Chapter 1165 Purple Spirit General

After General Zi Ling finished speaking, he directly lifted the giant axe.

"Boy!" General Zi Ling looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Are you ready? Do you want me to give you three tricks?"

Qiao Ye raised the wine jar, raised her head and drank the wine.


Qiao Ye casually threw the wine jar, and the wine jar fell from the roof and smashed to pieces on the ground.

Qiao Ye said: "You should come directly, I'm afraid you will die after three moves."

General Zi Ling said: "That's what you said, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

The moment General Zi Ling finished speaking, he raised his ax and slashed forward.


Almost instantly, the moment the ax fell, the five-story inn exploded into pieces.

Amidst the loud noise, a crack appeared, cutting the inn in half from bottom to top, countless rubble fell from the air, and the inn collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sixteen generals of Lingyu really made extraordinary moves, and the power of the first blow was terrifying.

Qiao Ye was also cursing her mother in her heart, which idiot said that Nie Liangqiu was invited to become the sixteen generals of the spiritual realm? Qiao Ye could feel the Ziling general's first strike. The strength of Ziling general is not even one star stronger than Nie Liangqiu. If this is the average strength of the sixteen generals who defended the world, then Nie Liangqiu has the qualifications to become the top ten defenders. Six generals, most of the rumors in the rivers and lakes are indeed unbelievable!

What surprised Qiao Ye even more was...

General Zi Ling's attack was a slash!

Really picked up the axe, cut out a blow!

If this blow was placed on Shi Yanyu's body, Qiao Ye would not think there was any problem at all, because Shi Yanyu is a warrior!


General Ziling is from the Lingyu, she is...

Spirit monk!

It is very terrifying for a spiritual cultivator to directly strike such a powerful blow with his physical body.

Among the flying rubble, Qiao Ye tossed in the air, and then fell steadily to the ground.

But the moment Qiao Ye fell to the ground, General Zi Ling kicked his legs and rushed out towards Qiao Ye. Holding the handle of the ax in both hands, he hit Qiao Ye down with one blow!


Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and shook it sideways, condensed a black halberd, swept it forward, and the crisp sound of symphony suddenly resounded.

Both of them used long weapons, and both of them were heavy and huge weapons. After one blow, the weapons of both of them swung away at the same time.

But it was only for an instant, the two quickly grasped the weapons and slashed forward again.

Bang lang, ding lang, ding lang!

There is no frills at all, just raise your weapon and hit it hard, continuous collisions, sparks splashed everywhere.


With another smash, Qiao Ye's black halberd collided with General Zi Ling's giant axe. After a clear and crisp symphony, the two weapons directly intersected and began to wrestle!

Qiao Ye gritted his teeth and said, "Are you sure you are a spiritual monk?"

General Zi Ling smiled contemptuously and said, "Little brat, my physical body is enough to deal with you, spiritual monk? Are you qualified to see my spiritual ability?"

General Ziling raised his hands violently while talking, and pushed Qiao Ye away, but the moment Qiao Ye was pushed away, he suddenly jumped up, kicked General Ziling's chest, and pushed Ziling away. General Ling was kicked back.

The two immediately fell into hand-to-hand combat, and it seemed that it was a difficult situation.

However, it is a horror in itself for a spiritual cultivator to fight hand-to-hand with a warrior.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, showing a bit of anger, and a killing intent appeared on his body.

Qiao Ye knew that she was underestimated!

The most irritating insult is never to demean someone to nothing, nor is it to be madly provocative, or to use one's own arrogance to foil the other party's weakness.

The most irritating insult should be revealed inadvertently, and it should be taken for granted!

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, and the muscles in his body swelled a little.

The black halberd in his hand slowly dropped, and Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes.

"If you don't plan to use your spiritual power..." Qiao Ye looked at General Zi Ling with a smile and said, "Then it's best not to use it all the time, otherwise, it will be embarrassing!"

The moment Qiao Ye's words fell, a wisp of black smoke suddenly rose from Qiao Ye's feet, wrapped around Qiao Ye's body like a snake, and wrapped it tightly.

The black smoke surged and drifted towards the rear continuously, like flying ashes!

The next moment, Qiao Ye stepped out of the black smoke, and a black armor appeared on his body, majestic and majestic!

Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!

Qiao Ye entered the state of Heavenly Demon Dominant Blood, with a sharp kick of both feet, he rushed forward, and the smoke moved with him, and Qiao Ye came to General Ziling almost instantly.

The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand was raised, and it was slashed forward.

General Zi Ling didn't intend to dodge, and directly threw his ax in front of him.


Qiao Ye slashed down with one blow, hitting General Ziling's giant axe, and then...


A terrifying loud noise suddenly appeared, and the ground under General Zi Ling's feet exploded in an instant. Even, the ground sank, and General Zi Ling's legs fell into the ground directly.

However, Qiao Ye didn't intend to stop. Holding the black halberd with one hand, he kept chopping down towards the bottom.

Bang lang, ding lang, ding lang!

The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand turned into streaks of black light, cutting down continuously.

General Zi Ling gritted his teeth, unable to fight back at all, he could only passively raise the giant ax in his hand, constantly resisting the defense.

Qiao Ye raised his head and said, "What? Are you really planning to use your spiritual power to fight me? You will die!"

"Brat!" General Zi Ling gritted his teeth and said, "I think you are courting death!"

Almost instantly, a purple glow suddenly appeared on General Zi Ling's body, wrapping around the body of General Zi Ling like silky satin.

"Daluo Tianque, Ziling is here!" General Ziling roared, "Tiangong Ziwei!"

Unparalleled level of spiritual ability!

Tiangong Ziwei!

In an instant, a strong purple light erupted from General Zi Ling's body, and a surging aura appeared and swayed towards the surroundings.

With a bang, not only the street exploded, but the buildings on both sides of the street also collapsed at this moment.

In an instant, with General Zi Ling as the center, all the buildings within a radius of 50 meters around were turned into large pieces of rubble the moment they were illuminated by the purple light.

Qiao Ye, however, had expected it a long time ago, and leaped towards the rear in advance, standing on the top of the ruins of the collapsed inn.

After a while, the purple light dissipated, and General Ziling lifted his leg vigorously, pulled out the calf embedded in the ground, and slowly straightened his body.

"Isn't this still using spiritual power?" Qiao Ye looked at General Zi Ling and smiled, "Didn't you say that you can kill me without using spiritual power?"


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