Chapter 1144 Sima Yang

"You defeated a martial artist of the fifth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 180,000 points."

After Qiao Ye killed Bai Yanfeng...


At this moment, a loud noise suddenly appeared. Looking back, it was Polaris who had already cut through the crowd, and then directly split a piece of the wall.

Polaris left the inn first, and Qiao Ye immediately followed, but everyone in the courtyard chased after him.

Qiao Ye's eyes were cold, and she turned her head sharply and said, "Are you really not afraid of death? Then I will help you!"

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, all phenomena on the earth!

Qiao Ye squatted on the ground, and slapped down on the ground with one palm.

next moment...

Boom, boom!

The ground in front of him suddenly trembled, and cracks appeared continuously one after another. Then, amidst the tremors of the ground, huge boulders were pushed up from the ground one by one, and were ruthlessly knocked into the air.

This is obviously not bad. Someone was caught in the middle by the lifted boulder, and suddenly screamed out, his body was crushed in an instant, bloody and bloody, and his bones were shattered.

Qiao Ye didn't show any intention of holding back her hands. After getting up from the ground, she raised her head and pointed to the sky.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!


In the sky, the sound of thunder suddenly sounded, and a series of thunder lights suddenly appeared, and then the lightning was like a long dragon.

The azure radiance illuminated the faces of everyone, and then one after another thunderbolts fell from the sky.

Tianwei fell, hitting everyone directly!

Accompanied by the continuous sound of thunderclaps, the rocks surging up in the courtyard were also continuously shattered. Countless stones flew horizontally and hit all around, blasting people out continuously.

"You defeated a martial artist of the second level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 58,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist of the seventh level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 88,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist of the seventh level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 78,000 points."


Qiao Ye sneered, glanced at the messy courtyard, then turned around and got out from the collapsed wall.


Qiao Ye greeted Polaris, and then walked forward quickly.

Yeling County Village can't stay any longer.

Moreover, if according to the current situation, not only the defenders, but everyone thinks that Qiao Ye is carrying a treasure, then it is not just a matter of the Yeling County Walled City, but all the places where people gather, including the City Walled City Qiao Ye was not allowed to go to places like the bazaar, etc. Once he was recognized by someone, he would end up being surrounded and beaten as he is now.

"It seems that I can only sleep in the wilderness!"

Qiao Ye sighed, she still had to hurry, since she couldn't go to crowded places, she had to sleep in the open.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye walked towards the gate of Yeling County Village, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt something, and suddenly looked down at the ground.

The moment Qiao Ye lowered his head, a milky white light suddenly radiated from the ground, and then a series of white lines suddenly appeared, quickly spreading towards the surroundings.


The white lines did not extend indiscriminately, but showed a certain pattern, forming a diamond-shaped outer ring, and the inside was covered with countless folded lines, drawing a weird and obscure pattern.

"Qiao Ye, let's capture her without a fight, and come back to Linglong Tower with us!"

At this time, voices were heard from both sides of the street, and four figures appeared.

A total of four defenders!

Qiao Ye was silent for a while, not too surprised, the commotion in the inn was so big, it was impossible not to be known by the guards, but Qiao Ye still felt that the other party came too late.

Now it seems that the other party didn't come late, but they were smart enough not to join the battle in the inn. After all, it was too chaotic, and it was difficult for them to take down Qiao Ye, so they simply made preparations in advance on the street and arranged a formation .

A boundary guard stepped forward and said, "Qiao Ye, do you still know me?"

Qiao Ye glanced at the other party, and then said, "Sima Yang?"

Sima Yang, a boundary guard at the boundary level, has a cultivation level of the first level of Emperor Wu.

Qiao Ye and Sima Yang are not familiar. However, Sima Yang is the guardian of Linglong Tower, so Qiao Ye and Sima Yang have met many times. When people in the world were fighting, Sima Yang also bet on Qiao Ye and won a lot, and the relationship became closer because of this, but it was limited to chatting occasionally and saying hello when they met.

Sima Yang came to the front, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "As long as you are arrested without a fight, I will intercede for you after I send you back to the Linglong Tower. Not resisting means repentance. I believe that Lin Jie and Liang Zhicheng will treat you lightly." Lost."

Qiao Ye was silent for a moment, then said, "Sorry, I can't go back with you."

"You are obsessed with no regrets." Sima Yang said with a hint of disappointment: "Qiao Ye, I don't understand why you did this? Lin Jiexu and Liang Zhicheng are very optimistic about you. What is lacking in talent and current cultivation is only qualifications, becoming a world-defender is inevitable, and even, it is very likely to become one of the twenty-eight constellations, do you know that you are destroying your own future!"

Qiao Ye was silent again, then shook her head and said, "I won't go back with you, and you can't stop me."

"In that case, it's useless to say more!" Sima Yang said: "Qiao Ye, I know you are powerful now, and I may not be your opponent, but I'm afraid it won't be so easy for you to leave. I have already notified you. Guardian, after half an hour, the opponent will arrive, are you confident that you can kill them within half an hour?"

"It should be said, are you confident that you can keep me for half an hour?" Qiao Ye said while looking at the formation patterns under his feet: "Just relying on this formation?"

Sima Yang curled his lips and said, "Then you will have to try it to know!"

Qiao Ye said: "Then give it a try!"

As Qiao Ye spoke, he took a step forward.

Almost instantly, when Qiao Ye took a step, a white mist suddenly rose in front of Qiao Ye.

The feeling of the white mist was very strange, and it actually had a sharp meaning.

Suddenly, a knife, a sword, and two weapons condensed from the smoke flew towards Qiao Ye.

Before Qiao Ye could make a move, Polaris moved first, moving sideways to Qiao Ye, with a pair of crystal swords in his hands, slashing forward, smashing the sword formed by the smoke.

However, this is clearly only the beginning!

In that pattern, clusters of white smoke are constantly rising.


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