Chapter 1156 One Punch


At this time, the sound of thunder appeared again in the sky.

Qiao Ye spread out his hands, and the two thunderbolts fell directly into Qiaoye's hands. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and sent the two thunderbolts to the sides.

With a sizzling sound, the two thunderbolts quickly penetrated into the mirror.

The thunder quickly shuttled between the mirrors, and Nie Liangqiu was also tense, looking around firmly, guarding against the thunder attacking him again.


Two bolts of thunder suddenly drilled out of the mirror, and this time, they didn't even mean to attack Nie Liangqiu.

As a result, Nie Liangqiu hesitated instead.

Should I continue to shift shape and change places? Is this attack real or fake?

Nie Liangqiu was extremely entangled at the moment, seeing the thunder coming, Nie Liangqiu fiercely stretched out his hand towards the front, building a barrier with mental strength, trying to resist the thunder's attack.

Boom, boom!

This time, there was no problem with the two thunderbolts, they hit Nie Liangqiu's barrier firmly, and then made a huge explosion.

Layers upon layers of air waves rolled up around, and they frantically pushed towards the surroundings. At the same time, Nie Liangqiu was also thrown into the air, and smashed to the ground fiercely.

Nie Liangqiu clenched his teeth, the attack was real this time.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye chuckled, and raised his hand again to catch the thunder. This time, three bolts of thunder descended from the sky and quickly entered the mirror.

Nie Liangqiu's eyes were gloomy, but this time Nie Liangqiu was much calmer, it was nothing more than a trick of fiction, since that's the case...


The sound of electric current surged, and Nie Liangqiu shouted again: "Li Daitao is stiff!"

Nie Liangqiu immediately switched positions with the male ghost puppet, but not once, after the first exchange of positions, Nie Liangqiu switched positions again, choosing to exchange positions with the female ghost puppet.

Nie Liangqiu sneered in his heart, switching positions twice in a row, would the attack be able to catch up to him?

In addition to the exchange of positions, Nie Liangqiu also immediately built a defensive barrier again.

"Boy!" Nie Liangqiu said with a sneer, "Fight with me, you're still a bit close..."

Boom, boom, boom!

Nie Liangqiu didn't even finish speaking, when suddenly a piece of lightning exploded behind Nie Liangqiu, and the defense of the barrier didn't play any role at all, the lightning appeared directly beside Nie Liangqiu.


Almost instantly, Nie Liangqiu's eyes widened, and then he was blown away by the blow, a piece of his clothes was torn off, and the exposed flesh was blasted into charred black.

After rolling several times on the ground, Nie Liangqiu got up from the ground, gritted his teeth, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "This is impossible!"

I have already moved my position twice, and I was able to chase successfully?

Well, even if the position has been moved twice, it is still within the scope of the domain after all. It is not impossible for the attack to complete the pursuit. However, I have imagined such a situation and have already made defenses in advance. Why is my defense not Effect?

Even, in the previous blow, his own barrier still blocked the attack, but the impact force just lifted him into the air, this time the defensive barrier directly became useless!

Those two thunderbolts completely ignored the barrier and hit him directly!

This attack is really weird!

Nie Liangqiu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and slowly stood up.

Qiao Ye spread his hands with a smile and said, "This time there will be five thunder attacks, do you think it can hit? Or can't it hit? Is it a direct hit? Or..."

A smug and weird smile appeared on Qiao Ye's face.

Qiao Ye was obviously trying to confuse Nie Liangqiu and disturb Nie Liangqiu's mind.

Qiao Ye already knew the ability of Jinghua Vientiane.

In fact, the power of Jinghua Vientiane is not great, or in other words, it has nothing to do with power. Jinghua Vientiane is neither an attack type ability nor a strengthening type ability.

However, if he couldn't understand the "secret" of Jinghua Vientiane, then Nie Liangqiu would have to be beaten passively. He would definitely not be able to avoid the attack, nor would he be able to defend himself.

The ability that appeared after the third grade of the Wanfa Lingtu was indeed very powerful.

Of course, is it possible for Nie Liangqiu to discover the mystery?

Qiao Ye didn't know, but it didn't prevent Qiao Ye from disturbing Nie Liangqiu's state of mind with words, so that he couldn't think about it.

Sure enough, Nie Liangqiu's face clearly showed a ferocious look when he saw Qiao Ye planning to attract thunder again, and there was also obvious anxiety and irritability in it. After all, this feeling of being passively beaten was really too bad.

Suddenly, Nie Liangqiu took the initiative to kill Qiao Ye.

With a flick of the wrist, a treasure appeared in his hand.

The treasure was an iron lotus flower, and I don't know what its effect is, but Qiao Ye smiled knowingly, because Nie Liangqiu's heart was disturbed.

Qiao Ye knew very well what Nie Liangqiu was thinking. Since she couldn't avoid the attack, and couldn't block it, she could only rush to attack, and Qiao Ye was not allowed to use the Vientiane Mirror to attack at will.

This way of thinking is correct, and Nie Liangqiu is indeed experienced.

Fighting is never determined by pure strength. Otherwise, let's compare cultivation bases to see who has the most treasures, and whose martial soul and spiritual ability are of a higher level. What else is there to fight?

The method of fighting and the psychological game with each other can all become part of the decision of the outcome!

However, Nie Liangqiu still made a huge mistake, perhaps because of the pressure brought by Jinghua Vientiane, he didn't realize it.

It is correct to replace defense with offense. If he is facing a spiritual monk, then of course there is nothing wrong with doing so!

The issue is……

Although Qiao Ye is currently fighting with the magic spirit diagram, Qiao Ye is essentially...

Still a warrior!

No matter what the circumstances, it must be a wrong decision for a spiritual monk to take the initiative to get closer to a warrior.

Qiao Ye didn't dodge either, and just let Nie Liangqiu approach.

At a distance of about three meters, Nie Liangqiu suddenly stretched out his hand, and the iron lotus suddenly flew towards Qiao Ye.

Nie Liangqiu didn't get close to Qiao Ye completely, but the iron lotus flower obviously had a distance limit, so Nie Liangqiu had to move forward, which meant that Nie Liangqiu was not completely carried away.

However, the distance of three meters was close enough for Qiao Ye.

And when the iron lotus flower came to Qiao Ye, all the petals suddenly separated.

The petals were like blades, covering Qiao Ye overwhelmingly, cutting towards Qiao Ye continuously.

And Joey...

Just one punch!

Without any bells and whistles, Qiao Ye directly raised his hand and punched forward.


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