Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1203 God is really fair

Chapter 1203 God is really fair

Click, click!

Bingjie's voice sounded suddenly, and as the frost flew forward, the skywalker who rushed over felt a bone-piercing cold attacking his body in an instant.

In the next moment, a sheet of frost froze on the bodies of those Skywalkers, making their movements look extremely slow.

Si Buxiang took the opportunity to gallop past those Skywalkers, while Qiao Ye raised his halberd and quickly swept left and right.

The bright red blood immediately splashed and scattered in all directions, and those skywalkers fell to the ground one after another.

"You defeated a Skywalker at the ninth level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 20,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the seventh level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,500 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the fifth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 58,000 points."


Qiao Ye charged forward, leaving only corpses all over the ground.

The four dissatisfied twisted and called to Qiao Ye, as if showing off their strength.

Look, look, look quickly.

Your dog is doing great now!

But Qiao Ye's face changed and said: "Look ahead, no, stop, hurry up..."


Qiao Ye didn't even finish his sentence. Sibuxiang just turned his head to look forward when he bumped his head against a falling airship, and his whole head was embedded in the hull of the empty boat.

Qiao Ye slapped his forehead, and he felt that the four sides had indeed become stronger, and also became more stupid!

God is really fair, Sibuxiang is a unparalleled level of beasts, and it is also the top of the unparalleled level of beasts. There is no doubt that it is powerful, but it seems to give it a strong blood and strength. His brains were taken away.

how sad...

However, it was just a bump, and it didn't do any harm to Si Buxiang. He twisted his body hard, pulled out his head, and killed Qiao Ye.

"Show me the front!" Qiao Ye helplessly knocked on Si Buxiang's head and said, "Don't look back!"

Originally a strong attack, after killing a round of Skywalker, relying on the four different speeds, it is possible to rush over directly, not to mention that it can directly rush to the airship that Qiao Ye wants to grab, but it can also take advantage of the situation. close range.

But Sibuxiang's head bump made the surrounding Skywalkers rush over again, quickly forming a circle of encirclement.

What else could Qiao Ye do?

The dog I raise can only choose to forgive it.

at the same time……

Those skywalkers quickly fell from the sky, surrounded Qiao Ye, and attacked Qiao Ye.


Two long spears stabbed at Qiao Ye, and Qiao Ye quickly swung the black halberd, knocking away the opponent's weapon.

After the halberd, Qiao Ye patted Si Buxiang's head, and Si Buxiang immediately took small steps and moved sideways, which also allowed Qiao Ye to avoid the side attack. At the same time, Qiao Ye thrust out with a halberd, instantly Pierce a Skywalker's chest!

"You defeated a Skywalker at the fifth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 58,000 points."

After killing one person first, suddenly, a brilliant light suddenly appeared.

Immediately after...

Two beams of aurora suddenly appeared, quickly passed across the sky, hit the chests of the two skywalkers, and directly opened two blood holes in the chests of each other, knocking the two skywalkers down from the air, but Polaris fires in the back, long-range bombardment!

Polaris is very strong, especially when he joins forces with Qiao Ye, his combat power will be significantly improved.

Because Polaris is very versatile. From the perspective of support, Polaris can perfectly cooperate with Qiao Ye.

When Qiao Ye is in charge of the charge, Polaris can take a distance to attack from a distance, whether it is to kill or cover Qiao Ye's charge, it doesn't matter!

At the same time, when Qiao Ye needs it, he can also let Polaris charge, because Polaris' melee ability is also quite good, and then Qiao Ye can be in charge of the rear.

However, there is one thing to say, when it comes to tacit understanding, Qiao Ye is still higher than Sibu.

It's because Sibuxiang was raised by Qiao Ye since childhood!

This is the choice of the royal beast. The taming of adult beasts has immediate combat power, but it will be more difficult to cultivate a tacit understanding, and hatching, from cubs, the intimacy will be very high, and the tacit understanding will naturally be high. Even, many people think However, the problem with the cubs is that they cannot become immediate combat power, not even the rarest beast masters, so you have to face risks , For example, if you accidentally die, all your hard work will be in vain.

There are pros and cons to both, neither is good or bad. After Polaris followed Qiao Ye, he could immediately run around with Qiao Ye. Even now, it is still in the cultivation stage, because Sibuxiang is currently in the growth stage, not the peak stage.

But after a few years, Sibuxiang's combat power will definitely surpass Polaris, and the tacit understanding with Qiao Ye will be unimaginably high.

While thinking, the Skywalkers around came to kill again!

Before Qiao Ye could make a move, Sibuxiang twisted his body first, and then swept his tail out.

Beast Mastery, Steel Tail!

The four different tails are very long, it can even be said to be extremely long, far exceeding that of ordinary beasts. When the tail is thrown out, the white hair turns into a metallic color and becomes extremely hard.

After sweeping out with one blow, the Skywalker who had just pounced on him was blown away, and immediately vomited blood!

This is also where Sibuxiang excels. Just entering the growth period, Sibuxiang has learned a lot of beast-controlling skills by himself. There are a lot of them and there are many types.

However, Qiao Ye felt that since he returned to the Nine Realms battlefield, he should go to the market in the Beast Realm to see if he could find a classic book of beast control skills suitable for Sibuxiang and Polaris, so that the two of them could learn something powerful .

Secondly, there are treasures for controlling beasts in the Beast Realm, and you can also get two or three pieces for Sibuxiang and Polaris, otherwise it will show that your master is very stingy.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye wanted to return to his thoughts, but the movements of his hands were not slow.

A steel tail from Sibuxiang forced those skywalkers back, and those skywalkers spread their wings and flew into the air, not daring to get close easily.

But, would Qiao Ye let her go easily?

Lifting the black halberd in his hand, Qiao Ye swung it vigorously, and threw the black halberd out.

With a puff, the black halberd flew out of his hand, soaring straight into the sky, directly piercing the body of a Skywalker. The Skywalker didn't even have a chance to react, and fell from the air, with a huge hole on his chest. A blood hole.


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