Chapter 1169

Boom, boom, boom!

The moment the fist and the halberd clashed together again, the ground under Qiao Ye and Ding Li's feet collapsed, layer by layer, and fell three times in a row. Both legs of Qiao Ye and Ding Li were completely buried in the ground. , It can be seen how terrifying this collision is.

It's not just the two warring parties who feel the horror!

There are also those defenders in the distance, whether they are from the spiritual domain or the martial domain, all of them are showing horror at this moment.

Ding Li's fighting methods are actually not fancy, even the formless saber energy is just weird and cannot be called fancy.

In comparison, Shi Yanyu's fight with General Zi Ling was much better. Zi Lei followed each other with every move, and the purple thunders passing across the sky were like long dragons, constantly illuminating the sky.

The other, the blade light is gorgeous, every time the blade is cut, the silver blade light will break through the sky, dazzling and gorgeous, mighty and powerful, and the blade's intent is astonishing!

However, everyone knows that Ding Li's strength is definitely not inferior to that of General Zi Ling and Shi Yanyu. It's just that Ding Li is a typical combat faction, and what he pursues is fighting in battle and defeating the enemy. There is no fancy tricks.

Ding Li is known as the most capable man in the Black Mongolian Kingdom. The word "able to fight" not only means that he has Ding Li's strength, but also interprets Ding Li's fighting style.

And it was Ding Li who was fighting Qiao Ye so hard at this moment!

This is really surprising!

Although Qiao Ye is not an unknown person now, she is too young!

It has only been a few years since Qiao Ye became famous. From destroying the Lingyu Ling Temple to becoming famous, to the battle in the Demon Realm Emperor's Capital, she has truly made her name among the defenders. Although she has done a lot, the time is still too short Many people who guard the world have heard of Qiao Ye, and besides the guards, many people know Qiao Ye's name, but how powerful Qiao Ye is, or how far Qiao Ye can reach, in fact, no one knows not much!

And now, at least everyone present knows it!

This is a guy who can definitely be called terrifying. He can fight Ding Li evenly. At least it can prove that Qiao Ye is already one of the top masters in the world under the Supreme Being in the world.

the most important is……

Qiao Ye is still young, and being young means a promising future!

Especially the guardians of the spiritual domain, there is a trace of fear and a trace of relaxation in their hearts at the moment. The fear is that Qiao Ye will not die. In time, Wuyu will inevitably have an extra human supreme. What is rest assured is that Qiao Ye is no longer a guardian. , and, should not be able to survive tonight.

After all, even if Qiao Ye is fighting Ding Li right now, no one thinks that Qiao Ye can really win against Ding Li.

However, there are always some variables in life, but no one can say whether the variables are good or bad!

"The fight is very lively, you can be considered as an old man, okay?"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Many people searched for the sound, and then saw an old man in sackcloth with white beard and hair outside the battle circle.

Many people showed surprise!

There are actually quite a few people who took Qiao Ye's idea, but this area has been completely sealed off by the defenders, and those people have also been driven out of Qingmu Town.

If someone can come here at this moment and join this battle, he must be the world's top expert, and if he can quietly come outside the battle circle under the eyes of many people, he must be the best of the best.

"Helian Feimo!" Shi Yanyu glanced at the old man who appeared, and frowned slightly: "Do you want people from the magic hall to intervene?"

"No, no!" Helian Feimo said with a smile, "Ever since Jin Shangshen was imprisoned by His Majesty, the magic hall has existed in name only, and now, the matter of the magic hall has nothing to do with me. A group of scattered people!"

The old man named Helian Feimo is not simple, because he once enjoyed the treatment of being under one person and above ten thousand in the Demon Realm Demon Hall!

Because, he is the deputy hall master of the main hall of the demon hall. In addition to the master of the demon hall, Jin Shangshen, Helian Feimo is one of the strongest in the demon hall. one of the forces.

However, what Helian Feimo said was the truth.

King Ruyang fought against Jinshangshen in the sea of ​​no return. In the end, Jinshangshen was defeated. After being imprisoned by King Ruyang in the Heavenly Prison of the Imperial Capital, the magic hall was almost disbanded.

Regarding the magic hall, King Ruyang originally wanted to stay. Even after ascending to the throne, King Ruyang and Jin Shangshen gradually parted ways due to interests, King Ruyang never thought of abandoning the magic hall.

However, after the Battle of No Return Sea, King Ruyang finally discovered that Jin Shangshen commanded Motang for so many years, and his reputation has reached an unbelievable level. Although it is a pity to abandon such a powerful fighting force as Motang However, King Ruyang still decided to clean up the magic hall and completely dismantle the current magic hall. It is not known whether he will build a magic hall completely for Ruyang king in the future, but at present, it seems that it is as Helian Feimo said. As stated, the magic hall has existed in name only.

As the former deputy hall master of the main hall of the magic hall, Helian Feimo's power is also his own. For Ruyang King, he is absolutely worried about Helian Feimo.

Fortunately, Helian Feimo was already old, and most of his feet had stepped into the coffin. Naturally, he was also a mature person. He knew what King Ruyang was thinking, so he directly wrote a letter to tell his old man to return home and quit.

That being the case, King Ruyang let Helian Feimo go, and would not take Helian Feimo's life, but Helian Feimo would not be able to return to the imperial capital for the rest of his life.

Shi Yanyu bit his lip, Helian Feimo is also an extremely difficult guy, his strength is definitely not inferior to Ding Li and General Zi Ling, after all, his age is not for nothing!

more importantly……

Helian Feimo couldn't have come to help Qiao Ye!

Helian Feimo didn't have any friendship with Qiao Ye, and speaking of it, Qiao Ye had a good relationship with Princess Yongle. Therefore, Qiao Ye should be regarded as the King of Ruyang's faction, and Helian Feimo used to be the king of Jin. God-like people.

Sure enough, Helian Feimo looked at Qiao Ye and said with a smile, "Little friend, at my age, I'm not very greedy. I just want to earn some money for the coffin. I don't know if I can do it!"

The meaning of Helian Feimo's words is obvious.

General Zi Ling is going to die!

Shi Yanyu wants to live!

Ding Li wanted things as well as Qiao Ye's life!

Helian Feimo only wanted something!

As long as Qiao Ye is willing to give something, Helian Feimo will leave immediately. After all, this muddy water is not so easy to stir up.

If it were the majority of people, they might have agreed that it might not be a good thing to save such a powerful enemy by spending money, and it might even be possible to use this to provoke Helian Feimo and Ding Li.

After all, both want something!

However, Qiao Ye uttered a word firmly!



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