Chapter 1168 Fierce Fight


Qiao Ye looked at the slash marks on the ground, and quickly turned the black halberd across.


There was a crisp chirping sound, as if something had hit Qiao Ye's black halberd!

Just as Qiao Ye received a blow, Ding Li raised his hand again. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding air seemed to be distorted.

Qiao Ye felt something in his heart, and quickly turned his head away. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye felt something passing by his side.


A ruin behind Qiao Ye exploded.

Qiao Ye slowly raised her right hand, touched her cheek, and then saw a smear of blood on her fingertip.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

This guy's martial soul...

It turned out to be sword energy!

And yes, the invisible sword energy!

"Another troublesome guy!"

Qiao Ye murmured in a low voice.

Qiao Ye didn't know how strong Ding Li's was. After all, they had just fought each other. Qiao Ye also didn't know how strong Ding Li's martial spirit was. After all, Ding Li had only scored two strikes.

However, what Qiao Ye was sure of was that this guy in front of him was very troublesome!

The invisible saber energy cannot be seen by the naked eye, and this alone is a huge trouble.

Since you can't see it, how do you dodge and resist it?

On the other side, Ding Li didn't give Qiao Ye too much time to think, he casually raised his hand forward, obviously he couldn't see anything, but he could feel that there seemed to be something flowing in the air.

Qiao Ye immediately started to move. Although he couldn't see it, the saber aura would not turn. At least he could be sure that as long as he moved in a wide range, he would not be cut by Ding Li's saber aura.

Boom, boom!

Accompanied by Qiao Ye's rapid body movement, the street where Qiao Ye had been standing before immediately made a cracking sound, and then there were two more marks of knife cutting on the ground.

After avoiding Ding Li's attack, Qiao Ye's body was also surrounded by black smoke.

The next moment, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and slammed it down forward.

With a bang, the earth collapsed and the sky was shocked!

A large piece of black smoke spread out towards the surroundings, lingering around, and then...

The surrounding scenery changes and is covered by black smoke, and phantoms of rocky mountains covered with white bones continue to rise, and huge iron chains are dragged around the rocky mountains. On the iron chains, a A number of skeleton heads hung there, colliding constantly, making crisp sounds like wind chimes.

Under Qiao Ye's feet, dense white bones kept appearing, looming under the black smoke, and the tumbling piles of skulls kept rising, and there was an indescribable depression everywhere.

as if……

Everything is covered by death!


The Nether Demon Territory took shape, and black smoke swirled around it.

Qiao Ye bent down, bowed her head and opened her mouth, two wisps of black smoke appeared from the corners of her mouth, and then, Qiao Ye's figure became nothingness. With the surge of black smoke, her figure became fainter and fainter, and finally was covered by the black smoke. To completely cover up.

The sword qi cut out by Ding Li's martial soul can transcend the five senses, eyes can't see, ears can't hear, and even if he uses the qi in his body to feel it, it's hard to detect the existence of the sword qi, so even the God of War picture His mental abilities are not easy to use. To fully feel the existence of the saber energy, I am afraid that only the moment of injury!

And Qiao Ye was able to escape, thanks to both spiritual and martial arts.

Although Ding Li's saber energy transcends the five senses and doesn't even work with his mind, he can still feel a trace of existence by using his mental power.

However, it is obviously quite difficult to perceive the location of the saber energy entirely by mental power.

Being unable to perceive is itself a characteristic of Ding Li's martial soul!

Then, we can only change our thinking, and make Ding Li unable to attack easily!

Da, da, da, da, da, da...

The sound of crisp footsteps kept ringing!

Ding Li looked at the black smoke around him, Ding Li knew that Qiao Ye was running in the black smoke, but Qiao Ye was running very fast, the sound of the footsteps was very dense, and the direction was constantly changing, which made it hard to understand. It is easy to distinguish the position of Qiao Ye.

This is Qiao Ye's method. Even if it is an invisible sword qi, if you want to attack, you still need to lock the target first. In this case, let Ding Li lose the target of the attack, unable to capture his position and action, then Ding How should Li attack?

Ding Li quickly gave the answer!

Ding Li straightly bent his legs, jumped up suddenly from the spot, and then turned his waist in mid-air, his whole body was spinning like a spinning top.

Along with Ding Li's continuous rotation in the air, with Ding Li as the center, countless sword qi swayed wildly in all directions.

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by those saber qi's chopping down to the ground continuously, the sound of continuous bangs rang out continuously.

The ground exploded piece by piece, and any place that was struck by the saber energy was instantly shattered!

The black smoke lingering around was constantly chopped into pieces at the moment when the saber qi flew past!

Ding Li used the simplest and most violent method. Since he couldn't determine where Qiao Ye was, he used attacks to cover the surrounding area.

As long as Qiao Ye doesn't leave this area, he will definitely be affected by the attack!

However, after a round of attacks...


There is no one!

Ding Li raised his eyebrows, he was a little bit surprised in his heart, he obviously completely enveloped his surroundings with saber energy, why didn't it affect Qiao Ye?

But also at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly appeared from behind Ding Li, swept the black halberd in his hand, and the black smoke billowed out towards the front, condensing into a huge black smoky halberd ten meters away, and slashed down in Ding Li's direction go.

Ding Li turned around and crossed his arms in front of him!


The black smoke giant halberd slashed down and landed on Ding Li's body, making a clear and loud noise.

Ding Li didn't just use his martial soul to cut out invisible and formless saber energy. Ding Li himself was a strong man at the peak of the ninth rank of the Martial Emperor Realm. Whether it was cultivation methods or martial arts, he was the best choice.

After blocking Qiao Ye's halberd, Ding Li directly perched in front of Qiao Ye, quickly rushed to Qiao Ye, and then punched Qiao Ye.

Fist out, the wind howls!

The fist wind blows forward like a hurricane, and the surrounding rubble is swept into the sky one after another. On those ruins, sand rolls down continuously, and then explodes and collapses again!

Qiao Ye's eyes were gloomy, and then he met the extremely powerful punch. Qiao Ye raised the black halberd not to be outdone, and stepped forward, holding the pole of the halberd with both hands. Slash down hard towards the front!


Halberd and fist!

They slammed together again.

The shocking roar resounded through the sky!


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