Chapter 1188 Predicament

Skywalker is the title of a practitioner in the airspace.

At the same time, Skywalker itself is also the name of the airspace people in other domains.

After all, because of the extra pair of wings, the people in the airspace are obviously different from the people in the other eight domains in appearance.

And as long as they are not people from Kongyu, they are survivors, that is, people from other Eight Realms!

These people did not enter the airspace now, but when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, some people from the other eight realms happened to be in the airspace. With the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Realms, these people stayed in the airspace.

In fact, this situation also exists in other eight domains.

As for whether Qiao Ye's ancestor is from Wuyu, who can say clearly?

Maybe it was when the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken, what about the people who remained in the other domains?

However, this situation does not matter in the other eight domains. Anyway, they have assimilated after countless years. Assuming that Qiao Ye's ancestors are actually from the Demon Realm, and stayed in Wuyu after the three realms and nine realms were broken, so what? Qiao Ye is now a serious Wuyu person.

Faced with this situation, other domains have also evolved into this way. Before going back to the Three Realms and Nine Domains, it doesn't make any sense which domain one's ancestors belonged to. Could it be that the fallen leaves return to their roots? Besides, how many years have passed, how many generations, the so-called "root" has long since changed.

However, airspace is different!

The other Eight Realms were directly assimilated. That's because in essence, except for the different methods of cultivation, they are all the same people. To put it bluntly, even if Qiao Ye's ancestors were from the Demon Realm, they couldn't tell it!

However, Kongyu has a different appearance from other people in the Eight Domains, that is, the wings on the back!

So, it evolved into what it is today.

People in the airspace refer to the people in the other eight domains as remnants. At the same time, these remnants are inferior to others in the airspace. People in the airspace regard the remnants as slaves and pariahs. They often capture them and let them do various coolies. Planting, building, and even going to land to find water sources, etc., almost all the survivors caught by the airspace people lived an extremely difficult life.

At the same time, the high-end skills of airship construction are completely in the hands of the people in the airspace. The survivors are unable to build large airships, and they can barely build some small and medium-sized airships. The skills are far inferior to those in the airspace. Therefore, most of the time , the remnants cannot sit in an empty boat and live in the sky, they can only reproduce on land. In addition to avoiding the capture of the airspace people, they also have to face the attacks of evil beasts, and their lives are very difficult.

Li Xing and his group live in a place called MSI Nanzhou. Qiao Ye once saw that very large continent, hidden in the clouds and mist, with no end in sight. There are about a thousand people in their survivor city. , the scale is not very large, because they are often hunted by people in the airspace, of course they have been prepared for a long time, but even if they have been prepared, most people have avoided the pursuit, but some people still have not been able to escape.

In the airship battle that Qiao Ye saw before, Li Xing and his group were resisting, but there was still a big gap in the manufacturing skills of the airships on both sides. In the end, hundreds of people died in the battle, and then Li Xing and his group were captured alive. .

"Of course, not all survivors can only live on land." Li Xingdao: "There are three kings among the survivors, namely Ye Yousi, the Southern Heavenly King, Situ Fengmang, the Lord of Red Earth, and Letian, the Lord of Tianyuan You. The three are extremely strong among the remnants, the ordinary people in the airspace are not their opponents at all, they even robbed the airships of the people in the airspace, and led their subjects to live in the sky."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Then just go and join them."

Li Xing sighed and said: "How can it be so easy? After the continents in the airspace are dispersed, the borders are extremely wide. Even if we want to go, we don't have enough airships, and the airships we made are not enough for such a long-distance flight. Besides, even if the airship can solve it, the road is difficult and dangerous, and we must stop on other continents halfway. Don't look at us living in MSI Nanzhou for a long time, it is because we have summed up experience from generation to generation. We are very familiar with it, and if we go to other lands, it is hard to say whether we can protect ourselves."

This joe is understandable.

For example, in some void faults, even if the defenders will be rotated, the number of people rotated is almost fixed.

The reason is very simple. After staying for a long time, I am very familiar with the environment of the Void Fault, and I am also very familiar with the evil beasts in it. It is naturally convenient to deal with it. If you change the Void Fault, if you are strong enough, you can crush the Evil Beast. Pressure, there is nothing to say, but if it doesn't work, going to a new void fault must still be dangerous, because the experience gained from other void faults may not be universal.

Qiao Ye pointed to the top of his head: "What's going on here?"

Li Xing said: "You mean King Qinglan?"

Qiao Ye nodded.

Li Xingdao: "The area around MSI Nanzhou is Qinglan Wang Wangzuo's territory. We are currently in his empty boat, the Sky Whale. That guy is a bastard. He often arrests the survivors, and he is very cruel to the survivors. What kind of hard work? Let’s not talk about letting the survivors do it. It is necessary for us to go to land to find water sources and resources. Besides, he doesn’t treat us as human beings at all. The Sky Whale is a very famous arena in this area. The survivors captured by Wang Zuo are almost likely to survive for three years."

"The meaning of the arena..." Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Fight?"

Li Xing nodded and said: "The survivors fight each other, the survivors fight with Skywalker, and the survivors fight with evil beasts. Anyway, there are different patterns. Wang Zuo uses this to make money and start gambling games. He holds regular duels. The surrounding sky Travelers will come to join in the fun and gamble on a few games."

Qiao Ye nodded, suddenly her pupils shrank, she looked at Li Xing and said, "What did you just say?"

"Ah?" Li Xing said, "Arena!"

Qiao Ye said: "No, you mean the evil beast?"

"That's right!" Li Xing nodded and said, "Those monsters running around on the land are called evil beasts. Why don't you even know this? Didn't your grandfather tell you?"

Qiao Ye smiled awkwardly, then shook her head, and at the same time her heart was a little turbulent.

Evil beast, this title belonged exclusively to Qiao Ye before today.

Because, killing the evil beast, this is displayed in the light curtain, but for the defenders, and for others, the evil beast in the void fault, they all call it a monster, and there is no general term.

This is the first time Qiao Ye has seen someone call the Evil Beast the Evil Beast!

Qiao Ye couldn't help but said, "Then do you know why the Evil Beast is called the Evil Beast?"


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