Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1206 Sky Walk, Nine Springs Wing Strike

Chapter 1206 Sky Walk, Nine Springs Wing Strike

Wang Zuo?

Qiao Ye was stunned. Speaking of which, after he was brought back, he had been participating in the wrestling arena as a slave of King Qinglan Wang Zuo.

But in fact, Qiao Ye hadn't even met Wang Zuo.

Thinking about it, Wang Zuo just needs a tool person who can help him make money. Besides, Wang Zuo doesn't care about other things at all, so why should he see him or not?

Qiao Ye's eyes fell involuntarily, looking at the airship, that is to say, this airship is Wang Zuo's spectator airship?

What a coincidence!

On the other side, Wang Zuo pointed his gun at Qiao Ye's direction, and said coldly, "You belong to Ye Yousi, right? Why are you here? Why me?"

"Sorry." Qiao Ye spread out her hands, "I have nothing to do with that Southern Heavenly King."

Wang Zuodao: "Do you think it's useful to deny it at a time like this? Or do you think that if you say that, I will let you go?"

Wang Zuo's face became ferocious, angry, unwilling, and even a trace of fear.

"Even if I'm going to be wiped out by Ye Yousi today..." Wang Zuo let out a low growl, then rushed towards Qiao Ye and said, "I'm going to pull a back!"

Wang Zuo is quite crazy at the moment!

Ye Yousi!

That's Ye Yousi, the King of the South!

One of the few with a fleet in the airspace!

Ye Yousi has more than six giant airships, more than three hundred medium combat airships, and countless small airships.

The reason for the anxious battle is that Ye Yousi intends to take down Wang Zuo's Kongjing, otherwise with Ye Yousi's strength, Wang Zuo's Kongjing can be sunk in an instant!

This is a battle with no chance of winning. Wang Zuo knew very well that he could never be Ye Yousi's opponent, and he had already lost.

Because of this, Wang Zuo became even crazier. Anyway, everything he had would be deprived, and his hard work would be ruined. Even if he escaped and lost everything about himself, what's the point of living?


Kill one to earn one!

Wang Zuo thought so, and did so!

As soon as the spear was raised, Wang Zuo came directly to Qiao Ye, and the silver spear in his hand stabbed forward fiercely.

Wang Zuo's gun quickly turned into streaks of silver light, and came towards Qiao Ye continuously, only the shadow of the gun was seen, but the body of the gun was hardly visible!

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes, since it's not easy to dodge, then don't dodge!

Nine-turn golden body!

A golden radiance suddenly emerged from Qiao Ye's body, covering Qiao Ye's body and covering Qiao Ye's whole body.

Bang lang, ding lang, ding lang!

In the next moment, the sound of metal clanging rang out continuously, and Wang Zuo's silver gun kept hitting Qiao Ye, stirring up golden sparks one after another.

After a while, the speed of the gun gradually slowed down, Qiao Ye grabbed the barrel of the gun, and then suddenly exerted force!

Qiao Ye actually grabbed the silver gun, lifted Wang Zuo abruptly, and then swung Wang Zuo and others with the gun towards the back.


Wang Zuo hit the airship and slid out towards the rear, with a look of surprise on his face. Although he knew that Qiao Ye was very strong, Wang Zuo realized now that Qiao Ye seemed to be stronger than he imagined.

"Want to be dragged before death?" Qiao Ye looked at Wang Zuo with a sneer and said, "Sorry, you picked the wrong person!"

Wang Zuo twitched his eyes, then slammed the ground hard, and his body bounced up again.

"The spear of the sky!" Wang Zuo roared angrily, "Qing Lan pierces through!"

Accompanied by Wang Zuo's spear piercing towards the front, with a bang, countless winds gathered, spinning clockwise continuously, approaching Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye lowered her eyebrows. This blow was powerful. If she was hit by Fengliu, she would be strangled to pieces on the spot.

"You take Xiao Ji into the airship first!" Qiao Ye said to Polaris, "Take this airship!"

There should be other people in the empty boat. Wang Zuo should accompany Nangong Zhuo, the other organizer of the wrestling arena. Ran.

But the airship is always suspended in the air, which means that someone must be driving the airship.

Therefore, Wang Zuo was dealt with by Qiao Ye, and Polaris went to capture the airship first.

Polaris nodded and headed towards the hatch of the airship with Xiao Ji, while Qiao Ye punched forward.

The moment the fist blasted out, the black smoke around Qiao Ye moved with Qiao Ye's fist, and flew forward, colliding with the wind.

With a bang, the smoke collided with the wind. Although the smoke was completely crushed in an instant, the wind was scattered in all directions, and the collision of this blow was hard to tell.

But at the moment when the black smoke dissipated, Wang Zuo let out a low shout, and suddenly came through the black smoke, and the silver gun pointed forward, hitting Qiao Ye directly!


Qiao Ye quickly raised the black halberd.

The moment the spear halberd passed by, golden sparks surged, and immediately after, Qiao Ye and Wang Zuo passed by.

And just in the moment of passing by...

The two of them didn't even look at it, and directly swung their weapons towards the rear at the same time.


There was a clear sound of impact, and the weapons of the two collided again, and then swung away. After turning around, Qiao Ye stabbed at Wang Zuo with a halberd, but when Qiao Ye drew out his halberd, Wang Zuo also came with a spear .



Wang Zuo's silver spear hit Qiao Ye, but was blocked by the nine-turn golden body, while Qiao Ye's halberd blade passed over Wang Zuo's shoulder, instantly bringing out a bloodstain and splashing bright red blood.

Wang Zuo's complexion changed, and he quickly backed away to distance himself from Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye looked at Wang Zuo and said, "I told you, if you want to find someone to back you up before you die, then you're obviously looking for the wrong opponent."

Wang Zuo's face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't be too happy!"

The moment Wang Zuoyan fell, the wings on his back spread out, and suddenly a large cloud of gloomy air radiated out.

Wang Zuo has a pair of quite majestic wings, brown and black in color, very huge, and after unfolding, you can see a lot of feathers, just like the wings of an eagle.

However, when that gloomy aura appeared, the surroundings suddenly revealed a low and oppressive feeling, as if something was withering and rotting, sinking completely.

The feathers on Wang Zuo's wings also continued to fall one by one. The moment they landed, a turquoise flame ignited, burning the feathers to death.

"Tian Xing!" Wang Zuo grinned ferociously, looked at Qiao Ye's direction and shouted, "Jiuquan Wing Strike!"

The moment Wang Zuoyan fell, the turquoise flames floating around suddenly exploded, and then surrounded Wang Zuo's body, whirling wildly, turning into a turquoise fire tornado!


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