Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1204 tacit cooperation

Chapter 1204 Cooperating tacitly

After one blow, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and shook it sideways, and a new black halberd was condensed by Qiao Ye.

Weapons are inexhaustible to Qiao Ye, and they are all transformed from Wuhun anyway.

So, a weapon appeared in his hand, and Qiao Ye raised it again, wanting to throw it.

But at this moment...

Poof, poof!

Suddenly, Skywalker let out a scream, and blood sprayed from his back, but it was the survivors who killed the Whale in the sky around him who discovered that Qiao Ye was surrounded, and immediately came to help.

The sound of shouting and killing appeared, and the two sides quickly became a mass.

A demonized survivor looked at Qiao Ye with a smile and said, "Brother, you are so skilled, which team are you in?"

Qiao Ye tilted her head, this question is a bit difficult to answer, she is not Ye Yousi's person at all!

Fortunately, the other party just asked casually, and didn't expect Qiao Ye to answer at all. Moreover, Skywalker on the side suddenly attacked the demon survivor, and the two sides fought instantly.

It has to be said that Ye Yousi, the king of the South, should indeed be quite capable. Although Qiao Ye has never seen it before, he can see some clues from Ye Yousi's subordinates.

Because Ye Yousi's subordinates are really not weak, they can all reach the king realm, and Qiao Ye has seen several strong men who have stepped into the king realm.

A person who can command this kind of strength, of course, also needs considerable strength, otherwise how can he convince the public.

Those Skywalkers were not opponents at all, and quickly changed from fighting to chasing, and began to retreat steadily.

The survivors on the other side seemed rather relaxed, and while chasing, they cursed: "The structure of this airship is a bit strange. After running back and forth for so long, I didn't find the entrance."

"I checked it before, and there is no entrance or exit from the bottom or the side. It should be on the top."

"Well, their small airships are all moored above, so the entrance and exit must be on the top, and the mooring platform must be connected to the entrance and exit."

"But where is the damn entrance?"

"Boss asked us to take down this empty boat in one hour. It's not an option to go on like this."

Qiao Ye listened to the conversation of the survivors, thought for a while, and suddenly said, "It's under the arena!"

The survivors around were stunned for a moment, and the survivor from the Demon Realm who had talked with Qiao Ye before said, "Brother, how do you know?"

Before Qiao Ye opened his mouth, another survivor suddenly slapped his hands and said, "You are the brother who fought just now, right? The airship is too far away, so I can't see it very clearly. Now I see you I just remembered the weapon."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "It's me!"

The other party said: "Did brother be arrested?"

Qiao Ye half-truthfully said: "I am a survivor of MSI Nanzhou. A while ago, King Qin Lan attacked us, and I was arrested at that time."

The demon survivor nodded and said: "No wonder you know the entrance and exit of this airship, then, do you know where the control pattern of this airship is?"

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "How could the slaves know such an important matter? I only know that the bottom two floors are prison cells, where the survivors are held, and the third to fifth floors are living areas, three of which are planting areas, and the entire ship is empty. The boat has nine floors."

"It's a great help to help us eliminate so many areas." The demon survivor waved quickly: "Brothers, retreat, go to the direction of the wrestling arena, and then give a signal to let others come closer."

The group of Ye Yousi's subordinates also left as soon as they said they wanted to. After running five or six meters, the demon survivor suddenly turned his head and said, "Brother, do you want to go with us?"

"I'm sorry, I still have a little..." Qiao Ye looked around, not knowing what to say, and said with a hand: "Other things!"

The demon survivor didn't bother, nodded and said: "I'll talk about it when I have a chance!"

The group of survivors left quickly, Qiao Ye turned his head and looked forward, his goal remained the same, still...

That airship!


Qiao Ye patted Sibuxiang's head, then grabbed Sibuxiang's neck mane, and Sibuxiang ran again, heading forward.


Si Buxiang raised his head, roared forward, and then spit out a mouthful of white frost mist towards the front.

Accompanied by the white frosty mist flying towards the front, the ground quickly froze and pushed forward frantically. About ten meters away, with a bang, an iceberg more than ten meters high rose from the ground. , directly flying an ice sculpture in the sky.

And at the moment when the iceberg rose, Polaris came quickly from behind, quickly ran on the ice, and then jumped up and rushed directly to the iceberg. At the moment when it reached the top, Polaris jumped upside down up in the air.

Beast-monitoring skill, flurry!

Polaris loosened his hands, and the crystalline twin swords in his hands disappeared, turning into crystalline crossbows.

The moment the crystallized hand crossbow appeared, an aurora sphere condensed from the front end of the crystallized hand crossbow, and it flew downward, pushing slowly, and suddenly...


The aurora ball exploded suddenly, turning into twelve aurora beams pouring down.

Boom, boom, boom!

The aurora beam continued to disperse, and then fell continuously, forming a birdcage shape, and then continuously pierced Skywalker's body!

"You defeated a skywalker at the eighth level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 18,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the seventh level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the fifth level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12,000 points."


Skywalker was nailed to death by the aurora beam constantly, and fell to the ground, blood continued to flow out, staining the ground red.

This came from the cooperation between Qiao Ye's two beasts, which showed a tacit understanding.

You know, the beast master can't only send one beast to fight every time. In theory, with Qiao Ye's cultivation, he can even send more than two. Of course, it's a problem that Qiao Ye only has two beasts.

The key point is that although the number of beasts that can be dispatched can be plural, it does not mean that they can cooperate well. It is even common for the beasts to conflict with each other.

In fact, the difficulty of cultivating one beast master is much lower than that of multiple beast masters.

Because, every imperial beast hopes that its master only loves itself.

However, from the current point of view, there seems to be no conflict between Sibuxiang and Polaris, and they get along and cooperate well.

Qiao Ye attributed this to the cleverness of the two beast masters, but he didn't know that the key was not in Qiao Ye, but in Xiao Ji.

As long as Xiao Ji is around, no matter how many beasts Qiao Ye manipulates, those beasts will be obedient.


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