Chapter 1147 Collision

Sima Yang said in a deep voice, "Qiao Ye, do you think words can shake me?"

"Just tell the truth." Qiao Ye looked at Sima Yang and said, "Although their current injuries are not fatal, it's hard to say what will happen if they drag on."

Sima Yang said: "If that's the case, it's their own choice. From the first day they become boundary guards, they should know that they might die!"

While speaking, Sima Yang stepped into the pattern.

"This formation is actually used like this!"

While speaking, Sima Yang raised his fists and touched them hard.

Almost instantly, the white mist in the pattern suddenly gathered, quickly came to Sima Yang's side, and stuck to Sima Yang's body continuously, like a suit of armor.

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows. Sima Yang's True Dragon Breaking Strength is a lineage of the five-element kung fu. Among the five elements, it belongs to the metal formation, and this formation is also metallic. Obviously, Sima Yang is using his own Cultivation method, resonates with this formation method, thereby strengthens oneself.

Polaris slowly came behind Qiao Ye. She tried to rush out of the pattern, but failed. Now that the white mist gathered around Sima Yang, she naturally quickly came to Qiao Ye's side to cover.

"Phew, it seems that we can only wait for the guards to come and send you to treatment." Qiao Ye let out a long breath, and then suddenly said, "Beast Soul Symbiosis!"

The moment Qiao Ye finished speaking, a large aurora appeared on Polaris.

In the next moment, Qiao Ye's body suddenly glowed with light, echoing the aurora on Polaris' body, exuding a silver-white radiance. The radiance quickly turned into a circle, spreading around in circles, and then the radiance continued. The shattering formed little by little crystal crumbs, like snowflakes, constantly falling from Qiao Ye's side, which looked extremely beautiful.

At the same time, at the moment when the crystal shards appeared, two wisps of aurora slowly appeared on both sides of Qiao Ye's body, which were incomparably gorgeous, like two beautiful silks and satins, surrounding Qiao Ye's body, continuously clockwise flowing.

After a while, there was a sound like freezing on Qiao Ye's body, and then crystallization gradually appeared on Qiao Ye's body, covering Qiao Ye's body as quickly as ice, building a set of crystal clear crystal armor, covering Qiao Ye's body. The whole body of the leaf.

At the same time, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand was quickly covered with a layer of frost and mist, gradually covered by crystallization, and finally turned into a crystallized color. It was a general crystalline halberd forged from diamond.

The state of beast soul symbiosis!

However, for Qiao Ye, this was not enough!

To defeat Sima Yang in an instant, Qiao Ye needs to become stronger!

"The Netherworld!"


Qiao Ye raised the black halberd high, and then slammed it down downward.

Behind Qiao Ye, suddenly, black smoke erupted suddenly, rushing towards the surroundings crazily. In the blink of an eye, the black smoke was like a black ocean. When the layers of smoke were rolled up, Just like a wave.

Boom, boom, boom!

With the massive black smoke surging towards the surroundings, the ground trembled continuously, and the surrounding scenery began to change, forming a field.

One after another, stone mountains rose from the ground and appeared in the surrounding area.

On the rocky mountain, dense white bones appeared, covering the rocky mountain, and the mountain was tied with iron chains one by one. On the iron chains, there were skeleton heads hanging one by one. When the wind blew, they collided constantly, sending out Crisp sound.

With a flick of Qiao Ye's wrist, the crystallized halberd in his hand wrapped around Qiao Ye's wrist, dancing out a halberd flower.


Qiao Ye smashed the crystallized halberd towards the ground, then looked at Sima Yang and said, "I'm coming!"

Qiao Ye stepped forward, and the whole person rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, leaving only an afterimage.

On the other side, Sima Yang stretched out his hands, and the smoke surrounding Sima Yang turned into the air of a golden spear, revealing an incomparably sharp aura.

Sima Yang directly raised his hand and slashed forward with a hand knife.


The power of Sima Yang's palm smashed the ground in front of him. Except for the area covered by the pattern, the other areas were completely shattered.

After Sima Yang's True Dragon Breaking Strength was superimposed on the power of the formation, it was unimaginably terrifying, and the power was completely multiplied.

However, amidst the rising dust...

A brilliant light appeared, which was particularly dazzling in the dust, and then under Sima Yang's surprised gaze, Qiao Ye suddenly rushed forward.

Sima Yang's eyes widened, is this all right?


The next moment, Qiao Ye came to Sima Yang, swept the crystal halberd in his hand, and swung it forward.

Sima Yang's reaction was also extremely fast, and he wanted to leap forward quickly, but the moment he was about to do so, Sima Yang suddenly realized...

I can't move myself!

Sima Yang looked down quickly, and suddenly found that his legs were covered by a layer of crystals, and the layer of crystals connected to the ground completely restricted his movements.

Sima Yang immediately looked to the side, it was Polaris!

The biggest feature of the beast soul symbiosis is that it can use the beast soul symbiosis to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the beast master, and it can also share the ability of the beast master.

And the most important point is sharing, not after Polaris lent his power to Qiao Ye, he would be abolished.

Polaris can also participate in the war!

Sima Yang cared so much about Qiao Ye that he ignored the existence of Polaris!

Sima Yang hurriedly slashed downwards with a knife in his hand, splitting the crystal into pieces, but, after such a delay, it was obviously already too late.


Qiao Ye swiped the halberd straight forward, striking Sima Yang's lower abdomen vigorously.

Sima Yang's complexion suddenly changed, his complexion turned pale for a few minutes, and his body curled up like a dried shrimp.

Qiao Ye didn't stop, and with a flick of her wrist, the crystallized halberds quickly turned over and hit Sima Yang hard on the back.


There was a second muffled sound, and Sima Yang was directly hit by Qiao Ye and fell to the ground.

"It's just a temporary formation!" Qiao Ye lowered the corner of his mouth and said, "You can't stop me!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she planned to walk forward, but at this moment...

Sima Yang suddenly reached out and grabbed Qiao Ye's ankle!

"I told you, you won't be able to leave today!" Sima Yang gritted his teeth and said, "If I let you go, it means I've failed my duty!"

While talking, Sima Yang slammed the ground and jumped up again. The formation patterns around him flickered, and countless transformed weapons flew towards Qiao Ye and launched attacks.


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