Chapter 1202 Target

In any case, those airships were destroyed, and there was no threat in the surrounding area for the time being.


Qiao Ye greeted, then took the lead in jumping off the empty boat and landed back on the empty whale.

The moment he landed, Qiao Ye threw out the four different beast cages.

Sibuxiang appeared, lying directly on Qiao Ye's head, sticking out his tongue and started acting cute, and then tried to lick Qiao Ye's cheek.

"Don't make trouble, it's very itchy!" Qiao Ye reached out and grabbed Si Buxiang's neck, pulled Si Buxiang off his head and said, "It's a fight!"

Don't look at Si Bu Xiang's stupid and cute face, but when it comes to fighting, Si Bu Xiang is also very interested.

In fact, in the Beast Realm, there are many standards for judging whether a beast is excellent, and these standards must also be considered when cultivating.

One of them is the will to fight!

For example, in the Beast Realm, there is a Heavenly Chosen Beast, called Yangyan Beast. Few beast masters are willing to train Yangyan beasts, because this kind of beasts have very low fighting spirit and are very lazy. They sleep in the sun every day. Although they are strong, they hardly bother to move unless their lives are in danger. , Therefore, which beast master is willing to cultivate this kind of beast?

Therefore, when there is a need to fight, the fighting spirit of Four Different Phases is also very strong!

After being thrown out by Qiao Ye, Si Buxiang flipped around in the air and quickly entered an adult state. With a flick of his huge tail, he raised his head and chest, looking majestic.


The next moment, Si Buxiang approached Qiao Ye, and started rubbing his huge head against Qiao Ye's face.

Strength interprets what is meant by breaking power in one second!

Qiao Ye pushed Si Bu Xiang's head away, then put Xiao Ji on Si Bu Xiang's back, and then turned over himself.

Four Different Phases has grown up and become stronger, but for Qiao Ye, Four Different Phases' combat power is not what he values ​​most.

In terms of combat power, although Sibu is rarer than Polaris, Polaris is at its peak, Sibu has just entered adulthood, and its combat power is not as good as Polaris.

Therefore, after Four Different Phases grow up, the most valuable thing for Qiao Ye is actually...

can ride!

Changing from infantry to cavalry is a comfort!

As the saying goes, there are horses and nature gods, oh, four different appearances are dogs, then it's okay!

After turning over and riding Sibuxiang, Qiao Ye stretched out his hands and held out a black halberd. Then he pointed forward and said to Polaris, "That airship is our target!"

Polaris nodded, holding the crystal sword in both hands, and rushed forward.

Qiao Ye patted Si Bu Xiang on the head, and Si Bu Xiang let out a cry of "Aww", and rushed out immediately after.

Qiao Ye looked around before, and quickly picked a target.

Those small airships are standard, so it’s meaningless to snatch them, they’re not good enough, they’re easy to catch up to, and they’re easy to be destroyed, and the big ones aren’t suitable, even if they are snatched, Qiao Ye doesn’t guarantee that he will be able to operate them, after all , Qiao Ye has only been in a small airship, and he can barely know how to operate it from memory.

Therefore, Qiao Ye's goal is a small and medium-sized airship, which is slightly larger than those standard small airships on the Air Whale, but the difference in size is not much. Qiao Ye thinks that one person should be enough to control it, and, The method of manipulation shouldn't be too bad.

Secondly, unlike those standard small airships, that airship is not ordinary at first glance.

All the small airships are made of pure wood and have almost the same appearance, but the airship that Qiao Ye is eyeing is different. Although the main body is still made of wood, it is obviously much better than ordinary airships. , Some places also include some metal skins, which are reinforced with some spirit stones.

In terms of shape, although the same is oval, the square pieces made of metal sheets on both sides are like two huge wings, also like a pair of huge metal wings, and the tail is made of triangular The metal sheets are glued together to form a tail-like thing, which looks like an attack tool.

On the front, there is an anti-collision barrier like an iron fence, which can be used for collision. In order to strengthen the power of the collision, there are sharp metal thorns under the anti-collision barrier.

This is obviously a specially made airship, and there are no similar or identical ones around, so it should be quite good!

However, if you want to snatch that airship, the first thing you need to do is get close!

Boom, boom, boom!

In the sky, the sound of explosions resounded continuously.

Fleeing flees, fighting fights!

Although Wang Zuo didn't understand why Ye Yousi's airship appeared here, it was already like this, and Wang Zuo didn't have any choice. If he didn't fight back, he would be defeated by Ye Yousi's airship. Maybe there was still hope for a counterattack. Naturally, I can only fight back.

Countless beams of light flew across the air, and some airships quickly ignited, turning into huge fireballs and smashing down, directly landing on the Sky Whale.

at the same time……

The battle between the airships was extremely fierce. Many remnants began to airborne and landed directly on the Giant Whale, intending to directly invade the interior.

This is also a tactic often used in air combat.

Just like naval battles at sea, there will often be successive battles. The airships are constantly bombing and head-to-head. Ye Yousi may win, but the empty whale may be destroyed.

Obviously, Ye Yousi not only wanted to defeat Wang Zuo, but also wanted to plunder everything on the Kongjing, even including the Kongjing.

If it is destroyed, then the resources on the Kongjing will be gone. Moreover, although Wang Zuo does not own a fleet, the Kongjing itself is still very good.

Then, the best way is to forcibly airborne, enter the interior, and capture the Kongjing.

Of course, those skywalkers will definitely not let the remnants succeed easily, and immediately counterattacked. While the airships exchanged fire, a large number of skywalkers flapped their wings and landed on the empty whale, fighting with the remnants who forcibly airborne down. into a ball.


Qiao Ye is not from either side, but Skywalker acquiesces that Qiao Ye is Ye Yousi's person, who made Qiao Ye have no wings?

Those who have no wings are the survivors, and the survivors are the enemies right now!

Of course, the advantage is that at least Qiao Ye has not been attacked by both sides, and he is not a human being inside or outside, because those survivors who came down from the air also regard Qiao Ye as their own by default. If they have no wings, they are survivors.

Sibuxiang ran fast, met the skywalkers who were rushing, opened his mouth and roared, spit out a big mouthful of frost, set off a snowstorm, and fell directly towards those skywalkers.


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