Chapter 1210 Ye Yousi

This time it was Ye Yousi's turn to be stunned, isn't he a survivor of the airspace? What about your wings?

Qiao Ye said seriously: "I am not a survivor of Kongyu, I am a real Wuyu person, about ten days ago, I came to Kongyu, just happened to meet Wang Zuo who was arresting slaves, I was caught by him on purpose, I I want to use this to get in touch with Skywalker and the remnants and learn about the airspace!"

Qiao Ye thought about it in her heart, and decided to tell her story directly.

Because Qiao Ye had analyzed the situation in the airspace before.

The emergence of the airspace, after being connected with the Nine Realms battlefield, is completely different from the Demon Realm, the Beast Realm, and the Art Realm.

The airspace is dangerous!

Airspace is dangerous for two reasons.

The first one is that there is no void fault here, but there is an evil beast here, and the evil beast is on the floating continent in the airspace, and can enter the Nine Realms battlefield through the entrance and exit at any time.

The second is the airspace itself, the people here!

Because of the relationship between the evil beasts, the airspace lost a lot of resources, whether it was cultivation resources or survival resources.

Therefore, Skywalker is very dangerous. Food and water sources are scarce in the airspace. For these, Qiao Ye believes that the people in the airspace will definitely enter the nine-field battlefield to plunder after they know that the airspace is connected to the nine-field battlefield.

Is there a solution to this matter?

Yes, but it can't be said that it can be solved 100%.

The solution is very simple, just give people in the air space food and water to survive, but it is not that simple.

How many people are there in the entire airspace? Peaceful solution? Provide these to the airspace people?

Although there are no shortages in other areas, it does not mean that there is enough food for the entire airspace.

After all, the acquisition and consumption of food is a cycle. Do you want to eat rice? First plant it, eat it after planting it, and plant it again.

In the final analysis, if people in the airspace want food or something, other areas can provide them with food, but how long can this supply last?

One year, two years, ten years?

In any case, it is impossible to keep supplying it all the time. Don’t forget that even if there is enough food to supply the airspace, the other domains are not for charity. Why do you keep supplying the airspace with food for free?

Then, you have to take out something in exchange, but in fact the survival resources in the airspace are very scarce, and the cultivation resources in the airspace are also very scarce, because the cultivation resources also come from the floating continent in the airspace. While the airspace lacks survival resources, it also lacks Survival resources.

In fact, Qiao Ye also discovered this point.

It is very intuitive that the empty walkers in the airspace are weak.

Take Wang Zuo as an example, Wang Zuo is very strong, he also has a few masters of the Emperor Realm, and there are quite a few masters of the King Realm, but in reality?

On Wang Zuo's Air Whale, there are at least 2,000 people, including no more than three emperors and fifty kings. As the second largest force in Weixing Prefecture, if this level is placed in Wuyu, a team of two thousand Comparing it with a human dojo, it is obvious that the standard is low.

Using this to measure the entire airspace, it can be seen that the overall strength of the airspace should be at least weaker than that of Wuyu, Spiritual Domain and Demon Domain, Beast Domain and Shuyu Domain.

The reason for this situation is that there is also a lack of training resources in the airspace!

This makes Skywalker in the airspace very serious in terms of strength.

The air space is not without experts, such as Ye Yousi in front of you!

Although I can't feel the strength of Ye Yousi, and the breath is not strong, but considering that the opponent is the three masters of the survivors known as the king of the south, it is impossible to be weak.

Then, we can only consider another situation, Ye Yousi is very strong, so strong that he can hide his aura so that Qiao Ye cannot detect it.

And to reach this level, it can only be...

The supreme being in the world!

Therefore, there are still masters in the air space. After all, to reach this level of strength, it is not enough to rely on cultivation resources, but talent and hard work are more important.

This has led to serious polarization in the airspace. Of course there are masters like Ye Yousi, but what if they don't have such a good talent?

Then, hard work alone is useless. If hard work can close the gap brought about by talent, how can there be geniuses in this world? Moreover, what scares people in this world is not that other people are more talented than you, but that , Work harder than you are talented.

Therefore, for most people, talent is excluded, and strength is determined by hard work and resources.

The lack of resources in the airspace has led to a lack of masters in the middle layer.

So, the problem comes back, the airspace cultivation resources are not enough, how to exchange them?

To put it bluntly, survival resources, cultivation resources, and airspace are all scarce. It doesn't make much sense to take out the scarce things and exchange them for other scarce things, because it doesn't make life easier.

What is the end result?

Invasion, plunder!

This is the best way to improve the status quo of the airspace!

And as true for Skywalker, it is true for Remnants as well.

Frankly speaking, Qiao Ye is not sure whether the survivors will also stand on the opposite side, but since the three realms and nine domains were broken, Skywalker is the oppressor, and the survivors are the oppressed side. If you choose to communicate with one side or win over one side, The Remnant is definitely a better choice. Surviving under oppression, the Remnant wants much less than those Skywalkers, and it is easier to satisfy.

That's why Qiao Ye was outspoken and told Ye Yousi about her background. Qiao Ye felt that she could talk to Ye Yousi.

After Ye Yousi finished listening, she also showed surprise, but quickly calmed herself down and fell into thinking.

"Then, how do you prove that you are not a survivor of the airspace?" Ye Yousi looked at Qiao Ye and said, "If you want me to believe you, you must first prove that you are not from the airspace, right?"

Qiao Ye held his chin and thought for a while, what is not in the airspace, but what does he have in his hand?

"That's right!" Qiao Ye pulled Si Buxiang out of the beast cage and said, "This is the beast master, from the beast domain!"

Ye Yousi looked at Sibuxiang and shook his head, "Maybe it's an evil beast!"

Qiao Ye said: "Have you ever seen such an obedient evil beast? Polaris, enter the fighting state!"

In the form of the Polaris Journey, it is no different from a human being, but it is another matter when it enters the battle form, and it can still be clearly seen that it is a beast.

Ye You thought for a while, then nodded and said, "It's barely believable, so what's the reason why you told me this? No, it doesn't matter what the reason is, and I don't care. The important thing is what you can bring me? "

"Of course it's what you need, or what you want." Qiao Ye spread his hands and said, "However, I can't give you any guarantees now, because I don't count on these things, but I can talk to you The person who counts, the premise is that I want to return to the Nine Domains Battlefield!"


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