Chapter 1186 Prison

Qiao Ye knew very well that it would do him no good to kill all the opponents.

What I need most now is to understand the world!

Judging from the current situation, if there is no surprise, Jiang Liuxue's goal must be to connect the airspace with the Nine Domains battlefield.

Since it has already happened, and Qiao Ye is powerless to stop it, then, he can only find a way to understand the airspace, just like Qiao Ye once did.

It would be great if we could build a relationship with a big boss like Moyu and Shuyu. See you, Lingyu is also worried about Wuyu's alliance with Moyu. Don't you see, Lingyu Now he is also trying his best to get in touch with the major relationships in Shuyu.

However, Qiao Ye felt that the airspace might be a bit difficult, because the skywalkers in front of him didn't seem very friendly. Secondly, before the three realms and nine realms were broken, the airspace was relatively closed. To put it directly, the life of people here is relatively Alone, it is more difficult to communicate.

In short, Qiao Ye planned to see the situation before talking.

at the same time……

Those airships descended to a certain height, the door was opened, and about five or six Skywalkers flew out of the airships, floating in the air with their weapons.

The two Skywalkers before shouted: "Boy, go crazy, keep going crazy, why don't you go crazy!"

Qiao Ye curled her lips and ignored the two of them, then a skywalker in a yellow robe fell from the sky.

The skywalker obviously looked higher, and stretched his arms to the side, and the two skywalkers just shut up.

The Skywalker stepped forward and said, "Arrest without a fight and become King Qinglan's slave, or accept the punishment of God and have our head chopped off, you choose yourself!"

Qiao Ye still didn't speak. The Skywalker thought that Qiao Ye had compromised, and waved: "Cuff them!"

The other Skywalkers quickly stepped forward, and after arriving in front of Qiao Ye, they surrounded the three of Qiao Ye, and then aimed their weapons at the three of them. Immediately afterwards, a Skywalker stepped forward, took out the black shackles, and handed them one by one. Qiao Ye, Xiao Ji, and Polaris put them on.

As for the four different...


The Four Disparities that turned back into a dog was immediately forgotten. Who made this guy look harmless to humans and animals? The only function seems to be to stew and eat!

The yellow-robed Skywalker spoke again, "Take me away!"

The three of Qiao Ye were pushed and pushed into an empty boat.

Qiao Ye looked up at the airship. The interior space is not large, oval-shaped, the front seems to be used for driving, with two seats, and the rear is a small space, which can accommodate three to five people.

There is nothing too special about the space. With an elliptical appearance, the internal space is naturally an elliptical spherical space, but the ground is flat.

However, when the airship started, Qiao Ye couldn't help being surprised.

At the moment of activation, dense formations spread all over the entire space. The shapes and colors of those formations are different, and they should also have different functions.

Of course, Qiao Ye doesn't understand the craftsmanship of airships. In fact, Qiao Ye doesn't understand even flying boats. This belongs to the art of refining, and Qiao Ye has no research in this area.

However, Qiao Ye still knew some common sense.

Generally, a flying boat has three to five formations, and there must be flying formations, followed by an attacking formation, a defensive formation, and some formations will be added according to the characteristics of the flying boat, but generally speaking, small Three to five patterns on the flying boat are the limit.

Like the medium-sized airships used by the defenders, there are only seven formations!

good guy...

This empty boat looks like a small airship. After all, the space is only so big, but there are more than 20 formations densely packed around it!

In addition, Qiao Ye found that the operation of the airship was also different. There were four arrays of different colors on the front. When manipulating the airship, it was operated by pressing both hands on the arrays.

This is a bit powerful, the dexterity of the flying boat has always been a problem, such as turning in the air, you need to slow down and turn around bit by bit.

Good guy, this airship can turn directly as long as you swipe it with your hand on the pattern. As for how to see the outside when manipulating it, it uses the water curtain pattern.

In general, even a layman like Qiao Ye can tell that just taking out one of the airships in the airspace can blow up all the airships in other domains in terms of production skills, which is not at the same level at all.

While Qiao Ye was observing, the airship had already passed across the sky quickly, and in terms of speed, this airship was clearly ahead of the airship.

After about half an hour, Qiao Ye saw a huge airship from the light curtain inside the airship!

The airship was about a hundred meters long, an absolute giant, and its overall shape was still oval. However, there was a plane at the top, and that plane was full of small airships, at least hundreds of them.

Slowly landing on the huge airship, the two Skywalkers stood up, kicked Qiao Ye and said, "Go, get down!"

Qiao Ye gave the two of them a cold look, and a Skywalker suddenly became amused, kicked Qiao Ye again and said, "What are you looking at? The stinky survivor, you want to die!"

Qiao Ye ignored these two guys, got up and walked out of the empty boat!

After leaving the airship, Qiao Ye looked around and realized that he was not the only one who was arrested.

Many empty boats are landing at the moment, and then people in shackles are escorted down. There are men and women, but there are more men. Counting Xiao Ji and Polaris, there are only five or six women, and the other twenty or thirty. All men.

And they all have one thing in common...

no wings!

In other words, none of them are airspace people!

"Go, go forward!"

Those Skywalkers didn't give Qiao Ye a chance to look at him too much, they pushed Qiao Ye on the back and ordered Qiao Ye to move forward.

Qiao Ye dragged the shackles and walked forward.

The outer layer was obviously only for berthing the airship, and Qiao Ye and his group were quickly sent inside the huge airship.

But Qiao Ye didn't have the opportunity to look at the inside of this giant airship. After entering the interior of the airship, there was a spiral staircase. Following the stairs, everyone including Qiao Ye was escorted to the lowest level.

And the bottom layer...

It's a prison cell!

It was dark, damp, and there was a mildewy smell in the air. Although there were oil lamps in the corridor, the lights were very dim, barely able to illuminate a range of about three meters.

And on both sides of the corridor, there are cell compartments one by one, large and small, with iron gates the size of a baby's wrist outside. The end of the corridor is extremely deep and dark, and it is hard to see the end!


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