Chapter 1157 Girl


Qiao Ye blasted forward with a fist, and it was just the wind of the fist, which directly blew away the flying lotus leaf petals. Even if a small amount of metal petals would fall on Qiao Ye's body, they would still be caught by the nine-turn gold The body was blocked from falling, and Qiao Ye could not be hurt at all.

Nie Liangqiu only realized his mistake at this time, but it was obviously too late.


The fist wind moved forward, like a typhoon, it hit Nie Liangqiu's chest viciously, blowing Nie Liangqiu away with one blow.

After finally stabilizing his body, Nie Liangqiu also looked ugly.

At this moment, Nie Liangqiu felt his internal organs tremble violently, and he spit out a mouthful of blood when his throat was sweet.

It is definitely the worst decision for a spiritual monk to get close to a warrior. Physically, a warrior can definitely ignore his cultivation and crush a spiritual monk!

"But do you think it's over?" Nie Liangqiu roared angrily, "I tell you, it's not over yet!"

Amidst the roar, Nie Liangqiu's mental power also improved again, and that mental power suddenly became violent.

But at this moment...

Suddenly there was a strange noise in the sky, which attracted Qiao Ye and Nie Liangqiu. They looked up at the same time, and then their expressions changed at the same time.

A huge flying boat appeared in the sky, perhaps attracted by the movement of the two fighting, the most important thing is...

That is the flying boat of the Martial Domain Defender!

The expressions of Qiao Ye and Nie Liangqiu changed at the same time.

It's normal for Qiao Ye to look ugly, because the other party must be looking for him, and Nie Liangqiu's expression is also not good. Although the defender wants to arrest Qiao Ye, the fool also knows that it is impossible for the defender to be the same as Nie Liangqiu. A group of people, especially the defenders of Wuyu, might be able to kill Nie Liangqiu easily.

After all, although the spirit and martial arts are no longer fighting, the enmity between the two sides has been passed down from generation to generation. With Nie Liangqiu's strength, he is definitely one of the few masters in the spirit realm. Words can be said to be a huge loss, so Nie Liangqiu believes that if there is such an opportunity, as long as it is within the Nine Domains battlefield, any Wuyu people will want their own lives.

"Boy, you're lucky this time!" Nie Liangqiu snorted coldly, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "We regret it!"

Nie Liangqiu was very straightforward. With a flash of his figure, he got into his red sedan chair. The four porters endured their injuries and quickly lifted the sedan chair.

The sedan chair was obviously not ordinary. The moment it was lifted up, the four bearers did not move. The sedan chair suddenly moved ten meters away, then moved again, ten meters away, and disappeared at the mountain pass in the blink of an eye. .

It's normal for Nie Liangqiu to run away. He couldn't break Qiao Ye's image. If he continued to fight, he might be killed by Qiao Ye. The guard of Wuyu suddenly appeared again, which made Nie Liangqiu easily determined to run away. Determination.

And Qiao Ye didn't intend to pursue him, because his situation might not be much better than Nie Liangqiu's.

Because, the defender on the flying boat must have come to find him!

Nie Liangqiu fled from the mountain pass, Qiao Ye simply jumped up the side hillside, and plunged his head into the forest in the mountain.

Right now, Qiao Ye doesn't know if his whereabouts have been discovered. The flying boat may have just passed by, or it may have been attracted by the movement of the battle.

To put it simply, the defenders on the flying boat did not necessarily find Qiao Ye and chase him.

That being the case, it is inappropriate to continue walking the mountain path. The location of the mountain path can be seen from the flying boat. Continuing to walk the mountain path is equivalent to exposing yourself under the eyes of the defenders.

Therefore, Qiao Ye immediately chose to enter the mountain.

The mountains are lush with trees, and nothing can be seen from the air, only the dense forests can be seen, which can play a good role in covering up.

Of course, just hiding is still not safe, so Qiao Ye's intention is to leave this area quickly after hiding his whereabouts in the mountains. Only being far away from the flying boat is called insurance.


at the same time……

Nie Liangqiu was sitting in the sedan chair with an extremely ugly expression on his face. He actually fell into the hands of a junior. The sudden appearance of a boundary guard may not be bad news for Nie Liangqiu, because Nie Liangqiu felt that if he continued to fight, it would be very difficult. Probably not Qiao Ye's opponent!

"However, I believe we can still meet, it will be hard to say next time!"

Nie Liangqiu gritted his teeth viciously and murmured.

In Nie Liangqiu's view, how could he not be Qiao Ye's opponent? It's just that Qiao Ye's Jinghua Vientiane ability is too weird. As long as he can study and understand what the Jinghua Vientiane ability is, Nie Liangqiu feels that he is not Will lose to Qiao Ye.

After all, Nie Liangqiu still has a lot of means that he hasn't used yet. The previous battle was not in the state of Nie Liangqiu fighting with all his strength. As long as he can break the mirror, Nie Liangqiu feels that everything is unknown!

But also at this time...

Suddenly, the sedan chair stopped jolting and stopped.

Because of the sudden stop, Nie Liangqiu was defenseless and almost fell out of the sedan chair, which made Nie Liangqiu furious.

Nie Liangqiu lifted the curtain and said angrily, "What are you doing? You're tired of living, aren't you?"

The four bearers were obedient, and one of them pointed to the front and said, "Someone is blocking the way!"

Nie Liangqiu stepped out of the sedan chair, looked towards the mountain road ahead, then raised his hand and slapped the bearer angrily.

"Is this someone blocking the way?"

There was a little girl standing on the mountain road, holding a white puppy in her arms, but upon closer inspection, she didn't look like a dog. How could there be a dog with horns on its head?

The little girl blocked the middle of the road, making it impossible for the sedan chair to pass through, but in Nie Liangqiu's view, there was no need to stop in this situation, she was just a little devil, just throw it away casually!

"If you can't handle such things well, don't work with me!"

Nie Liangqiu said something annoyed, and then planned to turn around and go back into the sedan chair, but at this moment...

"You smell of him, where is he?"

When the cold voice sounded, Nie Liangqiu and the four bearers jumped in fright at the same time.

Nie Liangqiu turned around and looked at the little girl in surprise. Before he turned around, the little girl was clearly still fifteen or six meters away, but now he was in front of him.

What made Nie Liangqiu even more unbelievable was that he didn't feel the little girl's approach at all!

If Nie Liangqiu didn't see the past because he turned around, he could still talk about it, but the four bearers kept looking straight ahead, and they didn't realize how the little girl suddenly came to him.


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