Chapter 1207 Fighting

It's like demonization, martial soul, just like out of spirit!

At the heart of the airspace is the...


In the state of Tianxing, Qiao Ye was a little surprised by Wang Zuo's appearance.

Wang Zuo's appearance has not changed much, but there is a slight difference in temperament. Wang Zuo now has a hint of evil feeling all over his body. It is difficult to describe that feeling in words, but he looks a little strange.

And Wang Zuo's pair of wings completely changed their shape, all the feathers fell off, turning into balls of blue-black flames.

The remaining wing bones are a completely pitch-black color, criss-crossing, like dry branches opening to both sides.

Then, on the wing bone, clusters of blue-black flames hung there, like fruits hanging from branches.

"Untouchable!" Wang Zuo yelled at Qiao Ye, "Go to hell!"

Wang Zuo roared, flapping his wings forward, and then the blue-black flame rolled towards Qiao Ye crazily, like a giant beast opening its bloody mouth to engulf Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye immediately stretched out her hand and pressed forward, and then, a large cloud of black smoke surged forward, like a wave, layer upon layer.


Black smoke and flame collided fiercely, pushing each other.


Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows, his own black smoke couldn't hold it up, the blue-black flame gathered into a ball, directly broke through the black smoke, and came towards Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye was blown out of the airship and smashed back onto the Sky Whale. He even punched a hole in the top of the Sky Whale and fell directly into the lower deck.

At the same time, those flames added to the body were not a burning sensation, but a bone-piercing chill, not a cold chill, but a gloomy feeling, which penetrated deep into the bone marrow, as if they were absorbing their own vitality.

"Woman's fire!"

Qiao Ye cursed in a low voice, quickly raised her hand, and extinguished those flames.

Flame, naturally, should belong to fire in the five elements.

However, there is a kind of flame among the five elements of yin and yang, but it belongs to yin.

At the same time, this kind of flame is very rare, and to have such an ability, Wang Zuo's ability of Tianxing is extraordinary, and his grade is absolutely good, at least it should be the selected grade.

at the same time……


There was a loud noise from the top, but Wang Zuo chased it down, crashed through the top, and entered the interior of the Kongjing.

"You said I couldn't kill you?" Wang Zuo looked at Qiao Ye with pity, and said with a sneer, "I'll show you!"

The two were in a spacious corridor.

The moment Wang Zuoyan fell, he stretched out his hand, his fingers slightly bent, and a blue-black flame burned in his hand. He pressed against the side wall and rushed out in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Boom, boom, boom!

The will-o'-the-wisp in his palm dragged across the wall, making crackling sounds continuously.

In an instant, Wang Zuo rushed to Qiao Ye, stretched out his hand and pressed it forward, grabbed the will-o'-the-wisp and planned to smash it at Qiao Ye's head.

Qiao Ye's eyes were stern, and at the moment when the ghost fire hit, he directly stretched his left arm forward.

The surrounding black smoke swirled quickly towards Qiao Ye's direction.

The black smoke condensed on Qiao Ye's arm and quickly turned into an arm shield.


The will-o'-the-wisp hit the arm shield, and there was a loud roaring sound instantly, and then it exploded and spread in all directions.

Qiao Ye gritted her teeth and held up her shield to withstand it. The huge force continued to press down, forming a collision.

This guy……

It really is the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

Qiao Ye had guessed Wang Zuo's strength before, that he could command so many people, and among his subordinates were masters who had stepped into the imperial realm.

Then, Wang Zuo is very likely to be the peak of the ninth level of the Emperor Realm, and even, after passing the Emperor Realm, he is a strong man in the Emperor Realm!

Entering the state of Skywalker now, Wang Zuo showed his true strength, and it was exactly as Qiao Ye had expected, this guy is a Skywalker in the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

On the other side, Wang Zuo watched his will-o'-the-wisp fall down by Qiao Ye, his eyes were ferocious, and he said in a low voice, "The Nether Withered Vine!"

Almost instantly, when Wang Zuoyan fell, the wings like black branches suddenly grew longer and spread forward, and the front end was extremely sharp, stabbing towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and he immediately jumped backwards. However, Wang Zuo's wing bones stretched rapidly and continued to catch up with Qiao Ye!

Can't escape!

Qiao Ye shrank his pupils, then raised the black halberd and waved it.

"Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!"

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and black smoke rose continuously from under his feet, quickly enveloping Qiao Ye's body.

The black smoke passed by, and a black armor gradually appeared on Qiao Ye's body.

It was as dark as night, with lion's mouth shoulder pads on both sides of the shoulders, a dragon's head on the upper edge of the combat boots, and an unknown evil beast on its chest, with its bloody mouth wide open, looking extremely ferocious.

Bang lang, ding lang, ding lang!

The armor of Heavenly Demon Baxue appeared and collided with Wang Zuo's wing bone, making a crisp collision sound, stopping the stabbing attack.

However, the wing bones were extremely powerful. Although the Heavenly Demon Baxue could withstand the stabbing attack, it could not withstand the impact force. Qiao Ye was blown away almost instantly.

Bang, bang, bang!

Qiao Ye smashed the walls of the corridor continuously, flying seven or eight meters before hitting the ground.

Wang Zuo raised his legs and stepped over the broken wall, walked towards Qiao Ye and said, "Smelly brat, how dare you speak boldly in front of me? Killing you is like slaughtering a dog!"


Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and pushed aside the broken board that was pressing on him.

"Huh!" Qiao Ye vomited, and then slowly sat up and said, "It's really a bit difficult, if that's the case, I'll play it seriously with you!"

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to press his face, and in the next moment, a large cloud of black smoke continuously poured out from Qiao Ye's palm.

Becoming a demon: The world does not allow me, so I fall into a demon, enter the flesh with the power of gods and demons, shape the demon body within a certain period of time, and fight in the incarnation of gods and demons.

When Qiao Ye lowered his palm from his face.

Qiao Ye's eyes turned into blood-colored vertical pupils, a black light appeared on his forehead, and then two horns slowly formed.

On the back of Qiao Ye's arms and calves, the armor of the Heavenly Demon Baxue was split, and four half-moon-shaped bone blades pierced through, clinging to Qiao Ye's skin.

At the same time, Qiao Ye's body seemed to swell, obviously much taller than before.

Slowly, Qiao Ye stood up again, staring firmly at Wang Zuo with a pair of blood pupils.

Wang Zuo was also shocked. He could clearly feel that Qiao Ye's aura had become stronger. With the naked eye alone, he could see that the body was several times stronger than before.

This guy……

I didn't try my best before!


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