Chapter 1145 Confrontation

The more white fog there is around, the more weapons the smoke condenses.

Swords and halberds, axes, hooks and forks, everything is available!

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "The golden formation of the five elements, but if you want to stop me with this, I seem to be really underestimated."

"Of course one formation is not enough, not to mention it was arranged temporarily." Sima Yang narrowed his eyes and said, "But do you think the four of us are all dead?"

The moment Sima Yang finished speaking, his clothes suddenly puffed up without any wind.

The real dragon breaks its strength!

Sima Yang, as a boundary guard at the boundary level, is also at the level of Emperor Wu, so of course his subordinates are well-versed. This real dragon breaking strength is a first-grade skill left over from the ancient times.

Sima Yang punched out, his body was full of vigor, and then the sound of dragon chant suddenly resounded.

Two ferocious five-clawed golden dragons appeared, soaring forward one after the other.

The first golden dragon collided with Qiao Ye's fist, knocking Qiao Ye back half a step, while the second golden dragon moved forward and slammed into Qiao Ye's chest fiercely.

The next moment, a huge impact appeared, and the air waves swept layer by layer, the surrounding ground collapsed, and countless gravel flew up and fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Sima Yang is indeed not an opponent who can be dealt with casually. Polaris wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Qiao Ye: "You deal with the formation, and I will deal with the four of them."

While Qiao Ye was talking, another defender also shot suddenly.

With a clang, the saber was drawn out of its sheath, and the sound of the saber's clanging suddenly sounded.

The boundary guard cut out with a knife, and what appeared was not a sword light, but a crack in the void several feet long, a dark one, and chaotic smog continuously erupted from the crack.

Of course, this crack in the void didn't appear suddenly, but the opponent's knife is quite extraordinary, it can be a knife technique that can break through space.

Here I have to say that the strength of the three people following Sima Yang cannot be underestimated.

After all, Sima Yang, as a boundary-defender, leads an elite team of boundary-defenders, each of whom is of a very high standard. Except for Sima Yang, the three of them are at the peak level of the Martial Emperor Realm. Moreover, Within the same realm, it is definitely an outstanding one, and every subordinate has a unique skill.

However, an elite team needs at least two boundary guards, and Qiao Ye did not find that there was a second player around Sima Yang who could reach the same level as him.

But a team usually needs at least five people, and there are only four at the moment, and it may happen that that one is not here, so Sima Yang only has three people in one belt, which is also good news for Qiao Ye. It is of course more troublesome for Qiao Ye to shoot at the same time.


At the same time, the shackles that spanned the space appeared in front of Qiao Ye, and the terrifying chaotic haze opened its mouth like a ferocious giant beast, and began to devour everything.

However, Qiao Ye was indeed not a good opponent. Facing the void crack that appeared, he refused to retreat, but directly defended.

Black light radiated from Qiao Ye's body, and he was so powerful that he forcibly blocked the crack in the void.

Nine-turn golden body!

However, this kind of knife technique that can shatter the void and form a crack in the void is definitely not a purely physical attack. Even if the nine-turn golden body is a super-grade skill, it is not enough to directly defend it!

next moment...


A huge sound appeared, and the nine-turn golden light exploded at the same time as the crack in the void.


The other party is not two people, but four people!

The third defender made a move at this moment, let out a low growl, and jumped up directly, entering the martial spirit state.

"Martial Soul!" The boundary guard roared angrily, "Block the sky and the sun!"

One of the strongest Martial Souls at the Heavenly Chosen level!

Cover up the sky and the sun!

The defender continued to growl, and pushed his palms towards the sides. The aura on his body continued to increase, becoming more and more terrifying. At the same time, a black radiance emerged from his body, wrapping around his body like water. And getting richer.

At that moment, the sky and the earth seemed to be dark. Although it was night at the moment, it was as if under the night, there was a layer of black curtain. It was very depressing, but there was a fiery heat wave rolling out.

It was a big black sun, grand and pitch-black, with a breathtaking aura, flickering with the light, and even emitting black flames, it was very terrifying.

In the middle of the big black sun, the Defender stood with his hands behind his back, with a strong murderous look and a ferocious face.

for a moment...

The moment the sky and black sun formed, countless black flames began to fall from the sky, falling towards Qiao Ye continuously.

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes and reached out to hold the black halberd!

Facing the defenders, Qiao Ye has always held back his hands. Even when he was in Linglong Tower, Qiao Ye deliberately used sticks as weapons instead of halberds, just because he was afraid of accidentally hurting people.

But this time, Qiao Ye knew very well that the opponent he was facing was no small matter, and he definitely couldn't just handle it casually by himself!

"Get off!"

Qiao Ye let out a roar, and the black smoke lingering on the black halberd continued to grow huge, and then turned into a black smoky halberd that was more than ten meters away and soared upwards!

The black smoke pierced into the sky with great power, and the black halberd light pushed away towards the surroundings, like black waterfalls hanging down one after another, gloomy and depressing, the terrifying power made people feel hard to breathe.


The black smoke giant halberd cut down fiercely!


The moment the giant halberd fell, a cloud of black smoke billowed in the sky and continued to shatter. The light broke and turned into a piece of radiance.

The defender shrank his pupils and let out a low growl. The big black sun behind him burst into light, and the black flames rose in the wind, colliding fiercely with the falling halberd light.

With a bang, the black flames were continuously chopped, and the black sword light began to shatter.


In the end, the boundary guard opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, fell straight from the air, and fell hard to the ground.

"You defeated a martial artist of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 310,000 points."

"Ah Si!" Sima Yang couldn't help shouting, then looked at Qiao Ye, the murderous intent in his eyes became a little stronger, he gritted his teeth and said, "Qiao Ye, since you insist on doing this, then don't blame me for not being sympathetic!"

Following Sima Yang's words, the former boundary guard placed the saber in front of him, the aura emanating from his body became stronger, he reached out and wiped the saber, and then...

The sword is proud!

That knife cut out, and the light of the knife danced in the sky.

Countless sword lights appeared, covering an area, and the dense sword lights gathered together, falling from the sky like a silver waterfall.

The light of the sword shocked the sky, spreading dozens of hundreds of meters wide, just looking at it can make people feel trembling.


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