Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1151 Combined Vision Attack

Chapter 1151

As Qiao Ye spoke, he stretched out his hand.

Those four guys were indeed a bit troublesome, but only to the point of trouble.

Almost in an instant, a spiritual charm suddenly bloomed from Qiao Ye's back, and a large area of ​​brilliance appeared, constantly sketching, and soon, a spiritual map of ten thousand magics was drawn.



Qiao Ye raised his hand and snapped his fingers!

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

Almost instantly, a more violent heavy rain hit, but it was very strange. The rainwater that appeared was countercurrent, and rushed out towards the sky. The two pieces of rainwater collided in midair, pushed each other, and then fell into the air. The rainwater was pushed back forcefully.

A large piece of water hit the sky, shattering the clouds in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a more violent storm hit!

The strong wind is like a knife!

There is the sound of howling wind all around, as if something is violently colliding, crazily colliding, crazily tearing, and crazily twisting together.

The surrounding trees were constantly running dry. On both sides of the mountain pass, the big trees that needed three or four people to hug each other collapsed crazily at this moment, hitting the ground continuously.

The ground flew sand and rocks, cracks appeared one after another, the ground collapsed, and large cracks appeared.

In the sky, thunder bursts!

The sound of thunder breaking through the air sounded one after another, and then, those thunders continuously attacked and collided with each other in the air.

Boom, boom, boom!

One after another loud noises appeared continuously, roaring crazily, and the staggered thunders were like giant dragons colliding continuously.

The next moment, Qiao Ye looked down at the frozen ground and the ice thorns that kept rushing towards him. He suddenly raised his hand and swept it forward.


The roaring sound reappeared, and immediately after, a large piece of frost also floated in front of Qiao Ye, surging forward, and criss-crossing ice spikes appeared.

The ice thorns on both sides collided fiercely, making a loud noise, and then shattered. Countless ice chips floated in the sky, scattered one after another, looking extremely beautiful.

Qiao Ye looked at Nie Liangqiu, with contempt in his eyes, and said, "Look, what's the use of all your hard work? When I alone can do what the four of them can do, their cooperation is meaningless." nothing."

Nie Liangqiu's complexion was not very good-looking either. These four people were the trump cards he cultivated. They helped him fight and killed countless enemies.

Even, if these four people were separated, it would be nothing, but when they attack together, they can kill ten times, or even a hundred times as many enemies, and their strength is not something to brag about.

But Nie Liangqiu did not expect that Qiao Ye could resist the attack of the four people so easily.

A hint of anger appeared on Nie Liangqiu's face, and he said coldly, "You should know that I don't need useless people under my command. If you lose..."

The faces of the four porters suddenly changed, and then a fierce look suddenly appeared on their faces, and they became fierce all of a sudden.





The four of them roared to the sky almost at the same time.

Accompanied by that roar, Qiao Ye could feel that the spiritual power of the four of them had improved significantly. The spiritual power that was already blending with each other, at this moment, the degree of fusion became higher, and even, it seemed to have completely become The spiritual power possessed by a person.

next moment...

The spring rain came suddenly, the thunder was rolling, with a slight coolness, the fine rain appeared again, pattering down towards the bottom, the vegetation on the ground was nourished by the rain, and continued to grow, a feeling of endless life and eternal life.

The autumn wind is cold, like a knife slashing, and the atmosphere of killing and cutting is filled with the heaven and earth, which can destroy everything. The vegetation on the ground begins to wither, wither, and the breath of destruction makes people feel palpitations and tremble involuntarily.

On a hot summer day, blazing flames appeared and swept all directions, and the surrounding temperature continued to rise. The vegetation on the ground felt the heat wave, and they continued to wither and turn yellow. , the temperature dropped suddenly, and then traces of white steam rose continuously.

The cold snow suddenly arrived, and the space between the sky and the earth was suddenly covered by a piece of silvery white. The goose-feathered snow continued to fall from the sky, with a icy breath, the ground continued to freeze, and a piece of frost began to spread. All the vegetation was at this moment. Frozen by frost and covered by snow, only the bone-chilling cold remained in the world.

The spiritual power of the four people was completely integrated, and the four spiritual abilities of wind, thunder, rain and snow were also completely fused because of the complete fusion of the spiritual power of the four people.

Even, because of the constant changes in the celestial phenomena, it also caused the changes in the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

This blow is a powerful blow.

The so-called celestial phenomenon is Tianwei.

Manpower is invincible, and Heaven's power is unpredictable!

Under the divine realm, even the supreme being in the world cannot fight against the might of the sky.

After all, people are people, not gods!

But now, relying on the joint efforts of the four of them, the opponent actually made this attack have the power of heaven. Even if the vision only covers a small area, it is still amazing.

Nie Liangqiu laughed loudly and said, "Qiao Ye, what do you think of this blow?"

"Huh..." Qiao Ye exhaled foul air, and then said, "It's not that good!"

"You're still stubborn when you're about to die." Nie Liangqiu snorted coldly, "Get rid of him!"

As Nie Liangqiu's words fell, the spiritual power of the four bearers climbed again, and then a vision emerged from the vision.

The auspiciousness is surging, and the streamer is surging!

The mountain sank, and the sound of rumbling continued, with the feeling of destroying everything.

There have been countless broken pieces on the mountain road, earthquakes, mountain subsidence, rumbling sounds, and the feeling of destroying everything.

At this moment, it seemed that the end was coming, and it even made people feel that the whole world wanted to kill Qiao Ye and cut Qiao Ye to this place.


Behind Qiao Ye, the Ten Thousand Laws Spiritual Diagram suddenly shone brightly, and as the spiritual charm continued to spread towards the surroundings, the Ten Thousand Arts Spiritual Chart suddenly became huge.

On the spiritual map, there was continuous torrential rain, strong winds, and snow-covered cold rivers, exuding an incomparably violent atmosphere, which actually printed the other party's visions of spring, summer, autumn and winter.


Qiao Ye raised his hand and pressed it towards the void in the air, and then, something invisible in the air exploded.

The faces of the four bearers instantly showed horror, and revealed deep disbelief.

Because, at the moment when Qiao Ye's palm was pressed, the vision in the sky began to collapse in an instant!


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