Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1189 Airspace Situation

Chapter 1189 Airspace Situation


Qiao Ye's question really made Li Xing difficult to find. Why is the Evil Beast called the Evil Beast?

Li Xing scratched his head and said, "I don't know about this either. My ancestors have called it that way for generations, so I naturally called it that way."

Qiao Ye nodded and didn't bother with this question anymore.

First of all, the name Evil Beast must be meaningful. Qiao Ye thinks it should be a collective name for Evil Beast in a certain era in the past, but for some reason, the other domains did not continue, but the airspace did.

However, Qiao Ye didn't worry about this issue very much, because it didn't mean much, it was just a name, whether it was called Evil Beast or Monster, it referred to the same thing anyway.

Qiao Ye rambled and asked a lot about the airspace.

Li Xing was not wary either, or in other words, he was not wary of Qiao Ye, because neither of them had wings.

In the airspace, the life of the survivors is very difficult, so almost all the survivors will help each other and unite, because otherwise it will only lead to a more miserable life.

Take a step back and say, if you don’t help others today, who will help you when you need help in the future?

Secondly, what Qiao Ye asked was not a sensitive question, it was just common sense.

For example, Qiao Ye wanted to know about the current pattern of the airspace, but everyone knew that there was nothing to hide.

The current situation in the airspace is completely fragmented, just like the broken airspace and land.

Most of the airspace people live on airships, and each has formed its own forces, and there are many frictions with each other, because survival is needed, and survival requires resources!

The resources here are not cultivation resources, but the most basic things for people to live, and the airspace is also difficult to guarantee.

Food, water, labor, and airspace are all very scarce, which leads to fighting and robbing each other.

As for how many forces there are in the airspace, Li Xing can't say clearly, and he is vague about it, only saying that there should still be hundreds of them.

As for MSI Nanzhou, there are a total of six factions. Qinglan Wang and Wang Zuo are not the biggest, but only second. The biggest force in MSI Nanzhou is the owner of the Underworld Boat, Nangong Zhuo, nicknamed Flying Prison.

But Nangong Zhuo's power is not ranked in the entire airspace.

Just like Wang Zuo and Nangong Zhuo can only be regarded as second- and third-rate forces in the airspace, the real first-rate forces in the airspace all have fleets of airships.

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "I don't think there are many empty boats up there?"

"Those are small airships." Li Xing said with a smile: "Although the airships made by our survivors are still incomparable, those airships are the most garbage airships in the hands of the people in the airspace. What's the use of having a large number? The fleet I'm talking about is a fleet with four or five large airships, and a fleet of various sizes and a complete number of airships. This kind of fleet can only be used as cannon fodder most of the time. Airships, those real fleets can build as many as they want."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "How powerful is this?"

"Not many." Li Xing shook his head and said: "I don't know exactly how many there are, but two slaps can definitely be counted. MSI Nanzhou is relatively remote, and this kind of fleet doesn't even bother to come here, so a guy like Wang Zuo can Dominate the king, the most famous city in the sky before the airspace, located in the center of the mainland of the airspace, is now called the throne of the sky, it is the place with the most abundant resources, and it is also the place where the real strong are entrenched, let alone Wang Zuo, he even approached Even the Sky Throne dare not!"

Qiao Ye said, "So, what about the survivors?"

Li Xingdao: "The remnants are also very scattered, and they exist on all lands. The most powerful forces are the three I just mentioned. The others are all working hard to find ways to survive. As for our MSI Nanzhou, here It is said that it was originally called MSI City, and now it is divided into MSI Nanzhou, Beizhou, Xizhou, and Dongzhou. There are about 70,000 to 80,000 survivors scattered in various places. There may be some people in some small areas around the land, but the number is not many. "

Qiao Ye nodded, and then chatted with Li Xing for a while, until there was a sound at the end of the corridor, and then a ray of light shone in.

Qiao Ye and Li Xing shut up decisively, then left the iron gate and sat down beside the bed.

A few Skywalkers walked in, holding baskets behind them, and came to the door of each cell, and casually took out a plate wrapped in greased paper and threw it at the door.

Qiao Ye came to the door of the iron gate and picked up the plate from the ground, but it was already filled with food.

Pulling away the greased paper she was holding outside, Qiao Ye immediately smelled a foul smell. There was a ball of rice on the plate, but it had been soaked in rancid water, which was disgusting.

"Is this also eaten by humans?"

"Asshole, are you really not treating us as human beings?"

"Take it, take this trash away!"

There were shouts in the surrounding cells, and then the plate was thrown out into the corridor.

"Shut up!" Several skywalkers shouted angrily, took out their weapons and knocked on the iron gate door: "If you like to eat or not, you will starve me if you don't eat, and don't blame us for being rude if you make any noise. Already!"

As the Skywalkers spoke, as if they had expected it, they brought buckets of ice water and poured them into the cell.

The cell was dark and damp, and when the ice water was poured into it, it was immediately gloomy, and the bone-piercing chill continuously surged up, making people shiver.

Qiao Ye didn't care, this level was nothing to Qiao Ye, but the other survivors who were imprisoned were another matter, and many survivors were trembling.

Those Skywalkers sneered, and then swaggered away.

Qiao Ye heard Li Xing cursing at the side, and probed, "Are you alright?"

Li Xing smiled far-fetchedly and said: "It's okay, I am a survivor of the Demon Realm, and my physical strength is not bad, so the cold is not a big problem!"

There are also classifications of survivors. People from the Eight Realms who stayed in the airspace at the beginning could not leave the airspace. Naturally, they could only reproduce and pass on from generation to generation. Of course, some inheritances of the cultivation methods of the Eight Realms will also be left behind.

Nowadays, these adherents can't tell which domain their ancestors belonged to, so they usually distinguish according to the cultivation method they practice.

For example, Li Xing practiced the method of the Demon Realm, and he is actually a demonized person. Therefore, among the survivors, he called himself a survivor of the Demon Region. Remnants of the Wu domain.

Li Xing was fine, Qiao Ye nodded and said nothing more, then sat on the side of the bed silently, thinking quickly.

This space...

Very troublesome!


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