Chapter 1150

Qiao Ye didn't make any response, but silently stretched out her hand towards the side, and after holding it for a while, black smoke was lingering in her palm, and a black halberd condensed out.

There are not many people who can make Qiao Ye directly enter the martial spirit state to prepare for the battle, and Nie Liangqiu happens to be one of them!

Nie Liangqiu, born in the Tianmen tribe of the spiritual realm, is a rare genius in the Tianlu tribe.

However, Nie Liangqiu is the typical type who takes care of himself alone. He neither participates in the battle of the Nine Realms, nor does he intend to become a guardian of the realm, guardian of the world, or a mystic of the world.

Nie Liangqiu left the tribe when he was young, traveled alone, and later established his own power, Xihong Villa.

Because when Nie Liangqiu appeared in front of people, he was always dressed in red, like a wedding gown, and because this guy would die most of the time when he appeared, everyone called him happy mourning.

Now, Nie Liangqiu is six out of 30, and he is only one step away from reaching the eighth level of the Spirit Emperor Realm. He can hit the top of the world, and the Xihong Villa he built has also become a first-class force in the spiritual realm.

There were even rumors in the outside world that the guardians of the spiritual domain had offered generous conditions several times, wanting Nie Liangqiu to become one of the sixteen generals of the spiritual domain defenders. After all, it would be too wasteful for Nie Liangqiu to be independent with his strength.

It's a pity that Nie Liangqiu has no interest in becoming a defender, and given his strength, no one dares to force him too much.

Even if Qiao Ye couldn't recognize such a character, he should have heard of it.

Nie Liangqiu put his hands in his sleeves, and said with a smile: "Ming people don't talk dark words, so I won't beat around the bush. As long as you promise to give me half of the things on your body, I will not only give way immediately, but also escort you to the road." What do you think of the first sixty miles, passing directly through the Guanshan Gorge?"

Qiao Ye sneered, "No, because I don't agree."

"Qiao Ye, you have to think about it clearly. If you fight with me, what are your chances of winning?" Nie Liangqiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Besides, a large group of people are trying to kill you right now. Your situation is not so dangerous. With me escorting you for sixty miles, at least the two of us will work together for this distance, no matter who you are, it’s not a bad thing for you, right? "

Qiao Ye said: "I'm really curious. As long as I'm a person from the spiritual realm, I want my life. If you kill me, you can become a hero in the spiritual realm. Don't you feel tempted by this?"

"Hahahahahaha..." Nie Liangqiu laughed loudly and said, "I'm different from those people, hero? What's the advantage of being a hero? Can you eat? Or can you drink? Being a hero can only be unlucky. If there are any troublesome things in the future, they will all Thinking of you, after all, you are a hero! So, why bother? I have no interest in you destroying the temple, and I don't care how many people in the spiritual realm you have killed. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me, I only care about you What good can it do me?"

Qiao Ye said: "What do you think is the benefit of being able to send you to see Hades earlier?"

"Stubbornly obsessed!" Nie Liangqiu snorted coldly, "Man dies for wealth, and bird dies for food, but if he dies, he will have nothing!"

Qiao Ye said: "Isn't that also why I will die!"

"Since you don't listen to what you have to say, then go to hell!" Nie Liangqiu said: "Ah Da, Ah Er, Ah San, Ah Si, kill him!"

Almost at the moment when Nie Liangqiu's words fell, the four porters beside the sedan chair gave a low shout at the same time, and then rushed out in the direction of Qiao Ye.

The moment the four bearers rushed out, Qiao Ye couldn't help raising her eyebrows, she really underestimated them.

These four bearers are not pure bearers, they are not weak, and they all have the cultivation base of the Spirit Emperor Realm.






The four of them didn't rush towards Qiao Ye with a single muscle, but suddenly dispersed when they were about to reach Qiao Ye!

At the same time as they dispersed, the four of them entered the state of ecstasy at the same time, and the psychic abilities of these four people were controlled by celestial phenomena, and it happened to be wind, thunder, rain and snow!

more importantly……

The moment the four of them used their spiritual powers, Qiao Ye could clearly feel that the spiritual powers of the four were actually fused with each other. They were not scattered, but relied on their spiritual powers and continuously overlapped.

In this way, the mental power instantly became quite huge!

Qiao Ye couldn't help squinting his eyes and said, "Combined attack?"

"Hahahahaha..." Nie Liangqiu laughed loudly and said, "I personally selected these four children and raised them. They have lived together since childhood, and their tacit understanding is unimaginable. In order to control it at exactly the same level, even the mental power is controlled at a similar level by using drugs. In this way, the four people are like one person, but in reality four people, the spiritual power is fused and divided, which is the practice of combined attack skills. The best candidate!"

While talking, Nie Liangqiu leaned on the sedan chair, looking like he was watching a good show.

Nie Liangqiu's face was playful, and at the same time with a hint of provocation, he continued: "The four of them are separated, and they are definitely not your opponents, but when the four of them work together, even the first-level cultivators of the Emperor Realm are no match for them, Qiao Ye , if I'm not mistaken, you should be in the Martial Emperor realm, tsk tsk, it's amazing to have such a cultivation level at such an age. , I am still very envious, but your cultivation should not have broken through the third level of the Martial Emperor Realm, but is still at the elementary level, so how should you deal with them? Maybe, maybe I don’t need to make a move!”

Qiao Ye frowned slightly, Nie Liangqiu's banter and provocation were not unreasonable, these four guys were indeed troublesome.

However, these four guys are young children adopted by Nie Liangqiu? Why does she look older than Nie Liangqiu?

While Nie Liangqiu was speaking, those four people's attacks also came at the same time.

The air suddenly became a little moister, and immediately after, the raindrops floated up in the sky, pattering down towards the bottom.

A thunderbolt pierced the sky and fell in the direction of Qiao Ye.

A piece of wind turned into wind blades, pinching Qiao Ye from all directions.

A sheet of frost covered the ground, and then ice thorns surged up one by one, approaching Qiao Ye.

"Huh..." Suddenly, Qiao Ye sighed deeply, then looked at Nie Liangqiu and said, "Nie Liangqiu, do you know, what is the greatest significance of a joint strike?"

Nie Liangqiu looked at Qiao Ye, and the two exchanged glances.

"The greatest significance of a joint attack is to gather the strength of everyone!" Qiao Ye didn't wait for Nie Liangqiu to answer, nor did he show off, but said directly: "So, when one person can do everything, there is nothing wrong with a large number of people." Useful, am I right?"


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