Chapter 1149 Nie Liangqiu

Lin Jiexu and Liang Zhicheng looked at each other, feeling a little headache.

The rumors appeared, and the defenders were also anxious, as the situation seemed to be out of their control.

At this time, a boundary guard hurriedly pushed the door and entered.

Lin Jiexu said: "Didn't you tell me to find someone? Why did you come back again?"

The defender said: "Zi Ling is coming."

Liang Zhicheng frowned and said, "What is that stinky bitch doing here?"

"Hey!" At this time, a laugh came from the door, "I'm here to help!"

The door was pushed open, and an extremely tall woman walked into the room.

The woman doesn't look very old, she is about 30 years old, she has a very beautiful face, and she belongs to the type that can make people fall in love just by looking at it, but the woman's figure makes that face The charm of the face is completely destroyed.

Because women are too tall!

The woman's height was more than 1.9 meters, even close to two meters. After walking in from the door, the guard who entered before was like a chicken. Not only was his head shorter, but his body was smaller than that woman's After a circle, with such a comparison, the woman appeared taller and burlier, especially since she was still wearing a purple-gold armor, her frame naturally appeared larger.

One of the sixteen generals who guard the spiritual world!

General Purple Spirit!

Liang Zhicheng glanced at the other party and said, "We don't need your help for anything!"

General Zi Ling smiled and said: "Liang Zhicheng, you are wrong to say that, Linglong Pagoda is not the site of your Wu domain, but the site of the defenders of Ling Wu domain, and the things in the treasury are not only from your Wu domain Things, as well as our spiritual realm."

"Hmph, those idiots outside listen to the rumors, do you too?" Liang Zhicheng snorted coldly and said, "Don't you know what was lost in the treasury and how many things were lost? I didn't lose any valuables. That stone also belongs to our Wuyu, so don't worry about it."

"You can't say that." General Zi Ling smiled: "Is this a matter of things? This is a matter of face. All the defenders of Linglong Tower have lost their faces. Let a little ghost come and go freely. It’s okay to grab something, but even ran away, I have to get this face back.”

Lin Jiexu frowned and said, "Zi Ling, what exactly do you want?"

General Zi Ling said: "I don't want to do anything, but I just feel that our Lingyu has to contribute to this matter."

Liang Zhicheng waved his hand and said, "No need, we will take care of our affairs by ourselves."

"That's up to you." General Zi Ling smiled and said: "I said, I have to get my face back, so my sons have already been dispatched, and I didn't come here to discuss with you, but to Let me know."

Liang Zhicheng slapped the table and said angrily, "Are you courting death?"

"Do you want to do something? Do you think I can scare you?" General Zi Ling snorted softly and said, "Besides, Qiao Ye's behavior is already considered a betrayal of the defenders, right? You should remove him, That being the case, why can't I make a move? Do you still have a reason to protect him? If it's for the things in his hands, don't worry, I will return them to you in full!"

After General Zi Ling finished speaking, he turned around and waved his hands.

"That's it!" General Zi Ling said: "Anyway, I have already informed you!"

Seeing General Zi Ling leave, Liang Zhicheng was furious, raised his hand, and slashed at the coffee table with his palm, splitting the coffee table to pieces.

After venting, Liang Zhicheng looked at Lin Jiexu and said, "Could it be someone from Lingyu who did it."

"It's hard to tell!" Lin Jiexu sighed and said, "There are too many people in Lingyu who want to make use of it. You know, since Qiao Ye destroyed Lingyu's temple, who in Lingyu doesn't want Qiao Ye to die? But Qiao Ye is the guardian of the boundary, so the guardian of the spiritual domain can't go too far. Now that there is no such relationship, I feel strange that the spiritual domain does not do anything, but..."

Liang Zhicheng said, "But what?"

Lin Jiexu said: "If the rumors were spread by Lingyu, there is no need for Ziling to come here to provoke the two of us, so this matter is hard to say."

Liang Zhicheng said, "What should we do now?"

Lin Jiexu sighed and said, "What else can I do? I can only find Qiao Ye as soon as possible."

Liang Zhicheng nodded, showing helplessness.


at the same time!

Nine Domains Battlefield, Guanshan Road!

Guanshan Road is a dangerous place for military affairs. When Lingyu and Wuyu were still fighting in the Nine Regions Battlefield, Guanshan Road could be said to be a battleground for military strategists.

One is the geographical location. Outside Guanshan Road, there is a pass named Guanshan. Passing the pass is Guanshan Gorge. There are a large number of camps on both sides of the canyon. As long as you occupy this place, you can attack and retreat. Moreover, the terrain itself is not easy. It is very dangerous to defend and attack.

The second is the benefit. Outside the Guanshan Gorge, a fifth-grade spiritual material called Ziluoshi is produced, and the quantity is very large. Secondly, the water source and soil on both sides of the river bank are excellent, which is suitable for planting elixir. Therefore, there are medicinal herbs around the Guanshan Gorge. There are seventeen gardens, whoever can occupy the pass can occupy this large amount of resources, and the annual income is an astronomical figure.

However, now the battle cannot be fought. When the Demon Realm first appeared, for their own benefit, Lingyu and Wuyu also reached an agreement. The resources in this place will be shared equally, and no one will take advantage. After all, an equal share is always better than three parties. Points should be strong.

Therefore, the once dangerous military land is now abandoned.

This is also the reason why Qiao Ye chose to go from here. The pass was abandoned, and there were naturally no people on Guanshan Road. After all, this place is a military place, and there is no place like a market where a large number of people gather.

However, Qiao Ye soon discovered that her whereabouts had been leaked.

After walking along the pass mountain road for a while, at the entrance of the mountain pass, Qiao Ye found that his way was blocked.

Blocking Qiaoye Road was a sedan chair, and four strong bearers stood on both sides of the sedan chair with their arms folded.

When Qiao Ye stood still, a laugh came from the sedan chair, "Qiao Ye, I've been waiting so hard for you."

The door curtain of the sedan chair was pulled open, and a man in a bright red robe stepped out of the sedan chair.

The man's appearance is very handsome, with exquisite features and fair skin, the kind of skin that women would envy when they see it, but the man's taste is really unflattering, and the bright red robe is too eye-catching.

"You may not know me." The man smiled and said, "My name is Nie Liangqiu."

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows and said, "Nie Liangqiu, a ghost of joy and mourning?"

"Oh?" Nie Liangqiu showed a somewhat surprised expression, laughed and said, "Is it my honor that you have heard my name?"


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