Chapter 1187 Remnants

"Woman go over there!"

A Skywalker pointed to the side aisle, apparently separated by gender.

Xiao Ji suddenly became unhappy, looked up at the Skywalker, and then looked down at the shackles on her hands.

Can this kind of broken thing be able to shut itself?

Xiao Ji's eyes gradually darkened, looking at Skywalker in front of her, planning to turn this guy into Sha Shuo.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye reached out and patted Xiao Ji's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Be obedient, let's go!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she turned to Polaris and said, "Take care of her, if there is any danger..."

As Qiao Ye spoke, he scratched his neck, the meaning was obvious.

at the same time……

A skywalker seemed to have seen Qiao Ye's little movement, but he didn't see it clearly. He just pushed Qiao Ye from behind.

"Let's go!" the Skywalker shouted, "What are you dawdling about!"

Qiao Ye turned her head, glanced coldly at the other party, and then walked forward. Soon, she was locked in the cell.

And after putting everyone in the cell, the Skywalkers left, as if they just left them alone.

Qiao Ye looked at the prison cell, it was pitifully small, only three steps away from each other, a piece of wood was considered a bed, and there was no room for Lazard.

"Hi buddy?"

At this time, a man in the next cell poked his head out and waved at Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye pointed at herself and looked at the other party suspiciously.

"I'm calling you." The man smiled and stretched out his hand from behind the fence door: "Li Xing!"

Qiao Ye reached out and shook hands with the other party, "Qiao Ye."

Li Xing said: "Qiao Ye, where did you get arrested, I have never seen you before."

Qiao Ye looked at the people in the other cells and said, "Do you all know each other?"

Li Xingdao: "I don't know all of them, but we are all from MSI Nanzhou, we have met each other, only you, I see you are a bit strange, you didn't escape from MSI Nanzhou?"

Qiao Ye shook his head.

I don't even know what MSI Nanzhou is.

Li Xing said: "Where did you come from?"

Qiao Ye said: "Wu Yu!"

"A survivor of the Wu domain?" Li Xing said, "I'm asking where you were arrested."

Qiao Ye complained, how did he know where he was arrested, but Li Xing's words "survivors of Wuyu" aroused Qiao Ye's interest, is there any classification for survivors? Moreover, the survivors of the Wu domain? People from Wuyu?

Qiao Ye couldn't help but said, "Are the survivors divided into different domains?"


Li Xing showed doubts, obviously feeling strange that Qiao Ye asked such a common-sense question.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Ye said nonsense: "I was brought up by my grandfather, he didn't let me run around, I have never seen outsiders, but my grandfather passed away, so I can only go out to find food by myself, and then When I went out to look for food today, an airship flew by above, and then I was caught inexplicably."

Since you want to ask three questions, you can only create a background of a closed life for yourself, commonly known as a country boy.

Li Xing asked in surprise: "You have been living with your grandfather?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

Li Xing said: "Do you live on an airship or on land?"

Qiao Ye wondered, what does it mean to live on an airship or on land?

Qiao Ye thought for a while, then said, "On land."

Li Xing sighed: "Your grandfather must be a remarkable person!"

Qiao Ye: "??"

So you are focusing on my grandpa?

This kind of conversation that is not on the same channel at all is indeed a headache, but fortunately, Qiao Ye's people are well established. Li Xing does not doubt that he has him, but he also chatted with Qiao Ye about some common sense.

Well, this conversation with the wrong head and the horse's mouth is still useful in the end, at least Qiao Ye's goal has been achieved.

The first is the current state of the airspace!

This is a place that surprised Qiao Ye, because the airspace is now full of evil beasts, some are strong, some are weak, and there are countless!

Of course, this matter started when the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken.

If it is said that when the three realms and nine domains were broken, the other eight domains were only separated, then the airspace was severely damaged.

At that time, the entire continent suspended in the sky was completely broken and divided. No one knew exactly how many pieces it had become. It was the land above the sea of ​​clouds that Qiao Ye had seen before.

At the same time, some land in the airspace fell directly. For example, Qingmu Town was originally land in the airspace, but now it appeared in the Nine Domains Battlefield.

If it's just that, then it's not a big problem, isn't it just that the land is divided, and you can still live if you want to live.

The problem is that after the continent in the airspace was broken, it became the habitat of evil beasts. Every piece of divided land was inhabited by a large number of evil beasts, just like void faults one by one.

After the three realms and nine realms were broken, the people here have been enduring the attacks of evil beasts, death, and fear, and finally...

The beast has won!

The people in the airspace gave up these lands, built all kinds of huge airships, and then lived on the airships, and even tried to realize planting and production on the airships.

The only biggest problem is the water source, which still needs to find a way to get it on land on a regular basis. However, today's large airships in the airspace have water storage tanks, and they can purify the water source with patterns, so they usually only land in a year. to get fresh water.

As for how these evil beasts appeared and why they occupied the airspace, Li Xing didn't know. It was an accident that occurred when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken. For Li Xing, the airspace was already like this when he was born.

Frankly speaking, when Qiao Ye heard this, his back was sweating coldly.

The current state of the airspace...


This is what the defenders are most worried about!

The defenders are guarding the void fault, destroying the void gate, and protecting the battlefield of the Nine Realms. It should be to prevent the homeland behind them from becoming an empty space!

If a large number of evil beasts flood into Wuyu, what will be the result?

Airspace has given you the answer!

Therefore, more than 90% of people in the airspace now live on airships, and only a few powerful people still live on land.

Even so, in most cases, they are in groups, cooperating with each other, and unite to resist the evil beasts. Therefore, when Li Xing heard that Qiao Ye and his grandfather were only two people, they were actually living on land, so he was so surprised, and faintly With a trace of admiration, he felt that Qiao Ye's so-called grandfather should be a very great person.

As for the remnants...

It refers to everyone, except Skywalker!


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