Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1211 Heavenly Book Monument

Chapter 1211

"So that's it!" Ye Yousi suddenly laughed and said, "So, you can't go back now, can you?"

If Qiao Ye can't go back, then what Qiao Ye said is meaningless, even if Qiao Ye is really from Wuyu, so what? Any condition, any promise cannot be fulfilled.

Qiao Ye said: "You can't expect others to prepare the dishes, bring them to you, and feed you with bowls and chopsticks. If you want to get something, you have to pay something. By the way, first of all, I still need to clarify something. , I can't go back, I'm temporarily trapped here, I need to find the entrance!"

Ye Yousi said: "So, this is your request, let me help you find the entrance?"

Qiao Ye said: "You should think about it the other way around. If you work hard to send me back, everything will have a follow-up. Isn't this good for you? Don't you know what kind of life the survivors in the airspace live? This is a change. opportunity, but the question is do you want to take the opportunity?"

"Wardom, Demon Realm, Spiritual Realm, Magic Realm, Beast Realm, Nine Realm Battlefield..." Ye Yousi pondered for a while and said, "What you said is too far away, and I don't understand many of them, or rather, just I can't understand it from what you said, and you can also understand that I don't trust you, so I want to see it with my own eyes."

Qiao Ye said, "Are you going to follow me back to the Nine Domains Battlefield?"

Ye Yousi nodded and said, "Yes, I can promise you to help you find the entrance, but after I find it, I will go with you to the so-called Nine Realms Battlefield."

Qiao Ye said: "Can you leave the airspace? I mean leave your men behind and go back with me temporarily, and your fleet will be leaderless. If something unexpected happens..."

"It doesn't matter!" Ye Yousi said: "I will transform into three cleanses in one breath, and my deity will not leave the airspace. In fact, what you see now is not my deity."

"One breath transforms three cleans..." Qiao Ye said in surprise, "You are a Daoist!"

One qi transforms three cleanses, this is the supreme way of the Dao domain. It was very famous before the three realms and nine realms were broken. It can be said that it is a supreme way known to all nine realms. Regardless of the method for the time being, even if it can be obtained, only Taoist venerables who have cultivated to the highest level in the world are eligible to practice.

Qiao Ye couldn't help but said, "Are you from the Taoism or the Taoism?"

After the separation of the two domains of Taoism, the Taoist priests in the Taoism domain are also divided into two schools, one school is Taoism, and the other school is Taoism.

Taoism, as the name suggests, is a lineage extending from the field of art, astrology, divination, formation, pinching fingers to count fleeting years, observing phases to determine fate, measuring wind and sky, and seeing the true meaning of the world.

To put it bluntly, the ability of the Taoist school is similar to that of the Shuyu sorcerer. Although the methods used are different, the core is the same. The Taoist school of Taoism is very scumbag when it comes to fighting, but giving a Taoist priest who can fight The masters and Taoist priests are used as assistants to fight, and if they cooperate, they are very strong.

Taoism is a completely different type. Taoism is used for fighting. It is divided into five elements, gods, and talismans. The common point is that each school of Taoism has the ability to fight. Like the school of Taoism, which has no power to restrain chickens, although it has something to do with the school of Shuyu, its methods are almost out of the category of surgery, and Daoyu calls it the law.

Ye Yousi smiled and said, "Do you think that to get the title of Heavenly King of the South, should you follow the school of Taoism or the school of Taoism?"

Well, this is easy to understand, how can you fight if you don't learn Taoism, how can you lead everyone if you don't have the strength?

"Then there's no problem." Qiao Ye said, "As long as you find the exit, you can go back with me. After all, what you said is right. Seeing it with your own eyes is more convincing than hearing it!"

Ye Yousi nodded and said, "Do you have any clues about the entrance?"

Qiao Ye said: "A piece of suspended land near MSI Nanzhou."

Ye Yousi laughed and said, "Do you know how many suspended lands there are near there?"

Qiao Ye recalled for a while and said: "That piece of land should be facing MSI Nanzhou, the distance should not exceed 500 meters, the height is slightly higher, and MSI Nanzhou can be seen from obliquely above, but it is covered by a large sea of ​​clouds , it is impossible to determine where it is facing MSI Nanzhou."

Ye Yousi nodded. Although it was still very vague, it was barely better than before. You can try to find it based on these conditions.

"But it's not an easy task." Ye Yousi said: "The suspended continent can move!"

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, then said, "Can you move?"

"Yes, before the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Realms, the entire airspace was moving." Ye Yousi said: "However, this kind of movement is very slow, and it may take decades to see some changes, but after the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Realms , the suspended continent in the airspace is also broken. Depending on the size of the split land, the speed of movement will be different. If the land you mentioned is not very large, then the speed of movement may be faster. At that time, the characteristics you mentioned may be different. I'm sorry... um... what's wrong with you?"

Ye Yousi explained, and then found that Qiao Ye's complexion was getting worse and worse!

what happened?

The most worrying thing has appeared!

Qiao Ye always felt that the luckiest thing in misfortune was that the suspended continent in the airspace was completely broken.

Then, if there is only one entrance and exit, then you only need to face the evil beast on the land where the entrance and exit are located.

But if the continents are moving...

Qiao Ye looked at Ye Yousi and said, "So, is it possible for these continents to merge together through movement?"

Ye Yousi nodded and said: "Of course, this kind of situation often happens in some areas with relatively dense suspended land, but it is useless to combine them together. It is almost impossible for the airspace to return to its previous state. Continents come together by moving, but still separate again with the movement."

That's enough!

This has already represented the possibility that there will be a steady stream of evil beasts entering the battlefield of the Nine Realms.

"I have to go back as soon as possible." Qiao Ye said, "It's urgent!"

Ye Yousi said: "Since you promised to take me back together, then, this transaction is established, I will send an airship to help you find the entrance and exit back to the Nine Domains Battlefield..."

Ye Yousi's words fell to the ground, and she stopped abruptly.

"Sorry!" Ye Yousi looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Our transaction is suspended!"

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment and said, "Why?"

Ye Yousi said: "I can't leave the airspace for the time being, and besides, I advise you not to run around."

Qiao Ye's expression was even more bewildered. It can be said that he was confused. Didn't he just say it well, why did he change his mind?

Ye Yousi said: "Because, the Tianshu Stele appeared!"


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