Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1163 If ​​it's not normal

Chapter 1163 If ​​Not Normal

Ye Qingqing instantly didn't want to talk to Qiao Ye anymore.

"Anyway, you say to break the sky, Yirong will never give you Yirong." Ye Qingqing said: "Pray that you won't be recognized!"

The two of them were talking and went directly into Qingmu Town.

Qingmu Town is actually a resource point in the Nine Domains Battlefield, where Qingyan Spiritual Trees are abundant.

The Qingyan Spiritual Tree is not suitable for making treasures, nor can it be used for refining medicine. As a fifth-grade spiritual material, it should be the most traded spiritual material on the market, but the Qingyan Spiritual Tree has little effect.

However, the Qingyan Spiritual Tree has a great use, and that is construction.

Qingyan spiritual tree is the most suitable spiritual material for construction, and its yield is very high. A sapling can become a towering tree in about three years. It is easy to survive and easy to grow. One kind is a large area.

However, this kind of Qingyan Spiritual Tree can only survive in the Nine Domains Battlefield, the specific reason is unknown, so Qingmu Town has become the largest trade export place for Qingyan Spiritual Tree.

After entering Qingmu Town, Ye Qingqing first went to purchase a dozen Qingyan Spiritual Trees, while Qiao Ye followed silently, only looking around from time to time.

After Ye Qingqing finished shopping, she found an inn to stay in, and was going to order something to eat.

"Hey!" Ye Qingqing looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Why are you silent?"

After entering Qingmu Town, Ye Qingqing felt that Qiao Ye had been silent a lot, but it was normal. Talk less and do less, so as not to reveal her identity easily.

However, in order not to expose Qiao Ye's identity, the two of them asked for a private room during the meal, so that Qiao Ye could take off the bamboo hat and not use the curtain to cover his face, but Qiao Ye still kept silent, which made Ye Qingqing feel Strange.

"Are you full?" Qiao Ye reached out and took out a gold medal and threw it to Ye Qingqing, saying, "I promise you that if I die, you will bring the things back to the Beiliang faction and say that I died in your hands." , whether your teacher believes it or not, it is an explanation!"

What Qiao Ye gave Ye Qingqing was Xuanning Kingdom, the waist card of Shenwu Palace, which should have belonged to Qiao Ye's father. Qiao Ye inherited it when Qiao Ye and Lin Ziyi returned to Xuanning Kingdom, because Qiao Ye's strength at that time It is enough to inherit the Shenwu Palace.

It's just that Qiao Ye's world is no longer a small country of Xuan Ning, so although the waist badge is there, there is no Shenwu Palace in the world. This waist badge can only be said to be a souvenir for Qiao Ye.

But this is the best thing to use as a token, because if Qiao Ye is not dead, this waist card will not fall into anyone's hands.

Ye Qingqing said: "There's no need to be in such a hurry, right?"

"I think it's quite urgent." Qiao Ye said with a smile, "Let's go!"

Ye Qingqing was stunned and said: "Didn't I mean to send you to Tongyuan Pagoda?"

"No need." Qiao Ye said, "This is enough."

Ye Qingqing had tasted the taste, put down her chopsticks and said, "What's the matter?"

"Those who want to kill me, those who want to catch me, I'm afraid they'll all come." Qiao Ye let out a long breath, then laughed and said, "I've thought of many ways to avoid those people, but I forgot one affirmation. A way to find me, a way that I can't avoid no matter what."

Ye Qingqing asked curiously, "What is it?"

Qiao Ye said: "Sorcerer of the Shuyu!"

There is something wrong with this Qingmu Town, Qiao Ye felt strange when he entered the town, and then when Ye Qingqing purchased the Qingyan Spiritual Tree, Qiao Ye observed for a long time, and finally understood.

A magician has made a move!

A magician used the buildings in Qingmu Town to set up a magic bureau.

Qiao Ye's level in terms of spells is that a bottle of water is not full, and half a bottle of water dangles. Compared with the skills in other domains, Qiao Ye is really embarrassed to say that he has also learned the method of the spell domain.

However, Qiao Ye has learned it anyway. Secondly, Qiao Ye has been with Ding Xiang for a long time.

Therefore, Qiao Ye knew that it might be difficult for him to get out of Qingmu Town easily.

"If you don't want to be troubled by me..." Qiao Ye looked at Ye Qingqing and said, "Take your things and go!"

Ye Qingqing looked at the badge on the table, showing some hesitation.

"What? Didn't you achieve your goal?" Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Why don't you leave? Hey, woman, you don't want to see me, do you?"

"Fart, I can't even fall in love with you even if I look at a dog!" Ye Qingqing snorted, reached out to take the waist card and said: "Besides, how do you know I'm a woman? Maybe I have a habit of breaking sleeves!"

After Ye Qingqing finished speaking, she turned around and left.

"You wish for luck!"

After Ye Qingqing finished speaking, she walked out of the box and left quickly.

Qiao Ye smiled, took off the bamboo hat casually, threw it to the side, then picked up the small wine jar on the table, turned over from the window, and went straight to the roof.

Qiao Ye sat on the roof and drank from the wine jar.

Qiao Ye is pretending to be lazy. Of course, since she has been discovered, there seems to be no need to pretend.

So come on!

Pedestrians came and went on the street, but soon there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street.

The people in the inn were leaving one after another. Soon, Qiao Ye saw the innkeeper and Xiaoer also running out. It seemed that Qiao Ye ran away from where Qiao Ye was on the roof.

Qiao Ye didn't care either. If she was only 90% sure before, now Qiao Ye is 100% sure that the place has already been arranged.

There are fewer people now because the defenders are evacuating the crowd.

This further proved Qiao Ye's guess about the layout of the sorcerer.

Although the surgery domain is currently open, because it is separated by the sea of ​​no return, and the operation domain is mainly operated by the holy building as the core, although there are some magicians in the Nine Domains Battlefield, there are not many, and the level may also be low. Low.

Therefore, to be able to find a magician to help out, and to have a fairly high level of magician who can rely on a small town to deploy, I am afraid that only the defenders have the ability to invite them.

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, he soon noticed the figures of boundary guards on both sides of the street.

However, those defenders did not approach, but blocked the passages on both sides of the street, including some alleyways around which people could escape.

Qiao Ye's strength is a mystery in many people's minds, but in the hearts of the defenders, Qiao Ye's ability is completely clear. Even if many defenders have no contact with Qiao Ye, someone will naturally tell them.

Ordinary boundary guards can't deal with Qiao Ye. After all, although Qiao Ye is a day-level boundary guard, his cultivation at the Martial Emperor level is completely at the boundary-defending level. Yu Beast, the small realm is two or three levels higher than Qiao Ye, so it may not be Qiao Ye's opponent.

Without such strength, Qiao Ye would not be able to break out of Linglong Tower!

But ordinary defenders can't deal with Qiao Ye...

What if it is unusual?


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