Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1182 Suspected Airship

Chapter 1182 Suspected Airship

The difference between the two is that the evil beasts in the former have not yet gathered completely, while the latter have completely gathered. As soon as the void door is opened, those evil beasts will rush out immediately!

This is where Qiao Ye is most confused right now.

From the outside, this void crack is very unstable, with a very high degree of mutation, and it may form a void gate at any time.

But, come in and have a look...

How is it that the evil beasts form a group of tides, and they will rush out at any time as soon as the void door is opened?

After killing two groups of evil beasts, even the shadow of the evil beasts could not be seen immediately.

If it is this level, even if the void gate is opened, there is nothing to worry about, because there will not be many evil beasts rushing out. If this is the case, the void gate will open, what's the big deal?


Qiao Ye was thinking, but the disparate voices interrupted Qiao Ye's thoughts.

Qiao Ye looked down, but her disparate bodies were entangled.

This deep forest is very dense, with shrubs, vines, and even some trees that grow too tall and will be skewed. The trunks will directly form a staggered, underground roots will rise to the ground, forming a small space, and then...

Four different phases are stuck!

Qiao Ye sighed, "Why have you grown up and become useless!"

Si Buxiang has an aggrieved expression on his face, do you despise your dog?


The four different bodies exuded a radiance, and then the four different bodies began to shrink visibly with the naked eye, and soon became the size of two palms, and more than two-thirds of the body was the tail. In an instant, the prestige is gone, and she is soft and cute.

Qiao Ye was surprised: "Can it change back?"

Sibuxiang raised his head and yelled at Qiao Ye, it's a normal operation, don't make a fuss.

In fact, this kind of change, which can be large or small, comes from a very common beast control skill in the beast domain - gigantic!

Although it is gigantic, in fact, the function of this beast control skill is to control the size of the body. It can be huge or small. However, who would deliberately shrink himself during a battle?

Secondly, according to the body size, the attributes will also change. After being gigantic, the strength and resistance to beating can be enhanced, but the movement speed and reaction will decrease. On the contrary, the attributes of movement speed and reaction will be strengthened, and the strength and resistance to beating will be strengthened. aspects will be weakened.

Although it is something about beast control skills, it usually needs to be cultivated, taught, and then learned.

However, the unparalleled beast master is so willful, so he will do it immediately.

This is the talent gap between the high-grade beast master and the low-grade beast master, and gigantic transformation is not the only mastery of the imperial skill that Sibuxiang has mastered directly after reaching adulthood.

As soon as the unparalleled beast masters pass through the infancy stage, their strength will increase dramatically in an instant, and when they reach their peak stage, they can explode again.

Qiao Ye picked up Sibuxiang, put it on her shoulders, and then stretched out her hand to hold Xiaoji.

Although Sibuxiang can no longer ride after it becomes smaller, let’s go on foot. Sibuxiang’s normal body is wandering around in this forest. up.

At the same time, after Qiao Ye thought about it, he released the North Star to let him breathe. He has two beasts, so he can't just play with dogs. Qiao Ye still pays attention to cultivating a tacit understanding of the North Star.

Polaris left the beast cage, and when he saw Xiao Ji, he immediately knelt down on one knee, lowered his eyebrows, and looked extremely respectful.

Qiao Ye was puzzled, his tacit understanding with Polaris had improved again? Or is Polaris more recognized as its master? I have never seen Polaris treat me so respectfully before!

Qiao Ye was about to ask Polaris to wake up, but at this moment...


Suddenly, there was a cracking sound, as if something had exploded.

The sudden loud noise also startled Qiao Ye, and then looked up when she heard the sound.

The roaring noise came from the top of the head, and there was still a glimmer of fire faintly visible!

Qiao Ye didn't talk nonsense, she just condensed her fingertips, and then a wisp of black smoke flew out from Qiao Ye's fingertips, and gradually transformed into a night crow, spreading its wings and flying into the air.

After the night crow flew into the sky, Qiao Ye switched his vision to that of the night crow.

What came into view was a piece of blue sky, and a huge fireball flew across the sky. Looking carefully, it turned out to be something like a flying boat.

Qiao Ye has doubts about the word "flying boat", because that thing looks a bit like a flying boat, but it doesn't look like it.

Most flying boats are basically in the shape of a boat, so they are called flying boats. The three types are the most widely used. The first type is the shape of a flat-leaf boat, which is a boat shape with a hollow in the middle and people sitting on both ends. This kind of flying boat is generally a single boat. The human flying boat can only be used by one person.

The second type is similar to a black-covered boat, which is slightly larger, and has a cabin built up with a canopy, which can be used for a short rest. Generally, it can accommodate five to eight people.

The third type is a cruise ship. There are cabins inside the hull and a ship building outside. It can carry more people. Depending on the size, the small one can generally carry eight to fifteen people, and the larger one can carry about thirty people. .

Of course, there are larger airships, but they are relatively rare, like the standard airships of the Guardians, which is only the third type.

But this thing in front of me...

Qiao Ye didn't know how to describe it!

If a knife is cut in the middle, it is a bit like a flying boat, otherwise, it is like two ships stacked one above the other, or to put it directly, the thing is an oval ball.

At the same time, the suspected flying boat was burning. Judging by the flight status, it was either falling or lost control.

Scratching his head, Qiao Ye was a little puzzled, what the hell is this?

Is it really a flying boat?

If it is really a flying boat, does that mean there are people, but, isn't this the world after the crack in the void? Where did people come from?

So, is it an evil beast?

Although there are many kinds of weird beasts, they don't look like living things, do they? Could it really be an evil beast?

Qiao Ye's head was full of mud, and he couldn't figure out what was going on.


Qiao Ye felt that the most direct way to forget it was to go and have a look!


Qiao Ye immediately picked up Xiao Ji, stuffed Si Buxiang into the lapel of her chest, let Si Buxiang grab her clothes, and then quickly jumped forward.

Because of the night crow, Qiao Ye can roughly determine where the strange thing fell, so as long as you find the thing and see if there is really someone inside, you will know the answer.


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