Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1180 Reverse Poisoned Milk

Chapter 1180 Reverse Poisoned Milk

The growth variation of the Qingyan Spiritual Tree is extremely terrifying.

Right now, the place where Qingmu Town is located has completely turned into a sea of ​​forest, completely engulfed by the Qingyan Spiritual Tree.

Qiao Ye couldn't see the scene outside the tree at all. Of course, Qiao Ye could only see the void in front of him at the moment.

There are many dense void cracks, but the void cracks hanging like fruits are not Qiao Ye's goal.

The scale of these void cracks is not large, on the contrary, they are somewhat small, and the length and size are smaller than ordinary void cracks.

From Qiao Ye's point of view, the only problem was the void crack at the top of the tree. The other void cracks were probably caused by the instability of the void crack at the top of the tree.

Then, the goal is very clear!

Qiao Ye patted Si Buxiang's head and said, "Can I climb up?"

Si Buxiang raised his head and roared, his speed increased again, and then he jumped up suddenly in front of the Qingyan Spiritual Tree.

Si Buxiang's jumping ability is also quite amazing, but it is impossible to jump directly to the top of the tree in one step. Therefore, Si Buxiang first kicked on the trunk, then jumped up with the help, and then stepped on a branch again, While stepping on the branch, the body flew into the air again, and finally jumped to the top of the tree.

Qiao Ye shouted: "Go straight in!"

With Qiao Ye's order, Four Different Naturally did not hesitate at all, and went straight into the void cracks on the top of the tree.

Entering the Void Crack did not feel weird. It was not the first time Qiao Ye had entered the Void Crack. Qiao Ye and Xuanyuan Beimu had worked together to destroy the core of the Void Gate before.

That feeling is actually similar to when entering the Broken Realm, the surroundings are filled with a lot of chaotic fog, and chaotic thunders are constantly passing around.

It's very dangerous, but it's actually not that dangerous. As long as you don't get lost in it, or bump into the Chaos Thunder with your own head, generally nothing will happen!

About half an hour later, a sliver of clarity appeared in the chaos ahead, and immediately after that, Sibuxiang leaped forward.

Looking up and looking forward, I seem to be...

In a sea of ​​forest!

This is a very extensive forest. When Qiao Ye looked up, he could not see the end in any direction except trees.

Of course, there are not only Qingyan Spiritual Trees here, but all kinds of trees, some of which Qiao Ye has seen before, and some that Qiao Ye does not know.

In addition to trees, there are also large areas of shrubs, a lot of vegetation, moss, and even some fungi.

There are thick tree roots protruding from the ground, like giant pythons, criss-crossing and coiling on the ground, and there are also vines hanging from the branches, hanging there constantly dangling.


Qiao Ye looked around, the world inside the Void Gate should be full of evil beasts, extremely dangerous, and the reason for destroying the core of the Void Gate and closing the Void Gate is to worry that these evil beasts will run outside and wreak havoc.

And this is where Qiao Ye felt weird. The forest seemed a little deep and quiet. Qiao Ye raised his eyes and looked around, but he didn't see any trace of the evil beast.


buzz, buzz, buzz...

Qiao Ye suddenly heard a buzzing sound, which was very similar to the sound of insects flapping their wings, but if it was the sound of insects flapping their wings, it seemed too loud!

The next moment, Qiao Ye felt as if she had reversed poisoned milk!

Above the treetops, a large group of wasps suddenly appeared. Their bodies were slender and smooth, their mouthparts were constantly opening and closing, and there were bee needles at the end of their tails. Their bodies were colorful black and yellow.

It looks like a normal wasp, but...

This group of damn guys, their bodies are too big!

There were at least hundreds of wasps, densely packed, and more importantly, the size of those wasps, the smallest was about one meter away, and the larger one could reach one and a half meters, which was almost close to the height of an adult.



The moment the swarm of wasps appeared, although they didn't attack immediately, Qiao Ye could feel a very distinct aggressiveness!

Qiao Ye decided to give it a try, to see if his feeling was wrong, so he patted the four different heads lightly.

Sibuxiang deservedly climbed out of the egg and followed Qiao Ye. Qiaoye even felt that his tacit understanding with Sibuxiang was much higher than Polaris. Right now, if Qiaoye wants to enter the state of beast soul resonance, it is absolutely easy. You know Well, Qiao Ye has actually stayed with Polaris longer, and has fought side by side many times.

Therefore, there are advantages and disadvantages. It is indeed easier to establish a close relationship and tacit understanding with a beast that has been raised since childhood.

But Sibuxiang sensed what Qiao Ye meant, and after moving his body slightly...

The wasps hanging in the air suddenly became irritable and attacked Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye quickly patted Si Buxiang's head and said, "Let me see how capable you are now!"

Sibuxiang didn't talk nonsense, just opened his mouth and roared.

The sun and moon patterns on Sibuxiang's forehead instantly burst into radiance, and the soft light spread forward, illuminating the surroundings.

And with the appearance of that brilliance, silver-white frost rolled up into the air, continuously rotating in the air, forming a large area of ​​frosty sky, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, revealing a bone-chilling feeling.

Click, click!

Bingjie's voice kept ringing, and the body of the wasp rushing to the front was covered with a layer of frost in an instant, and it froze into an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye, falling from the air.

With a crash, the bodies of those wasps were instantly smashed to pieces.

"You killed an evil beast (stinger bee), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (stinger bee), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (stinging bee), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 15,000 points."


Although there were a lot of those stinging bees, they were obviously not very strong, at least not as powerful as they appeared on the outside. They killed a lot of stinging bees with a single blow.

In fact, this can also be seen from the absorbed martial soul value. The martial soul value that can be absorbed by those poisonous stinging bees is generally only between 12,000 and 15,000. The soul value has always been lower than that of a cultivator, but the martial soul value of this value is also relatively low, and the absorbed martial soul value is basically equal to the strength of the evil beast!

However, Qiao Ye also sighed a little at the moment, Four Different Phases finally turned an ugly daughter-in-law into a mother-in-law, and the improvement in strength was very obvious.


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