Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1198 Alive and Dignity

Chapter 1198 Alive and Dignity

so strong?

There was also a bit of shock in Xin Long's eyes. Although Xin Long knew that he could win this match and played more casually, the six-footed streak was not something ordinary people could resist.

In other words, it may be able to resist, but it is impossible to resist so easily, let alone eat six feet, and there is nothing wrong with it!

Xin Long was thinking, but his movements were not slow. The moment his feet hit the ground, Xin Long swept his feet towards Qiao Ye's head again.


This time, Qiao Ye didn't stand there to be beaten, but raised her palm violently.

Xin Long's right foot kicked into Qiao Ye's hand, and then Qiao Ye pinched his ankle firmly.

Xin Long showed surprise again. Qiao Ye's palm was like iron tongs. The moment he was pinched, Xin Long felt a sharp pain in his ankle. He struggled to pull his leg out, but he couldn't move it at all.

Xin Long looked ugly, and lowered his voice: "Boy, it's almost time, you should lose!"

As if Qiao Ye didn't hear Xin Long's words, she squeezed her palms even tighter, distorting Xin Long's painful expression.

Xin Long gritted his teeth and said: "Don't make yourself unhappy, don't you dare to fight? You will be killed by them later, so if you don't want to die, just cooperate with me, it is good for everyone!"

While talking, Xin Long jumped up again with one foot being held by Qiao Ye, and swept towards Qiao Ye with his left foot.


With a blank expression on his face, Qiao Ye directly raised his hand, caught Xin Long's kick again, directly grabbed Xin Long's feet, and lifted Xin Long upside down.

Xin Long was immediately ashamed and angry. This action was not harmful, but it was too insulting.

Many airspace people watching the battle applauded excitedly.

Gritting his teeth hard, he said, "You don't want to live anymore? Let go!"

Qiao Ye suddenly laughed, looked down at Xin Long and said, "Okay!"


Like shaking a quilt, Qiao Ye directly threw Xin Long's body up, and then slammed it down towards the ground.

After a loud noise, a piece of the ground was instantly cracked, and large spider web cracks spread towards the surroundings. Xin Long only felt a huge pain in his back, and when his chest felt tight, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Good job, kill him!"

"Yes, kill him, I'll buy you to win!"

"Kill him, kill him, kill him..."

"Kill him, kill him, kill him..."

"Kill him, kill him, kill him..."


The people watching the battle kept roaring, and in the end they had a tacit understanding, shouting loudly one by one, appearing extremely neat.

Inside the empty boat watching the battle, a tall man sneered, looked at Wang Zuo and said, "Wang Zuo, your dog doesn't seem to be very obedient?"

Wang Zuo's expression was also extremely ugly, he gritted his teeth and waved, summoned someone, and whispered a few words in the other's ear.

at the same time……

In the arena of the arena, Qiao Ye paced slowly.

Walk in the direction of Xin Long!

Qiao Ye didn't do anything at first because he had some concerns, but Qiao Ye suddenly realized that this is not a very good opportunity to leave here?

Qiao Ye needs to face three problems if he wants to leave the Sky Whale.

The first problem is from the prison cell to the outside. Now this problem is solved. After the arena is raised, it is outside the empty whale.

The second problem is that Qiao Ye needs a good airship that can be used to escape, at least not the kind that can be destroyed just after flying.

This point is actually a little troublesome. Generally, small airships are parked directly on the uppermost floor, but good airships are parked inside the empty whale. It is still a bit troublesome to steal it out, or snatch it out.

But now it's all right, many of the airships around for watching the battle are quite good, and I can grab them at will.

The most important thing.

Escaping under normal circumstances, Qiao Ye would definitely be chased by Wang Zuo's empty boat, that is, a bunch of empty boats chased Qiao Ye alone.

But the situation is a bit different now. The big fight is held, and the people watching the battle are not all the subordinates of King Qinglan. Then he left with the turmoil. Even if Wang Zuo wanted to send someone to chase him, it would not be so easy to chase him.

In the end, Qiao Ye couldn't escape by himself, so he had to find Xiaoji and Polaris and bring them out together.

It's all right now, the person is right under Qiao Ye's nose, saving the effort of finding him.

As for Xiaoji and Polaris, they seem to be held hostage by someone now, and are in a state of being controlled by others...

Qiao Ye was actually not that worried. The two were held hostage because Qiao Ye told them not to resist if there was no danger, but this did not mean that they could not resist. Polaris, as a unparalleled beast master, was completely from the imperial realm. Level, its strength is directly proportional to the face, want to hold her hostage? Where is such an easy thing!

Timing, location, people and...

Qiao Ye found that this was really an excellent opportunity to get himself out of here.

And just as Qiao Ye was thinking, Xin Long had already got up from the ground.

Xin Long lived up to the relaxed expression before, and the expression on his face became extremely ferocious.

Xin Long already understood that Qiao Ye didn't want to lose!

Xin Long is not too surprised by this. Many people don't want to lose when they stand in the arena. Under the oppression of people in the airspace, the survivors have been living without dignity, but at least in this place where fate is determined by fists, many People want to have some dignity.

Xin Long also thought so at first, but unfortunately, reality gave him a blow to the head. Even in this place where fate is determined by fists, their dignity is still not their own. When they need to win, they must win, and when they need to lose , you have to lose.

Some died fighting because of it, some...

It is a compromise!

Xin Long belongs to the latter!

Because, he wants to live!

Some people feel that dignity is more important than being alive.

And some people think that life is more important than respect!

Since Qiao Ye wants dignity, Xin Long can only kill Qiao Ye, because if Qiao Ye wins, Xin Long will lose, Qiao Ye will die because of winning, and Xin Long will die because of losing. Death, Xin Long is very clear about the style of his master.

"Wuhun!" Xin Long roared angrily, "God can change everything!"

Remnants of the Wu domain!

Qiao Ye squinted his eyes and looked at Xin Long. As expected, he guessed rightly with himself. To have such a strong energy, blood energy, and physical strength, he must be a warrior in all likelihood.

If you are cultivated...

Qiao Ye felt it. Xin Long was indeed not weak. He did not escape the high level of the Martial Emperor Realm, but he should not have reached the peak of the ninth level, almost seven or eighth level.


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