Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1197 You have to lose

Chapter 1197 You are going to lose

"Joe, come out!"

Qiao Ye leaned against the wall and fell asleep, but at this moment, there was a knock on the iron gate of the cell, and two Skywalkers appeared at the door of the cell.

Qiao Ye was very used to this scene, and there was only one reason why those Skywalkers would take him out of the cell.

Qiao Ye was escorted to the arena, and after arriving at the arena, the two Skywalkers released the shackles on Qiao Ye's hands.

"Wait a minute!" A Skywalker stretched out his hand, stopped Qiao Ye, and said in a low voice, "You're going to lose today, understand?"

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you mean?"

The Skywalker curled his lips and said, "There will be many forces coming today, and many people think you can win, so you have to lose, understand?"

Qiao Ye understood!

Wang Zuo never wanted Qiao Ye to help him in the ring, Wang Zuo wanted Qiao Ye to make money for him.

Qiao Ye played fifteen games in seven days and won all of them!

This kind of record has already become famous in the arena. Usually, if the captured survivors don’t need to work, if they are sent to the arena, they can live for a month, and not many people survive 30 games. Anyone who can survive is a good player.

Although Qiao Ye did not meet this standard, it was because Qiao Ye had only played for seven days, at least two games a day, and won all the games and killed them all. This made many people have confidence in Qiao Ye. Naturally, they bet There are more and more people on Qiao Ye.

So, it's time to finish and cut the leeks!

If Wang Zuo manages the arena, if he wants to make a steady profit without manipulating the arena, who will believe it?

Qiao Ye looked at the two Skywalkers and said with a sneer, "I go to the ring to win, and a battle that I can't win is meaningless to me."

The two Skywalkers patted Qiao Ye's shoulders and said with a smile, "No hurry, take a look over there first."

As the arena gradually went up, the Skywalker put his arm around Qiao Ye's shoulders, and pouted to the side.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank instantly, and above an empty boat, Xiao Ji and Polaris stood there.

Although there was no restraint on the two of them, Qiao Ye was not stupid, and he knew very well what the other party meant by bringing Xiao Ji and Polaris here.

The Skywalker whispered in Qiao Ye's ear: "The two women, one big and one small, are with you, right? If you don't obey me, do you know what will happen to them? Believe me, this The two women are so beautiful, death is definitely not the most painful end for them!"

Crack, crack!

After the Skywalker finished speaking, he raised his hand and patted Qiao Ye's shoulder vigorously.

"Be good!" the Skywalker laughed, "It's good for everyone, understand?"

The two Skywalkers in charge of escort left the ring after finishing their speech. They believed that Qiao Ye would make the right choice.

at the same time……

Skywalker, who was flying in the air, shouted loudly.

"The first one to appear was the murderer Qiao Ye, a slave from our King Qinglan. He fought fifteen times in seven days, won all fifteen games, and failed to survive. Everyone must have known how fierce he is. Can he continue his undefeated myth today? Can he continue to kill opponents? Let us wait and see!"

"The one on the other side is Nangong Zhuo's slave, Tekken Xinlong, who fought in the arena. He has fought 71 times in the arena, won 62 of them, and killed his opponent 21 times. He is currently the slave who participated in the most battles in the arena, and his strength is obvious to all, what kind of sparks can the two of them create?"

Nangong Zhuo?

Qiao Ye had heard of this guy's name before, and the biggest strength in Weixing State was not Qinglan Wang Wang Zuo, Wang Zuo could only be ranked second, and Nangong Zhuo was the first.

As for Qiao Ye's opponent, Xin Long is also well-known in the arena and is a very brutal master. How can a person who can participate in more than 70 fights and is still alive not be cruel?

However, there are more people who are optimistic about Qiao Ye. The reason is very simple. Xin Long is not without defeat. The most important thing is that Xin Long has participated in more than 70 games and only killed his opponent 21 times.

Qiao Ye's fifteenth battle...

All opponents...

Not one is alive!

This guy Wang Zuo can be said to be very clear about manipulating the outcome of the arena. First of all, he must raise Qiao Ye's reputation and record, so that most people have expectations of Qiao Ye. Secondly, even if he wants to lose, he must find A qualified opponent can't let Qiao Ye lose if a cat or a dog comes, then everyone knows that there is a problem.

Xin Long is obviously a qualified opponent. After all, Xin Long's record is also quite strong. Even the nine games that Xin Long lost may not be because Xin Long is not strong enough, maybe someone needs him to lose.

Soon, an empty boat descended from the side, and as the hatch was opened, a man slowly got off the empty boat.

Xin Long doesn't look tall, with a very ordinary figure and dark skin, but he has a strong aura. Qiao Ye can feel the obvious aura and blood aura from him.

This guy is a survivor of the Wu domain!

To be able to possess such energy and blood energy can only be warriors from the martial field!

After Xin Long landed on the arena, he also seemed quite relaxed, smiling and waving his arms around.

Anyway, it's a battle that you can't lose. If that's the case, why be nervous!

After Xin Long's waving drew cheers, he stretched his muscles and bones, and then...


The labor dragon moved extremely fast, almost without any warning, it rushed towards Qiao Ye's direction.

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows. This speed is indeed a bit terrifying. It's not that Qiao Ye has never confronted people who are good at speed. Xin Long's speed is definitely among the people Qiao Ye has confronted, and can be included in the top five.

Almost as soon as his figure flashed, Xin Long came to Qiao Ye, then raised his leg and swept towards Qiao Ye.


Xin Long kicked Qiao Ye on the cheek, and then...

Xin Long was stunned suddenly, and when he stepped down, Qiao Ye just tilted his head.

At the same time, Qiao Ye slowly twisted his neck back, and Xin Long felt a huge force coming, and pushed his right foot back.

Xin Long immediately gritted his teeth, jumped up with one foot, twisted his body in the air, and kicked Qiao Ye's chest.


Qiao Ye was kicked in the chest and took half a step back.

Xin Long landed on the ground, tapped the ground with his toes, and immediately jumped up again, kicking Qiao Ye with both feet continuously.

Qiao Ye could tell that this guy was practicing legwork, and his legwork was really good. He kicked six times in mid-air in an instant, and all of them hit Qiao Ye's chest.


This time, Qiao Ye didn't even want to retreat. After Xin Long finished playing, Qiao Ye stood there without moving!


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