Chapter 1167

Like a ghost swimming in the night, Ding Li suddenly came to the top of the building that Qiao Ye was smashed into, then fell down, smashed through the roof, and entered the building.

A little anxiety appeared in Shi Yanyu's heart, and at this moment, a strong wind suddenly struck in front of Shi Yanyu.

Master Ziling seized the opportunity when Shi Yanyu just glanced at Ding Li's direction. The huge ax swept across and hit Shi Yanyu. Shi Yanyu was sent flying with one blow.

bang, bang, bang...

Shi Yanyu flew upside down, his body kept falling down, hit the ground continuously, finally stabilized his body, Shi Yanyu supported the ground with one palm, and then slid close to the ground.

Shi Yanyu gritted his teeth, and then spat out a mouthful of blood!

Taking a blow is actually not the most troublesome thing. Shi Yanyu is not weaker than General Ziling, but Shi Yanyu also knows that he is not much stronger than General Ziling.

So, here comes the problem.

Since he wants to block General Zi Ling, who will save Qiao Ye?

who can...

Block Ding Li!

the other side……

Ding Li entered the building!

This is a woodcarving hall. In addition to construction, the Qingyan Spirit Tree produced in Qingmu Town is also very popular for carving and making decorations. It is said that it can refresh the mind and assist in cultivation.

The second floor of the woodcarving hall is a warehouse with countless ornaments. There is a big hole in the center, which was smashed out by Qiao Ye before.

After Ding Li entered, he took a step, fell down from the hole, came to the first floor, and then looked left and right, looking for Qiao Ye's figure.

However, Ding Li didn't see anyone.

Where did Qiao Ye go?


When Ding Li was thinking this way, a wisp of black smoke suddenly floated behind Ding Li, and Qiao Ye suddenly emerged from the black smoke.

There was a stream of blood flowing from the corner of Qiao Ye's forehead, which made Qiao Ye look more ferocious. The black halberd in his hand was lifted up, and he slashed at Ding Li from behind.

Ding Li suddenly heard the sound of piercing the sky, and without turning around, he directly raised his arm.


The black halberd hit Ding Li's arm, like cutting some heavy metal stone, and made a loud sound of gold and iron.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and Ding Li turned around slowly.

Not General Ziling!

Qiao Ye looked at the man in front of him. He was dressed in a black military uniform, with obvious muscular outlines, but he didn't look huge, but he had a very explosive feeling. He looked about thirty-five or sixteen. The facial features are sharp and angular, not a very good-looking type, but they reveal fortitude.

Ding Li!

After blocking Qiao Ye's blow, Ding Li turned around abruptly, and slapped Qiao Ye with a big palm, hitting the halberd pole.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth tightly, and Qiao Ye could feel a huge power with a seemingly ordinary palm. Moreover, the power was very strange and continuous. It was obviously only a palm, but it struck layer by layer. , and, one layer is stronger than one layer.

Qiao Ye had no choice but to back away to lose strength, and then hit the wall...

With a bang, the wall sank in an instant, and a large number of dense cracks appeared.

As soon as Ding Li's figure moved, he immediately came towards Qiao Ye again, clenched his fists and blasted out forcefully.

Qiao Ye quickly placed the black halberd in front of him.


In the next moment, Ding Li punched Qiao Ye's halberd, and a huge force struck.

The already shattered wall was finally overwhelmed and completely collapsed. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye flew out of the room and smashed hard on the street.

The huge movement naturally attracted the attention of General Zi Ling and Shi Yanyu.

Seeing Qiao Ye crashing into the ruins on the other side from one side of the street, Shi Yanyu drew his knife and walked towards Qiao Ye.

But at this moment...


General Zi Ling roared, raised the giant ax in his hand, and slashed forward again, passing Shi Yanyu.

With a loud noise, a piece of the ground in front of Shi Yanyu was smashed, and Shi Yanyu was also forced back abruptly.

General Zi Ling grinned ferociously and said, "Where do you want to go?"

Shi Yanyu's eyes were gloomy, he glanced at General Ziling, and then at Qiao Ye's direction.

Qiao Ye lay on the ruins, lost her movement, as if she was dead, which immediately made Shi Yanyu anxious.


Ding Li was constantly walking forward, approaching Qiao Ye.

However, Shi Yanyu had no way to rescue him, because General Zi Ling stood in front of Shi Yanyu.

But at this moment...

Ding Liming had already walked to the front of the ruins, but suddenly his expression changed, and he leaped towards the back suddenly, as if he sensed danger.

And in fact...

indeed so!

The moment Ding Li jumped away, there was a loud noise from the ruins, and Qiao Ye jumped up, leaping forward, chasing after Ding Li, the black halberd in his hand almost piercing Ding Li's face superior.

Ding Li roared angrily, and suddenly raised his arm and threw it forward, smashing Qiao Ye's black halberd away.

But the moment the black halberd was smashed open, Qiao Ye reached out and grabbed Ding Li's head.


Qiao Ye grabbed Ding Li's head and smashed it hard towards the ground, and the ground was smashed into pieces.

Qiao Ye immediately raised her foot and stepped down hard.

Ding Li's reaction was extremely fast, and his figure flashed like a ghost, moving laterally against the ground, and quickly distanced himself from Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Ding Li and said, "The most capable person in the Black Mongolian Kingdom? That's all!"

Ding Lixu didn't like to talk, or maybe he didn't want to speak. Facing Qiao Ye's provocation, he was indifferent, but slowly spread his arms to the sides.

"Martial Soul, Heavenly Sword Glory!"

Unparalleled Martial Soul, Sky Saber Glory!

The moment Ding Li opened his hands, a strong aura suddenly appeared from Ding Li's body.

On Ding Li's body, there was a faint halo flickering!

In the next moment, Ding Li raised his hand, and slashed forward with all his might!

Obviously it was just a hand knife, but the ground in front of Ding Li, as if cut by a knife, exploded directly, and a huge cut mark appeared, spreading towards Qiao Ye's direction!

The Ding family, since the founding of the Black Mongolian Kingdom, has been the emperor's guards with swords for generations.

So is Ding Li!

However, Ding Li didn't have a knife, and he didn't use one either. Everyone in the Black Mongolia knew that Ding Li was not good at using weapons.

So, what's going on if the guard with a knife doesn't have a knife?

It doesn't matter!

Ding Li can turn himself into the sharpest knife in the world!


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