Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1166 Ding Li makes a move

Chapter 1166

General Ziling's face was extremely ugly, and the right hand holding the giant ax kept trembling, which showed how angry General Ziling was at the moment!

"You are dead!"

General Zi Ling paused word by word, gritting his teeth and speaking the four words.


Zila sound!

Countless purple arcs suddenly appeared on General Ziling's body, flowing crazily along the body of General Ziling.

Ziling also refers to Nine Ziyuanling, also known as Ziweixing.

In the name of Xingdou, he can carry out the five thunders to rectify the law!

Among the Wushuang-level spirit-out abilities in Lingyu, Tiangong Ziwei is definitely among the best. It is not purely the ability to summon thunder.

And this is also the place where Tiangong Ziwei is terrified.

Tiangong Ziwei is not purely able to summon thunder, but the purple thunder summoned by Tiangong Ziwei is not among the five elements, it is a kind of thunder from the gods of the gods, and it is among the unparalleled spiritual abilities...

The strongest power of thunder!

at the same time……

General Ziling summoned Zilei, but he didn't use it to attack Qiao Ye directly, but entangled his body. Immediately afterwards, General Ziling tapped his toes and jumped out in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and the speed of General Zi Ling...

It's getting faster!

Qiao Ye quickly jumped up!

The moment Qiao Ye dodged away, General Ziling's huge ax had already been chopped down. The huge ax was glowing with purple light and surrounded by purple thunder. The ax slashed forward, and with a bang, the ruins unexpectedly It exploded again and became shattered, and the shattered sand was scattered around like a stream of water.

Qiao Ye landed on the other side and looked at General Zi Ling, so Zi Lei was actually used to strengthen the body?

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking about it, General Zi Ling didn't even turn around. With a sizzling sound, the purple thunder on his body flickered again, and then a purple light flew past. General Zi Ling's figure flashed, and then appeared in front of Qiao Ye again.

Up and down!

General Zi Ling raised his giant axe and slashed it down in Qiao Ye's direction.


The crisp sound of chirping is reproduced.

Qiao Ye raised the black halberd horizontally and stopped the giant axe. Sure enough, General Zi Ling's strength was obviously improved because of the entanglement of Zi Lei.

However, Qiao Ye's physical body was also strengthened in the demon state, and General Zi Ling's ax could not suppress Qiao Ye.

"Open it for me!"

Qiao Ye raised her head and roared angrily, and abruptly set the giant ax away, but at this moment...

General Zi Ling suddenly smiled ferociously. Although the giant ax in his hand was pushed away by Qiao Ye, the purple thunder flew wildly on General Zi Ling's body and slammed into Qiao Ye's chest.


The sound of thunder bursting suddenly sounded, and Qiao Ye flew backward after being hit.

bang, bang, bang...

Qiao Ye's body crashed into a building, then flew out from the other side of the building, and quickly hit the next building. After piercing the second building, Qiao Ye crashed into the third building among.

"A brat!" General Zi Ling snorted coldly, "You dare to be rampant!"

General Zi Ling walked towards the building while talking, came to the front of the building, and raised the giant ax in his hand.


The sound of electric current surged again, lingering around General Ziling's giant axe, and then General Ziling let out a low cry, and slashed forward again with the axe.

But at this moment...

A figure came suddenly, and suddenly appeared in front of General Zi Ling.

"Tian Luo Yi Dao, Jue Ling!"

Shi Yanyu suddenly appeared in front of General Zi Ling, making a gesture of drawing his sword.

The next moment!

Thunder landed!

The next moment!

The sword light is shocking!

General Zi Ling's blow came with purple thunder, and the moment the ax fell, a purple thunder directly pierced the sky, and slashed down fiercely.

On the other side, Shi Yanyu drew his saber out, and the scabbard flew out, nailed into the ruins on the side, and at the same time, lifted the saber from bottom to top.

The knife was heavy, like a mountain rising from the ground.

In the next moment, the knife and the ax slammed into each other fiercely, sparks sparked out from the knife, and the bodies of General Zi Ling and Shi Yanyu slid towards the rear due to the huge force.

About ten meters away, the two stabilized their bodies at the same time, and a circle of air waves pushed away. Unfortunately, the surrounding houses collapsed again and turned into countless ruins. Looking up, this area has already been destroyed. There are no intact buildings anymore, only pieces of ruins!

General Zi Ling sneered and said, "Shi Yanyu, do you want to protect him? Why?"

"My mission is to bring him back alive!" Shi Yanyu dragged his knife and said, "Dead is not an option!"

General Zi Ling said: "Then there is nothing to say, I don't want to live, I want to die!"

The moment General Ziling finished speaking, he took a step forward, and with a sizzling sound, purple thunder rolled all over his body. Immediately afterwards, General Ziling's speed rose sharply, turning into a purple thunder, and rushed forward.

One is the sixteen generals who guard the world, and the other is the twenty-eight stars who guard the world. General Zi Ling and Shi Yanyu actually know each other very well.

General Zi Ling is very aware of Shi Yanyu's characteristics, so he chooses to attack first and does not give Shi Yanyu a chance to show his speed. If Shi Yanyu can't increase his speed, the power of Shi Yanyu's sword will drop.

And as General Ziling rushed forward, the ground exploded inch by inch. In the blink of an eye, General Ziling came to Shi Yanyu, and the ax in his hand fell down again.

Shi Yanyu half-closed his eyes, holding the knife forward.

"Tianluo Yidao!" Shi Yanyu whispered: "Quick flash!"

Shi Yanyu always kept the posture of bending over and holding the knife, as if he had no intention of using the knife, but when General Zi Ling came to Shi Yanyu!

A silver blade glow suddenly appeared!

Shi Yanyu obviously still maintained the posture of holding the knife, but the light of the knife suddenly appeared, and hit the giant ax in General Ziling's hand with one blow, the huge force struck, General Ziling's complexion changed slightly, and the ax in her hand The ax was knocked away by a blow!

The next moment, Shi Yanyu suddenly raised his knife and stabbed General Zi Ling in the chest!


Shi Yanyu's knife was blocked by General Ziling's armor and failed to pierce it directly, but Shi Yanyu still raised the knife forward, forcing General Ziling to keep retreating.

After a few steps, General Zi Ling stabilized his body, looked at Shi Yanyu and said, "Do you really think you can take him away? No, you can't take him away, because everyone in this world wants him to die, but It's not just me!"

Shi Yanyu's pupils shrank, and then he suddenly looked sideways.

At night, the pavilion is still towering, but...

The figure that had been standing on the corner of the eaves disappeared.

Ding Li, make a move!


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