Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1140 Mandarin Duck Pirates

Chapter 1140 Mandarin Duck Pirates

"I didn't sleep, but I was meditating!"

There was a man and a woman standing at the door of Qiao Ye. The man was named Luo Jin, and the woman was named Fu Junxian. They were the famous mandarin duck thieves.

The cultivation of the two people is extraordinary, they are both strong in the Martial Emperor Realm, but what is even more powerful is that they have patronized the imperial palaces of the twelve kingdoms in the Martial Domain, not only looting their belongings, but also leaving a note of visiting here , Let Wuyu Twelve Kingdoms lose face and become famous in Wuyu.

Fu Junxian said: "Then what are you waiting for? Take the medicine quickly!"

Luo Jin nodded, took out a bamboo tube from his arms, pierced it through the small hole, and blew hard.

"Huh?" Luo Jin took out the bamboo tube and looked at it, "It's not right."

Fu Junxian said: "What's wrong?"

Luo Jin said: "It seems to be blocked and cannot blow out, but it looks like there is no problem."

Fu Junxian said: "Try again."

Luo Jin nodded, and then blew hard, but the result was still blocked, and it was impossible to blow the drug into the room.

Luo Jin took out the bamboo pipe again: "It still can't blow out..."


Before Luo Jin finished speaking, a fist suddenly shattered a piece of the window, then grabbed Luo Jin's collar, and directly dragged Luo Jin into the room.


Luo Jin fell on the floor in the room, crying out in pain.

When Fu Junxian saw it, he was shocked, and quickly jumped into the room, rolled to Luo Jin's side and said, "Sir, what's going on?"

Qiao Ye stood by the window and jokingly said, "What are you talking about?"

Fu Junxian was shocked and said, "Haven't you already meditated?"

Qiao Ye sneered, the appearance of the seventy-two ghosts made Qiao Ye a bit more vigilant, because there was something strange about this matter.

Qiao Ye had been on guard against the boundary guards coming to the door, but unexpectedly those who ran around appeared instead of the boundary guards.

It is also possible to say that it has appeared. Qiao Ye deliberately avoided the channels through which the defenders could find themselves, but did not avoid the channels through which those in the rivers and lakes could find themselves. But the problem is that outsiders should not interfere in this matter. It is impossible to use the hands of outsiders to hunt down oneself, let alone find something like the seventy-two evil spirits.

Secondly, the words of swallowing the knife made Qiao Ye more vigilant. The other party thought that he had robbed the treasure house of Linglong Pagoda, but this was not the case at all. Qiao Ye obviously only took Qingquan Liuxiang.

Therefore, Qiao Ye felt strange about this matter. Then, since he was suspicious, how could Qiao Ye be careless?

Sure enough, guests came just after falling asleep.

Luo Jin gritted his teeth, a carp stood up from the ground and said: "Don't talk nonsense with him, go!"

"Hey, it turns out that the mandarin duck thief is not only good at stealing things." Qiao Ye smiled and said, "You even do burglary?"

Qiao Ye's words were obviously full of jokes. Although the word bandit is not separated, the two families have never been used to it. A bandit is a bandit, and a bandit is a bandit. It is skill to take away things without knowing it, especially those gangsters, who rely on their numbers to snatch them hard, without any technical content.

Therefore, the relationship between the two families is not good, and robbers are their own school, but not bandits.

Luo Jin and Fu Junxian are both thieves, but now they are doing bandit robbery.

Luo Jin and Fu Junxian also blushed, but they couldn't care less about it. Qiao Ye robbed the treasure house of Linglong Tower, and Linglong Tower was one of the gathering places of the defenders, and more than half of the wealth of the defenders was also all in these gathering points.

So, how much wealth did Qiao Ye have to loot the warehouse of Linglong Tower? Even if it only accounts for 10% of the wealth of the defenders, that is an astronomical figure.

In this case, what is the rule of stealing the door? What happened to being a bandit once?

Qiao Ye didn't know what the two of them were thinking, otherwise she would have sighed and asked if they had lived on dogs for so many years.

This kind of news is false. How could Qiao Ye loot the treasure house of Linglong Tower by himself?

This is not a matter of being able to grab or not, but how does Qiao Ye bring things out?

One spatial treasure cannot be taken out at all, and ten pieces are not enough. At least hundreds of spatial treasures can be used to pack the things in the warehouse.

The space treasure cannot be placed in other space treasures, because the space treasure represents an independent small space, if it is placed in other space treasures, the spaces will overlap, which is not in line with the law of space, and then The space is unbalanced, and the space becomes extremely unstable. The final result may be that even people and treasures are blown up together.

This is common sense!

Therefore, if Qiao Ye is really going to be able to rob the treasure house of Linglong Tower, he must be covered with hundreds of space treasures. Is it possible to be conservative?

Let's not talk about where Qiao Ye got so many spatial treasures. Even if he strung them with ropes, he couldn't hang them on his body, so he had to drag them around. Anything that even a little brain knows can't be done.

Luo Jin and Fu Junxian are considered veterans, and they didn't even think about it. It can only be said that they were completely dazzled by the unimaginable wealth.

at the same time……

Luo Jin had already jumped forward first. With a flick of his wrist, three darts appeared on his fingertips. With a flick of his wrist, he flung them towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye turned his head sideways and easily avoided those darts.

But at this moment...

Luo Jin raised his eyebrows, showing a triumphant expression.

Qiao Ye also realized that something was wrong at this moment. After the three darts flew past, a gleam of crystal light appeared around him.

At the end of those three darts, there are actually three almost transparent silk threads!

These three silk threads are not ordinary, but the silk thread of the dragon-patterned golden silkworm of Daxue Mountain, which is extremely strong and can break all kinds of weapons. It is also a prop used by Luo Jin to steal, with...

Killing weapon!

Almost instantly, with the shaking of Luo Jin's wrist, those silk threads were loosened and tightened, and they were directly wrapped around Qiao Ye's body.

Luo Jin said with a ferocious expression: "Give me death!"

With Luo Jin's forceful pull, those silk threads tightened instantly!

The sharpness of the silk thread was comparable to a third-rank sword, and this blow was enough to completely cut off Qiao Ye's body. At that time, taking away Qiao Ye's space treasure would make a fortune.


Luo Jin's expression froze for the next moment.

Qiao Ye's body suddenly burst into golden light, and his silk thread was strangled into the golden light. Not to mention cutting off Qiao Ye's body, even the golden light couldn't be broken. Pull down the thread.

Qiao Ye reached out and grabbed Luo Jin's silk thread, and said with a smile, "You said, I'm going to die?"

While Qiao Ye was talking, he pulled the silk thread. Luo Jin felt a huge force coming, and his body was dragged by Qiao Ye continuously.


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