Chapter 1164 Those Experts

Because Shi Yanyu is here!

On the blocked long street, a tall woman came dragging a knife.

Soon, Shi Yanyu came to the inn.

"Qiao Ye!" Shi Yanyu raised his head, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "It's still too late for you to agree to go back with me."

Qiao Ye laughed and said, "There seems to be something wrong with this statement. No matter whether I agree or not, you should arrest me instead of killing me. So, it seems that there is something I don't know?"

There are indeed some things that Qiao Ye doesn't know, or in other words, things that are out of control.

Shi Yanyu looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Since you have seen through the arrangements in Qingmu Town, you should run away, or you can't hide. Who gave you the guts to just sit there like this?"

There was a bit of helplessness in Shi Yanyu's words.

There is nothing wrong with the arrangement of Qingmu town being the guardians, but it is not only the defenders who want to find Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye should run, or hide, and the defenders have prepared their backs for this.

But since Qiao Ye didn't run or hide, he just stood up. Now that the whole Qingmu Town knew that Qiao Ye was here, things naturally became troublesome.

For example, Shi Yanyu looked sideways at a pavilion not far away.

On the corner of the eaves of the pavilion, there was a figure standing at the moment, the whole person was shrouded in darkness, and only a hazy outline could be seen through the dim light.

Shi Yanyu looked at Qiao Ye and said, "He's called Ding Li, standing up, you should know who he is."

Of course Qiao Ye knew.

If there are two people who are the most famous in Black Mongolia, one of the twelve kingdoms in Wuyu, one is Dongfang Yao, the four sharp guns who died in Qiao Ye's hands, because Dongfang Yao has the name of God of War and has his own divine power The dojo is not only in Heimeng, Dongfang Yao is well-known in the entire martial arts domain.

And the other one is Ding Li!

Ding Li has only one title. He is the most capable fighter in the Black Mongolian Kingdom, and he may also be one of the best fighters among the warriors in the entire martial arts domain, under the cultivation of the Supreme Being in the world.

Ding Li's official position is not high, he is just a commander of guards with swords, but since the founding of the Black Mongolian Kingdom, the Ding family has always been the guards of the royal family, guarding the emperor of the Black Mongolian Kingdom for generations. Generations have enjoyed the strongest reputation in Black Mongolia.

Why did Ding Li appear here?

Because, Qiao Ye killed Dongfang Yao.

Although the leader of the Black Mongolian Kingdom may not like Dongfang Yao, who has accomplished so much, Qiao Ye killed Dongfang Yao, and it was too late for the leader to secretly rejoice, but sometimes, some things can be thought about, but cannot be expressed Come out, even, the king had to show his regret for Dongfang Yao and his hatred for Qiao Ye with actions.

Originally, the lord of the country had an excellent rhetoric, because Qiao Ye was the defender of the boundary, and the Black Mongolian Kingdom did not want to offend the defender, so it could not deal with Qiao Ye blatantly, but now, this set of rhetoric does not work, Qiao Ye Robbing the treasure house of Linglong Pagoda is equivalent to betraying the defenders, and even the defenders are arresting Qiao Ye.

Then, the lord of the country naturally needed some gestures, so Ding Li came.

Secondly, after rumors that Qiao Ye emptied the treasure house of Linglong Tower, who would not be tempted? Of course, the lord of the Black Mongolian Kingdom would also be tempted.

After all, the treasure house of the Linglong Pagoda may not be as large in quantity as the treasury of the Black Mongolian Kingdom, but its value may be dozens of times that of the Black Mongolian Kingdom's treasury!

That being the case, what reason does Ding Li have for not showing up?

Shi Yanyu looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Besides, you have to understand that Ding Li may not be the only one who will appear today. No, he must not be the only one."

"Yes!" At this time, hearty laughter suddenly sounded: "So, how about counting me?"

Shi Yanyu heard the sound and looked, and then saw the defenders at the street crossing being forcibly pushed away.

That is also a guardian, but the other party is from the spiritual realm!

The guardians of the spiritual realm also didn't get too close, they also stayed at the intersection, and there was only one person who came, a woman who was even taller than Shi Yanyu!

Shi Yanyu is already tall enough, she looks as tall as Qiao Ye, and as a woman, this height is really quite tall.

And the woman who appeared was actually taller than Shi Yanyu by more than a head, and her figure was quite burly, especially the other party was wearing a thick armor. With Shi Yanyu's tall figure, if the other party moved towards Shi Yanyu Even the people behind couldn't see Shi Yanyu.

This one, Qiao Ye doesn't need Shi Yanyu to introduce herself, she often hangs out in Linglong Tower, how could she not recognize this woman in front of her?

One of the sixteen generals who guard the spiritual world!

General Purple Spirit!

Shi Yanyu looked gloomy, looked at General Zi Ling and said, "It's none of your business here!"

General Zi Ling said with a smile: "We keep the same spirit among the defenders, so why don't we care about my business? What's more, I am also one of the people in charge of the Linglong Tower. Responsible, of course, if these are not enough for me to intervene in this matter, I can be more direct."

General Zi Ling pointed at Qiao Ye while speaking.

"I just want to kill him, what can you do to me?" General Zi Ling said: "He destroyed my spiritual temple, damn it! It was because of his identity as a guardian that he didn't move him. I have nothing to do with the defenders, so if I want to kill him, I will kill him, can you control me? What position do you have to control me?"

Shi Yanyu remained silent, because she really had no position to protect Qiao Ye, on the contrary, she should arrest Qiao Ye.

Shi Yanyu said: "But I want to live."

General Zi Ling said contemptuously: "That's your business, I'm going to die!"

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Then why not go up together!"

General Zi Ling said: "Boy, you are very kind. Under such circumstances, how dare you say such a thing?"

While speaking, General Zi Ling stretched out his hand to wipe his waist, and then a huge ax appeared in the hands of General Zi Ling.


General Zi Ling raised his ax and hit the ground hard, smashing the ground into pieces, and then said to Qiao Ye: "Boy, don't say that I bully the small with the big, and I won't give you a chance, you can hit them one by one, see Let's see if you are just arrogant with your mouth, or if you really have the ability to penetrate us, get out of here!"

After General Zi Ling finished speaking, he looked in Ding Li's direction and said, "The one over there, are you going to make a move first?"

General Zi Ling didn't care about Shi Yanyu, if Shi Yanyu wanted to live, he couldn't make the first move, because the others wouldn't just watch Shi Yanyu take Qiao Ye away.

Ding Li did not speak, like a statue, always standing on the corner of the eaves without moving.

General Zi Ling lowered the corner of his mouth and said, "Then it seems that I have to come first?"


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