Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1152: Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts

Chapter 1152

The falling rain suddenly stopped.

The wind like a knife no longer flutters.

The flying frost began to thaw.

The bursts of thunder suddenly dissipated.

The faces of the four porters were pale, and they all spat out a mouthful of blood. They flew backwards and fell to the ground hard.

Just for a moment!

Qiao Ye completely defeated the joint efforts of the four of them.

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the sixth level of the Spirit Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 98,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the sixth level of the Spirit Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 95,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the sixth level of the Spirit Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 95,000 points."

"You defeated a spiritual cultivator at the sixth level of the Spirit Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 98,000 points."


Nie Liangqiu's eyes widened, and he also showed an unbelievable expression. The trump card he had raised for so long was defeated? The most important thing is that it was defeated so easily!

how can that be!

"Isn't that a matter of course? I have all their abilities, and, more importantly..." Qiao Ye sneered: "Even if they work together and put their spiritual power in one place, they still don't have my spiritual power Gao, tell me, why don't they lose?"

There was a strong look of disdain in Qiao Ye's eyes.

The true meaning of the art of joint attack is that after the joint attack, all aspects will be multiplied. The fusion of wind, thunder, rain and water is of course much better than disassembly. Rong was nothing in Qiao Ye's eyes.

Secondly, the fusion of spiritual power of the four people is completely at the level of the Spirit Emperor Realm.

However, Qiao Ye's spiritual power was originally at the level of the Spirit Emperor Realm. Even in terms of the strength and thickness of his spiritual power, no spiritual cultivator at the peak of the Spirit Emperor Realm might be able to compare with Qiao Ye.

That being the case, how can the opponent win?

Combined attack technique?

It's just a joke!

Qiao Ye pointed at Nie Liangqiu and said, "Now, it's your turn."

Nie Liangqiu's face was extremely gloomy, and he slowly stepped forward, the moment he passed by a bearer, Nie Liangqiu suddenly raised his foot, and ruthlessly swept out to the side.


The bearer was swept away by Nie Liangqiu's kick, his face was covered with blood, and even his teeth were kicked out several times.

"Useless trash!" Nie Liangqiu cursed in a low voice, "I'll settle accounts with you guys later!"

After Nie Liangqiu finished speaking, she looked in Qiao Ye's direction.

"Little devil, don't think you can be proud of killing a few of them." Nie Liangqiu looked at Qiao Ye with gloomy eyes and said, "You are not enough in front of me!"

With a bang, Nie Liangqiu stepped on the ground, and spiritual power suddenly surged from his body.

The moment the mental power appeared, it gushed out towards the surroundings like a gust of wind, and Qiao Ye's hair and clothes were constantly blown up.

Qiao Ye's eyes widened too!

So scary!

Mental strength!

Although Nie Liangqiu is at the eighth level of the Spirit Emperor Realm and has not reached the peak of the ninth level, the mental power that is gushing out right now is completely at the level of the peak of the ninth level.

Even, it has been infinitely close to the level of the supreme spirit in the world.

Then, if Nie Liangqiu reaches the peak of the Emperor Realm, will his spiritual strength directly reach the level of the Supreme Being in the world?

How terrifying!

No wonder the defenders of the spiritual domain wanted to recruit Nie Liangqiu, and even gave him the position of the sixteen generals who defended the realm!

At this level, I'm afraid many of the 16 defenders are no match for Nie Liangqiu!

"Boy!" Nie Liangqiu said ferociously, "Are you scared?"

"Afraid?" Qiao Ye looked at the sky with deep eyes and said, "Ever since I left my homeland, I have never known what fear is, because fear represents cowardice, and cowardly people... will die!"

Almost instantly, the Ten Thousand Arts Spiritual Map behind Qiao Ye was also radiant, and an incomparably terrifying spiritual power gushed out from the Ten Thousand Arts Spiritual Map, flowing forward rapidly.


There seemed to be something colliding in the air, and there was a violent roar, and the spiritual power of the two collided crazily at this moment.

Qiao Ye looked at Nie Liangqiu coldly, fighting for his mental strength, and he had never been afraid of anyone. Although Nie Liangqiu's mental strength was strong, it happened to be Qiao Ye's strong point.

After a while, a second loud noise suddenly appeared, and the mental forces on both sides collided to no avail. After the final loud noise, they exploded at the same time.

Qiao Ye and Nie Liangqiu each took a few steps back, then stabilized their figures.

Nie Liangqiu had an extremely angry expression on his face, obviously extremely dissatisfied with the result. In the competition of mental strength, he couldn't suppress a junior?

"A battle between spiritual monks!" Nie Liangqiu gritted his teeth and said, "It's not just about mental strength!"

"Out of the spirit!" Nie Liangqiu shouted in a low voice: "The gate of hell is open!"

The spiritual power around Nie Liangqiu quickly gathered, and then began to manifest, and then, a huge bone door appeared behind Nie Liangqiu.

The door was completely made of human bones, and there were human heads inlaid on the door frame, which looked extremely gloomy and terrifying.

Unrivaled level of spiritual ability, the gate of hell opens!

Nie Liangqiu's strength is not only his cultivation base, just like the martial soul is the core of a warrior, the core of a spiritual monk is his spiritual ability.

In addition to his talent in cultivation, Nie Liangqiu possesses unparalleled spiritual ability, which is also the reason why he is so powerful.

at the same time……

The moment the gate of ghosts takes shape!

"Field!" Nie Liangqiu shouted in a low voice, "Hundred ghosts travel at night!"

Accompanied by Nie Liangqiu's voice, the originally clear sky suddenly darkened.

Qiao Ye looked up into the air, and couldn't help showing a bit of surprise.

Within a radius of ten miles, it turned into night directly.

The color was as black as ink, countless stars scattered from the sky, and a blood-red crescent moon hung so high in the sky.

All of this seemed extremely strange, ten miles away, it was clearly clear day, but within ten miles, it turned into night.

This is Nie Liangqiu's domain ability!

Within the scope of the field, it can even turn day and night upside down!

And, this is just the beginning!

The moment the night shrouded the place, there was a slight "rustling" sound on the ground, and then the ground cracked little by little, and ghosts and monsters crawled out of the ground one by one, like crawling out of a grave. .

A headless ghost without a head, a water ghost with a swollen body, a fire ghost burned into coke...

All kinds of ghosts spread all over Qiao Ye's surroundings in the blink of an eye. A large dense area surrounded Qiao Ye in the center, shaking her body and getting closer.

Nie Liangqiu's domain ability...

Ghosts of the Night Walk!


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