Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1179: Trees Filled With Void

Chapter 1179

Of course, Shi Yanyu not only sent messages to Lin Jiexu, but also to Liang Zhicheng.

The two of them are very strong. In order to ambush Jiang Liuxue, they brought a lot of people under their command, and they were able to rush over to control the field in time.

And the more important thing is naturally Jiang Liuxue...

Although Jiang Liuxue ran away, maybe he could still find someone?

Jiang Liuxue wasn't very good, but the bodyguards were good. To deal with Bai Jinglin, he needed the Supreme Being in the world, and it's not like the defenders didn't have the Supreme Being in the world.

Although the day lily may be cold after rushing over, but I still have to try it anyway!

But when Shi Yanyu was busy, Qiao Ye suddenly said, "Look over there!"

Shi Yanyu came back to his senses and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qiao Ye said, "Look at that tree over there!"

The tree Qiao Ye pointed to was located in the center of Qingmu Town, not far from their location. Although there were Qingyan Spirit Trees everywhere around them, and the view was severely blocked, they could still be seen vaguely.

When Shi Yanyu followed Qiao Ye's point of view, he also showed surprise in an instant!

That tree located in the center of Qingmu Town, under the spreading branches, there are dense void cracks, at least one or two hundred, hanging under the branches, just like hanging fruit!

Moreover, the tree is obviously located in the center, surrounded by many trees, but for some reason, it is only the size of a normal Qingyan Spiritual Tree, about thirty meters in size, not very tall, and it is the only one where you can see the top of the tree. Qingyan Spirit Tree.

And on the top of the Qingyan Spiritual Tree, there is a huge void crack. The void crack is extremely huge, two or three times larger than other void cracks, and it is constantly wriggling and twisting, which is extremely strange. Stablize.

Qiao Ye and Shi Yanyu looked at each other, and then blurted out in unison!

"Void Gate!"

"Void Gate!"

Qiao Ye's eyes sank, and he said, "No matter what Jiang Liuxue wants to do, in retrospect, he borrowed the Void Gate almost every time, so there must be something wrong with that tree, and we have to find a way to get in. Among them, destroy it before the void gate is formed."

Destroying the void gate is the value of the existence of the boundary guards, and the most important task for the boundary guards. In essence, the boundary guards have repeatedly clashed with Jiang Liuxue. The earliest cause is that Jiang Liuxue used the void gate to mess with each other.

Therefore, Shi Yanyu has no objection to this point, her judgment is the same as Qiao Ye's, and then said: "Let's go out first, and then organize the staff!"

"No, you go out!" Qiao Ye said, "I'll go first!"

Shi Yanyu frowned and said: "Nonsense, how can you go to the world inside the Void Gate alone? It's easy to have accidents."

Qiao Ye said: "However, when you organize your people, it will definitely be more difficult to get in than it is now. By then, the surrounding Qingyan Spiritual Trees will become thicker, and then that damn void crack may have become a void gate. "

The way to destroy the void gate is to enter it and destroy the core, but this is also difficult.

Not all void cracks can be entered by people. Most void cracks are just a crack, not a so-called passage, and it is impossible to enter it.

Of course, this is actually a good thing, because it means that this void crack is safe.

Only the threatening void cracks will generate the world behind the void gate. Therefore, to a certain extent, the earlier the void cracks are still changing, the easier it is to destroy the core. If it is completely transformed into a void gate, it will be very difficult.

Therefore, most of the time, destroying the void gate is before the void gate is formed.

Qiao Ye said: "Therefore, someone must go in now. Even if the core cannot be destroyed, even if it can delay a little time, it is good. At least before you arrive, I will prevent the void crack from turning into a void gate."

Shi Yanyu gritted her teeth, because she knew that Qiao Ye's words were correct. In fact, this was something that every defender knew.

Shi Yanyu took a deep breath and said, "Then I should go, because I am stronger than you, don't tell me, you can maintain the state you had when you fought against Bai Jinglin before, I know very well that it is impossible to continue forever."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "You're right, I really can't, and besides, I'm actually quite tired now."

Dealing with Ding Li was already a huge trouble, and it cost Qiao Ye a lot, not to mention that he had to fight Bai Jinglin a few times.

"But..." Qiao Ye said: "It's useless for me to go out, no one listens to me, I'm just a day-level boundary guard, and you, Lin Jiexu, and Liang Zhicheng do know that I didn't rebel, but In order to catch Jiang Liuxue, we have been doing all kinds of dramas. Now some defenders may have figured it out, and some defenders may not have figured it out yet, and still think I am a traitor, so it is useless for me to go out. Unable to organize manpower, this is something only you can do at present, because, you are the twenty-eight star of the guardian, and you are the Western Moon Crow!"

Shi Yanyu showed a tangled look, and she also understood that what Qiao Ye said was indeed reasonable, but she didn't want Qiao Ye to take risks alone.

But also at this time...

Qiao Ye suddenly pinched Sibuxiang's neck.

Sibuxiang also had a heart-to-heart connection with Qiao Ye, and with a flick of his waist and an arch of his buttocks, he suddenly pushed Shi Yanyu off his back.

Shi Yanyu fell to the ground, and before he could react, Qiao Ye pinched Sibuxiang's abdomen, and Sibuxiang jumped forward quickly.

Shi Yanyu said anxiously: "Qiao Ye!"

Qiao Ye turned back with a smile and said, "If you don't want to see me die, then quickly bring someone over!"

Qiao Ye didn't give Shi Yanyu a chance to catch up, so he directly accelerated Si Buxiang, and rushed towards the center, leaving Shi Yanyu behind.

Running wildly all the way until Shi Yanyu was no longer in sight, Qiao Ye let Sibuxiang slow down a little, then patted Xiaoji's head and said, "You..."

"I'm not leaving!" Xiao Ji raised her head, grabbed Qiao Ye's clothes and said, "Let's go together!"

Qiao Ye sighed, "It's very dangerous!"

Xiao Ji said stubbornly, "Let's go together!"

Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji looked at each other for a while, and finally nodded helplessly.

Qiao Ye had understood Xiao Ji's stubbornness, and knew that no matter how much she tried to persuade her, it would be useless. Moreover, if Xiao Ji were to be put down right now, she would have to leave here alone, and Qiao Ye could not rest assured.

"Then let's go together!" Qiao Ye looked at Xiao Ji and said seriously, "Follow me closely for a while, and you must not run around, you understand?"

Xiao Ji nodded firmly, Qiao Ye didn't say anything more, and patted Si Bu Xiang on the head, making Si Bu Xiang speed up again!


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