Chapter 1148 Strange

"Martial soul! Sima Yang growled and said: "Double dragons fighting for the pearl! "

Accompanied by the sound of roaring, beside Sima Yang, two golden little dragons suddenly appeared, circling Sima Yang's body, wandering constantly.

"Until the Yellow River, I will never die!" Qiao Ye said with gloomy eyes, "You forced me to do this!"

On Qiao Ye's body, the black smoke became denser, and at the same time, Qiao Ye's aura continued to increase.



Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

Almost instantly, a strong killing intent erupted from Qiao Ye's body.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying killing intent erupted from Qiao Ye's body, and that invisible feeling receded towards the surroundings, with a strong sense of oppression, an indescribable feeling that made people unable to breathe.

I don't know if it's because of the beast soul resonance state.

This time, the enchantment directly merged with the state of resonance of the beast soul.

Behind Qiao Ye, a pair of huge crystal wings spread out, crystal horns appeared on the forehead, crystal thorns appeared one by one on the elbows, knees, and back, and the crystal armor's gauntlets and boots became claws. appearance.

Qiao Ye's state at this moment has become extremely terrifying!

Sima Yang gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand forward, and did it with all his strength. The two little golden dragons, one in front and one behind, rushed out in the direction of Qiao Ye.

The golden dragon was so powerful that the moment it passed by, the ground continued to explode.


The moment the golden dragon came to Qiao Ye...


Qiao Ye suddenly raised his fist, from top to bottom, and threw it down towards the golden dragon, and then the dragon's head was directly embedded into the ground by Qiao Ye's punch.

After one blow, Qiao Ye jumped forward and met the second golden dragon, sweeping the crystallized halberd in his hand vigorously forward.

"Crush me!"

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and the crystalline halberd in his hand directly pierced into the second golden dragon's body, and then ran forward quickly, cutting the golden dragon's body abruptly.

If it's just the resonance of the beast soul and the Nether Demon Realm, Sima Yang can still resist it. After being enchanted, Sima Yang will not be Qiao Ye's opponent at all. The two golden dragons will be cut off by Qiao Ye when they meet each other. Sima Yang also looks ugly and opens his mouth. Just spit out a mouthful of blood.

Sima Yang's Martial Soul was actually destroyed by Qiao Ye forcibly!

The next moment, Qiao Ye came to Sima Yang's body, and directly struck Sima Yang's body with his halberd. Sima Yang immediately flew out like a cannonball, and hit the wall behind him fiercely.


With the impact, the wall collapsed and turned into a pile of rubble.

"You defeated a martial artist at the first level of the Martial Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 700,000 points."

Da, da, da, da, da, da...

Qiao Ye moved forward, and the crystal boots struck the ground, making a crisp sound. When he came to Sima Yang, Qiao Ye took out a pill and fed it into the opponent's mouth, followed by the remaining three defenders. , Qiao Ye put the pills into each other's mouth one by one, then turned and walked towards the entrance of the village.



Nine Realms Battlefield, Linglong Tower!

"Ridiculous!" Lin Jiexu slapped the table fiercely, and said angrily, "Who spread the news?"

A boundary guard whispered: "We are still investigating!"

Lin Jiexu said angrily: "Check, check, check, the entire Nine Regions battlefield is crazy now, they all think that the treasure house of our Linglong Tower has been looted, everyone is looking for Qiao Ye, you are still looking!"

"It's because the news spreads too fast, and it's really hard to find the source of the news." The guard said helplessly: "Actually, I think maybe we can take advantage of it. Since so many people are looking for Qiao Ye, it means It is difficult for Qiao Ye to hide, and it is easier for us to grasp his movements."

"You pig's brain!" Beside Lin Jiexu, Liang Zhicheng also had an angry expression on his face, and said through gritted teeth: "You should be clear, if we want to live, we must live!"

Lin Jiexu sighed and said: "The only thing that Qiao Ye took away from Linglong Tower was a stone, other than that, he didn't take anything else, even if that stone is a first-grade spiritual material, how much is it worth? What? Is Qiaoye so poor? Since he is so poor, why didn’t he loot the treasure house? The key is why that stone is worth his risk, and dead people won’t open their mouths, all we want is a living Qiaoye!”

Liang Zhicheng said: "Now everyone is looking for him all over the world, thinking that he has a treasure on him, they will not care about Qiao Ye's life and death, and if Qiao Ye dies, this matter will become a no-brainer case, what we want It’s not a thing, but the truth hidden behind this matter.”

Several boundary-defenders were silent.

"Why are you still standing there? Waiting for me to treat you to dinner!" Liang Zhicheng waved his hand and said, "Go find someone. Everyone in the world is going to move for me, listen to me, and find Qiao Ye for me at all costs."

Several defenders hurriedly said: "Yes!"

Several defenders left in a hurry, Liang Zhicheng and Lin Jiexu looked at each other, and couldn't help showing helplessness.

Liang Zhicheng sighed and said, "I really didn't expect things to turn out like this."

"Since it's already like this, it's useless to think about it." Lin Jiexu said: "We have to think about the conspiracy behind this matter. The first possibility is that it is a rumor, and then it is wrong when it is passed on. Not a lot."

Liang Zhicheng nodded.

This may not really be the case.

The dog of the widow of the East Village gave birth to cubs, and when it reaches the West Village, it may become the king of the East Village. The widow gave birth to a litter of cubs, and in the end, in South Village, she might even become the king of the East Village. The widow gave birth to a litter of cubs with a dog.

Rumors are so unreliable, maybe a certain defender accidentally slipped his mouth, and then it spread like this.

Lin Jiexu continued: "It's better if this situation is uncertain. If someone deliberately spreads such rumors, it will be a big problem."

Liang Zhicheng said: "First, the news spread quickly. What is the origin of the other party, so he can know the internal movements of the boundary defender so quickly? Or is the other party also a boundary defender?"

Lin Jiexu nodded and said: "Secondly, if such news is spread on purpose, then it is obvious that there is only one intention, and he wants Qiao Ye to die."

Liang Zhicheng said: "Then, does he simply have a grudge against Qiao Ye and wants Qiao Ye to die, or does it have anything to do with this matter?"


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