Chapter 1205 Wang Zuo

at the same time……

After Sibuxiang and Polaris teamed up again to destroy a group of Skywalkers, the airship was within reach.

In fact, Wang Zuo's men must have more than that, but there are fighting in the surrounding area right now, and there are not so many people who can take care of Qiao Ye.

Moreover, Xu felt that Skywalker couldn't stop Qiao Ye. The other party no longer confronted Qiao Ye head-on, but dispatched the airship again.

Several airships passed over Qiao Ye's head, and then a series of red light beams bombarded down without warning.

Boom, boom, boom!

Accompanied by the sound of explosions, every time a crimson beam hits the ground, a raging flame will burn like a wall of fire.

However, the other party obviously underestimated Sibuxiang's flexibility.

When the light beams kept falling, Four Different Phases jumped flexibly, avoiding those light beams constantly, and was not hit by the light beams at all.

But it just couldn't hit, and it didn't make any sense. The attack of those airships made Sibuxiang have to slow down. Therefore, in order to pass through this area smoothly, those airships must be eliminated.

The biggest trouble with airships is that they can fly, and it is difficult to destroy them at close range, so they must use long-range attacks!

After Qiao Ye thought for a while, he patted Si Buxiang's head to make Si Buxiang stop.

The next moment, Qiao Ye leaped into the air, and bumped into the crimson beam shot out from the airship.

Nine-turn golden body!

Qiao Ye's body burst into golden light, and as Qiao Ye rushed into the air, Qiao Ye's body was like a small sun.


Boom, boom, boom!

The skywalkers who were manipulating the airship were also not polite. Since Qiao Ye had come to the door himself, they continued to attack.

As beams of light hit Qiao Ye's body one after another, violent bangs continued to appear.

The moment the light beam hit Qiao Ye, the fireballs burst out continuously, forming a large sea of ​​flames, engulfing Qiao Ye!

Normally, this kind of bombardment would definitely blow people to pieces, but after a while, Qiao Ye fell directly from the flames.

Those light beams were attacks generated by the patterns, not purely physical attacks. Therefore, after a round of attacks, the nine-turn golden body also became dim.

However, after being super-grade, the Nine-Turn Golden Body was indeed hard enough. After a round of such bombing, it was only weakened, not broken, and Qiao Ye took the initiative to meet the attack, of course not because his skin was itchy to seek a beating!

Sixteen-prism lightsaber mirror!

Sixteen-prism lightsaber mirror (no product) (treasure piece): the sword light made of thunder from heaven and earth, twenty-one kinds of third-grade spiritual materials, three kinds of second-grade spiritual materials, and one mirror surface made of first-grade spiritual materials, which make the sword light of heaven and earth thunder It is sealed in it, and every time it encounters an attack, after the defense is successful, the attack is converted into the energy required for the Thunderbolt Sword Light to be lased. The higher the grade of the lightsaber mirror.

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and sixteen-prism lightsaber mirrors emerged from behind, all over Qiao Ye's back.

In the brilliant silver light, one after another silver lightsabers were continuously condensed from the sixteen-prism lightsaber mirror.

The next moment, Qiao Ye waved his hand fiercely, and the lightsaber blasted forward, heading towards the ship in front of him.


A lightsaber hit the airship, and almost instantly, the airship was cut into two pieces by a sword, and it was blasted into two pieces just like that!

Another lightsaber blasted out, and the airship immediately turned quickly, trying to avoid the past, but it was obviously too late, the lightsaber flew past the side of the airship, and directly sliced ​​off a piece of the airship , Immediately the airship plummeted into black smoke and fell directly from the sky.

Another sword blasted out, and the lightsaber soared upwards, and an empty ship fired a crimson beam again.


The beam of light collided with the lightsaber, making a loud roar, and the waves of air that swayed were like tides, passing around the airship, and the airship quickly appeared dense cracks, flying obliquely in the air, Then it was suddenly shattered, and the Skywalker in the airship screamed and was thrown out, smashing hard on the ground.

Under the attack of the lightsaber, the airships burst apart one after another.

Some skywalkers reacted extremely quickly and quickly abandoned the airship, thus escaping the catastrophe. However, some skywalkers were obviously not decisive enough. A dead body.

"You defeated a Skywalker at the sixth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 72,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the sixth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 68,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the ninth level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 30,000 points."


As the airship continued to fall, the wreckage of the airship was scattered everywhere, Qiao Ye turned over and rode Sibuxiang again!

Qiao Ye patted the four different heads and said, "Let's go!"

Si Buxiang ran again, this time, no one could stop Qiao Ye.

When he came to the empty boat, Si Buxiang leaped onto the empty boat.

Looking at the empty boat from a closer distance, Qiao Ye found that the empty boat was indeed quite good. Looking at the hull of the empty boat, it was easy to see that the materials used for this empty boat were very particular. The grades are all very high, and the entire empty boat has a faint wood fragrance, and even a layer of mercury-like shimmer flows on the surface.

Qiao Ye quickly found the hatch on the top, and then pulled the handle hard, trying to force it open.

But after pushing hard, Qiao Ye found that the hatch didn't seem to be locked, and it was easily opened!


The moment the hatch was opened, a silver glow suddenly appeared and stabbed out from the back of the hatch!

Qiao Ye's reaction was also extremely fast, she quickly jumped towards the rear, and then looked up, and what pierced through was a long spear.

I don't know if it's a tradition or a special reason, most of Skywalker's weapons are guns and spears, just like warriors in the martial arts domain, most of their weapons are swords and knives.

And after the long spear pierced through...

A middle-aged skywalker spread his wings and slowly floated up from the airship.

"I didn't go to you to settle the score, but you dare to come here!" The middle-aged Skywalker looked at Qiao Ye with obvious anger and annoyance, and then curled the corner of his mouth and said: "By the way, you still want to come here!" If you haven’t seen me before, I’m Wang Zuo!”


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