Chapter 1181 Strange

But the crisis is obviously not resolved, there are still many stinging bees floating in the air.

Evil beasts are troublesome and scary for many reasons, such as numbers, ferocity, bloodthirsty, etc., and one of the most important points is that they are not afraid to fight!

These days, if you are not afraid of being beaten to death, you are afraid of being beaten!

Under normal circumstances, Sibuxiang has already slaughtered the opponent so viciously for a round, and the remaining stinging bees should show some fear, but the fact is that these stinging bees have no intention of retreating at all. The death of a companion only irritates them, making them more ferocious.

To put it simply, it is...

Don't be shy, just do it!

Well, there are exceptions, such as the Ice Demon that Qiao Ye once saw in Hanlin Mountain, and the Evil Beast from Congxin is actually quite rare.

Well, don't give way...


Qiao Ye clamped Sibuxiang's abdomen, hugged Xiao Ji with one hand to prevent her from falling, and grabbed the void on the side with the other hand. Along with the black smoke, the black euphorbia appeared in Qiao Ye's hand.

At the same time, those stinging bees also came towards Qiao Ye crazily. With a twist of their waist, the stinger on their butt was aimed at Qiao Ye, like sharp swords!

Si Buxiang leaped up and directly rushed into the stinging bee swarm, and the moment Si Buxiang jumped up, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand was also thrown to the side.


The body of a stinging wasp was scratched by the black halberd, and then the body was broken in two and hit the ground, with viscous blood and internal organs flowing out.

After one blow, Sibuxiang stepped on a big tree with one foot, then turned around and continued to jump, and at the same time spit out a mouthful of frost towards the front.

Today's Sibuxiang is not the same as before, a mouthful of ice scum is not enough to make a bowl of shaved ice, and a mouthful of frost is spit out, and a large area of ​​stinging bees on the side is frozen into ice.

And the other side...

The black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand swept out again.

The moment the halberd swept out, thick black smoke lingered, forming a black arc of smoke in front of the halberd. Although it was smoke, it was as sharp as a knife.

The moment the black smoke swept across, the stinging bee attacking from the side was cut apart in an instant and fell from the air.

"You killed an evil beast (stinging bee), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (stinger bee), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 13500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (stinger bee), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 14000 points."


A large number of stinging bees were killed, and Sibuxiang fell back to the ground. Although there were still fish that slipped through the net, the number of stinging bees was not much.

But at this moment, Xiao Ji stretched out her hand and pulled La Qiaoye's clothes!


Qiao Ye looked down at Xiao Ji, who pointed to the side.

The sound of the beast whimpering sounded, and then, one after another, black panthers gradually came out from behind the tree, their eyes were scarlet, and there were three swaying tails behind them.

"Three-tailed night leopard?"

Qiao Ye knew this kind of evil beast. When he was in Night City, Qiao Ye had seen and killed it. At that time, the three-tailed night leopard was a troublesome evil beast for Qiao Ye, but now it is another time. The thing is, the three-tailed night leopard itself is a relatively weak evil beast, and only the defenders will hunt and kill it during training.

However, it finally has that taste!

In the world after the void crack, how could there not be a large number of evil beasts?

Qiao Ye didn't make a move either. When those three-tailed night leopards gathered around, Sibuxiang raised his paw and slapped the ground.

Boom, boom, boom!

The ground suddenly trembled, cracks as thick as pythons appeared continuously, and then countless ground thorns rose from the ground, directly piercing the bodies of the three-tailed night leopards from below.

The attributes of the four non-phases belong to the sun, moon, yin and yang, and frost is only a part of the abilities of the four non-phases, but it does not mean that the four non-phases are the beasts with the attribute of frost!

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 8100 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 7900 points."


With one blow, all the three-tailed night leopards that appeared were killed!

It's not that Sibuxiang is too strong, but those three-tailed night leopards are too weak.

This also made Qiao Ye look a little confused.

This picture is a bit different from what I thought!

Isn't the world inside the Void Gate very dangerous?

When those stinging bees appeared, they looked quite bluffing. Qiao Ye thought they were very strong, but after beating them, they realized that they were strong on the outside, but they were not that powerful.

Then the stinging bee got it done, and a group of three-tailed night leopards came, which turned out to be even worse...

It's not that Qiao Ye blows, if you come to a city with this level of evil beast, you won't be tired if you kill all the opponents.

Could it be that the danger level of this void gate is not high, only some weak beasts?

However, thinking about it carefully, Qiao Ye felt that it was unreliable. How could Jiang Liuxue make something simple? Since when did that guy make things easier?

Maybe this void gate is relatively large, so there are only some weak beasts on the periphery? As long as you go deep, there will be powerful evil beasts appearing?

After pondering for a long time, Qiao Ye could only think of this more reliable possibility.

Scratching his head, Qiao Ye asked Sibuxiangqing to kill the remaining stinging bees.

This time, there were no new evil beasts. Qiao Ye looked around, not knowing which direction to go. The world in the cracks in the void is looking for the core, which has a certain element of luck, and Qiao Ye can only choose randomly. A direction all the way forward.

And the more this went on, the more wrong Qiao Ye felt.

Originally, the Evil Beasts would be weaker if they were weaker, but at least the continuous appearance of Evil Beasts still had a taste of the world inside the Void Gate.

But as he walked, Qiao Ye found that this smell was gone.

The silence in this forest is terrible, occasionally you can hear some insects and birds' hooves, and then...

Then there is no more!

Those evil beasts didn't even appear!

Qiao Ye even wondered now, is this place really the world after the void crack? A dangerous place with a large number of evil beasts entrenched and rushing outside at any time?

This is not like ah!

The defenders desperately prevented the void gate from forming, because once the void gate was formed, the evil beasts inside would run out, and then continue to invade the outside world, and even rushed out of the Nine Domains battlefield, affecting all domains.

And there is a priority here. Relatively speaking, if you find a void crack that has not mutated into a void gate, if the degree of danger is not high, you will first control, observe and block it.

But what if it is an extremely unstable void crack that may mutate into a void gate at any time?

That is the first time to find a way to destroy it!


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