are only coordinating and stationing. The background behind the Yeling County Village is actually the twelve countries in the Wu domain. As far as Qiao Ye knows, at least six countries have participated in the cooperative construction of the Yeling County Village.

There is a lot of people in this place, and it is not easy for the defenders to find Qiao Ye's traces. After all, there are not many defenders stationed here. If you are in a city where tens of thousands of people gather, or even, at most, the number of people can exceed 100,000 In the village, if they can meet by chance, then Qiao Ye thinks it's unlucky.

Walking into an inn, Xiao Er immediately greeted him warmly, and said with a smile: "Guest officer, should you stay at the inn?"

"Everything!" Qiao Ye said, "First, bring me something to eat. You can order whatever you want, and then ask for a guest room."

"Okay." Xiao Er led Qiao Ye to the table, wiped it with a towel and said, "Sit first, the food and drinks will be here soon."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Er left. After a while, he brought Qiao Ye three dishes and one soup, as well as rice and a pot of sake. At the same time, there was a wooden sign with the number two written on it, which was the key to the guest room.

Qiao Ye ate, then got up and went to the backyard of the inn. After finding her own guest room, she lay down on the bed.

Leaning on the bed, Qiao Ye took out the Qingquan Liuxiang and looked at it.

What exactly does Jiang Liuxue want with this thing?

To be honest, Qiao Ye originally thought that after he found the things, he would get the answer, knowing what Jiang Liuxue was looking for these things for, because, no matter how mysterious Jiang Liuxue made it, no matter how rare the things were, his jade token would appear Even through the light curtain, he was able to tell himself what it was, but Qiao Ye still didn't know the truth.

Qingquan Liuxiang (spiritual material) (Stone of the Sky): The legendary Stone of Sky.

This is the information that appeared in the light curtain, Qiao Ye almost scolded his mother, can he be more perfunctory? Who knows what the Sky Stone is!

Qiao Ye could only lament about this, and then put away the sound of the clear spring.

Instead of thinking about the sound of the clear spring, Qiao Ye began to think about the route.

In the past, because of his status as a boundary guard, Qiao Ye used flying boats to run around the battlefield of the Nine Regions, and he could also borrow the teleportation pattern, but now he can't, not only can't use the teleportation pattern, even the flying boat can't Yes, he had to walk on foot, and Qiao Ye realized that the Nine Domains Battlefield was really unimaginably large, and it was completely at the level of one domain.

"Why don't you buy a flying boat?"

Qiao Ye thought about it for a while. It might take more than ten days on foot, or even more than half a month to reach the destination.

Therefore, it is really troublesome not to be able to use the flying boat, but what Qiao Ye can't use is the standard flying boat of the defenders, because the formation pattern carved on the flying boat can be located by the defenders, if it is an ordinary flying boat, there is no problem problem.

Qiao Ye originally hoped that there would be a flying boat in the space treasure of Tun Dao and Zhuo Shi, but unfortunately they didn't have one, and wanted to buy a flying boat...

After thinking about it, Qiao Ye gave up the idea.

Flying boats, even if they are of the ninth rank, are very expensive, because the materials used for such things as flying boats are horrific, how much spiritual material does an ordinary treasure use? The spiritual material consumed by a flying boat is at least thirty or forty times that of ordinary treasures!

This makes flying boats very expensive, and a ninth-rank flying boat can be exchanged for fifth- and sixth-rank treasures.

The more troublesome point is that because the cost of the flying boat is high, it is difficult to recover the cost in a short time in mass production. Secondly, many people also have requirements for the shape of the flying boat, so there is almost no stock of the flying boat. That is to say, most of the time , the flying boats are all customized according to the customer's requirements, and then a part of the deposit is paid in advance, or the customer provides the spiritual materials themselves, and the store only earns the processing fee.

Of course, customization needs to wait, but Qiao Ye has no time to wait right now.

"It's really impossible to grab one!"

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and felt that this was probably the most reliable way.

While thinking about it, the feeling of fatigue also gradually hit, Qiao Ye stretched his waist, and simply entered the state of meditation and cultivation.

But also at this time...

Outside the window paper, a figure swayed slightly, and then a small hole was poked in the window paper, and one eye cautiously looked into the room.


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