Chapter 1162 Advance

In Guanshan Gorge, a flying boat passed across the sky.

Qiao Ye finally got on Ye Qingqing's flying boat.

After all, idiots also know how to choose between flying boats and walking. With flying boats, the distance can be greatly shortened. Moreover, as long as it is not the standard flying boat of the defenders, it is impossible to use the flying boat's pattern to track Qiao Ye's position.

Of course, there is also Ye Qingqing's words, which are very reasonable. Almost all the defenders know about Qiao Ye and Dongfang Yao. In fact, because Qiao Ye killed Dongfang Yao, the four sharp guns, the Beiliang faction may be eyeing it. About Qiao Ye, Lin Jie had to tell Qiao Ye.

That being the case, will Qiao Ye be on the flying boat of the Beiliang faction?

Normally, Qiao Ye couldn't be on the flying boat of the Beiliang faction.

"Hello!" Ye Qingqing stood on the bow of the flying boat and said, "What are you going to do in Tongyuan Pagoda?"

Since Qiao Ye used Ye Qingqing's flying boat, it is naturally impossible not to tell Ye Qingqing her destination.

"Anyway, take me to Tongyuan Pagoda, and then you can go." Qiao Ye looked at Ye Qingqing and said, "Why don't you just make an offer, I'll buy this flying boat!"

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes and said, "This flying boat is printed with the logo of our Beiliang faction, you asked me to sell it to you? Are you kidding me?"

Qiao Ye said: "Then send me to Tongyuan Pagoda properly, don't ask questions."

Ye Qingqing said: "Just remember what you promised!"

Qiao Ye and Ye Qingqing finally reached an agreement. Ye Qingqing needed a token from Qiao Ye. If Qiao Ye died, no matter who killed him, that token could prove to Ye Qingqing that she killed Qiao Ye and returned to her home. There is a business relationship between teachers and families. If Qiao Ye is not dead, we will discuss it after Qiao Ye can survive. In exchange, Ye Qingqing will send Qiao Ye to Tongyuan Pagoda!

Qiao Ye sighed, really didn't want to take Ye Qingqing with her, but firstly, she used someone else's flying boat, and secondly, Qiao Ye had to admit that carrying Ye Qingqing was still useful.

For example, now!

The defenders also set up checkpoints in the air to check the flying boats coming and going.

Although it is impossible for Qiao Ye to use the Boundary Guardian's standard flying boat because it will be tracked, the Boundary Guardian is still very vigilant. If he doesn't use the Boundary Guardian's flying boat, it doesn't mean that Qiao Ye won't be able to get the flying boat and must walk .

In fact, Qiao Ye really wanted to get a flying boat. After all, it could shorten the time spent on the journey, but Qiao Ye never got it.

Ye Qingqing's flying boat was quickly blocked by two defenders' flying boats, forming a pincer attack, preventing Ye Qingqing's flying boat from passing through.

Qiao Ye naturally hid in the cabin long ago.

Standing at the bow of the boat, Ye Qingqing took out her identity token from the Northern Liang faction and said, "I am Ye Qingqing, a disciple of the Northern Liang faction, this is my identity token, and this is the certificate to enter and exit the Nine Realms battlefield!"

Ye Qingqing handed the things to the other party, and the two defenders checked and asked, "Is there anyone else on the flying boat?"

"It's just me." Ye Qingqing laughed, showing a bit of contempt and said: "I know who you are blocking, and the whole Nine Regions battlefield is full of excitement about this matter, but do you think I will help Qiao Ye? "

The two guards nodded and said, "Where is the destination?"

Ye Qingqing said: "Qingmu Town, buy the Qingyan Spiritual Tree for the division."

"Okay!" The two defenders nodded again: "Let's go!"

"Thank you!"

Ye Qingqing cupped her fists, and then drove the flying boat towards the front.

The destination of Ye Qingqing and Qiao Ye is really Qingmu Town, because this is the only place to go to Tongyuan Pagoda.

Although they could travel overnight, Ye Qingqing and Qiao Ye had to go to Qingmu Town after being interrogated by the defenders.

The question asked by the boundary guard was not random. After Ye Qingqing gave the answer, they would notify the boundary guard in Qingmu Town. If Ye Qingqing's flying boat did not appear in Qingmu Town before tonight, then , the defenders will chase Ye Qingqing's flying boat.

This method is called bait and interrogation, which is to deliberately lure out suspicious people and then pursue them. It is a routine used by boundary defenders.

Moreover, this trick is very useful, and sometimes there are some surprises, and some people who have nothing to do with the pursuit of the target, but have committed crimes.

It's a pity that Qiao Ye is the guardian of the boundary!

Therefore, this trick is very clear to Qiao Ye, therefore, this trick is useless to Qiao Ye, Ye Qingqing's flying boat will go to Qingmu Town, and then Ye Qingqing will go to the market to buy some Qingyan spiritual trees and transport them to the flying boat, then set off again .

Although it will delay some time, it's just one night, and Ye Qingqing didn't just casually say Qingmu Town, the direction to Qingmu Town is the same as Tongyuan Pagoda.

Before evening, Ye Qingqing's flying boat landed in Qingmu Town.

Qiao Ye wore a bamboo hat and covered her face with a veil.

"Tsk tsk!" Ye Qingqing shook his head and said, "You have the nerve to use such a low-level method."

Qiao Ye said: "Then you disguise me?"

Qiao Ye knew that Ye Qingqing understood disguise, and Ye Qingqing's disguise method was very superb. Qiao Ye clearly remembered that the first time he saw Ye Qingqing, this guy called himself Ye Qingqiu, a man, and then Down turned into Ye Qingqing, a woman.

Their appearances are completely different, their gender characteristics have completely changed, and even their heights are different. Qiao Ye remembers that Ye Qingqiu's height is similar to his own, but Ye Qingqing is half a head shorter than himself.

Even, is Ye Qingqing's current appearance the same as her original appearance? Is her current height the same as her original height? Going deeper, is Ye Qingqing really a woman?

Qiao Ye didn't even know!

Qiao Ye even wondered if Ye Qingqing and Ye Qingqiu were alone. In fact, there were actually two people sent by Beiliang to kill him, one Ye Qingqiu? A Ye Qingqing?

It wasn't until Ye Qingqing showed Qiao Ye a little trick on the flying boat, using Ye Qingqiu's male voice to speak, that Qiao Ye believed 5 points, and the remaining 5 points were because the change of appearance can be understood, and the height is very difficult. But bone shrinkage and other skills exist. Although bone shrinkage cannot be maintained for a long time, Ye Qingqing doesn't seem to have this effect, and it doesn't look very similar, but it is not impossible. As for gender characteristics, It's unbelievable that it can be changed, so Qiao Ye left five points, and she really can't believe it.

Ye Qingqing grinned at Qiao Ye and said, "Don't even think about it, this is my bottom-line skill. If I show it in front of you, how can I find a way to kill you in the future?"

"Why bother?" Qiao Ye said, "Even if you get close to me easily, you can't kill me. Your cultivation is not enough to kill me easily with one blow. Although you are a good hand at poisoning, poison is useless to me." , so, what is the use of your disguise technique?"


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