Chapter 1212 Sky Throne

"Tianshu monument?"

Qiao Ye scratched her head, why did the name sound so familiar? It always feels like I've heard it somewhere!

Suddenly, Qiao Ye slapped her hands fiercely, and she remembered!

At the beginning, I was eyeing Jiang Liuxue in Hanlin Mountain, but that guy deliberately made a leak, revealing that his goal was the Tianshu Monument, but in fact it was a lie. Jiang Liuxue deliberately used Qiao Ye to give The defenders used the wrong information to break into the fortress and snatch what they wanted.

Well, Qiao Ye is not guilty about this matter, because Jiang Liuxue was a plotter that time, no matter how true the news is, Qiao Ye will definitely report it.

Then, after the report, whether the information is true or not is definitely open to question. After all, Qiao Ye also stated at the time that he heard it from Jiang Liuxue, and the authenticity cannot be guaranteed.

But leave it alone because of doubt?

Of course not, this is a multiple choice question.

It's a pity that the defenders chose the wrong side, and as a result, many people died, and Jiang Liuxue succeeded.

This matter can only be said that Jiang Liuxue's skills are superior. Compared with conspiracy and conspiracy, the biggest trouble is that even if you know it may be a pit, you have to jump into it.

But if you don't feel guilty, you don't feel guilty, but it doesn't mean that Qiao Ye doesn't care about this matter.

And now, in the airspace, the Heavenly Book Monument appeared again...

Between the two, is it just a coincidence?

Ye Yousi glanced at Qiao Ye and said, "You look excited?"

Qiao Ye said: "Of course, that's the Tianshu Monument!"

Ye Yousi nodded and said, "It makes sense!"

Qiao Ye said: "By the way, what is the Tianshu Monument?"

Ye Yousi almost spit out a mouthful of blood, you don't even know anything, you are so excited!

That's why Ye Yousi misunderstood Qiao Ye. The reason why Qiao Ye was excited had nothing to do with the Tianshu Monument, but with Jiang Liuxue.

Ye Yousi said: "If you want to ask me what the stele is, I don't have an accurate answer, but there are many legends."

Qiao Ye said, "Can you tell me?"

Ye You thought for a while, and then said: "There is still enough time, you can talk about it."

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Ye Yousi said: "It is said that the Tianshu Stele is a thing of the Three Realms, and then there are many theories. Some say that it fell from the Three Realms when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, and some say that it is a person from a certain Three Realms. A huge force, tragic accidents, its descendants fled to the airspace left behind, and some people say that the Tianshu monument is related to the sky throne, the existence of the sky throne is to seal the Tianshu monument, after the three realms and nine domains are broken, the throne collapses, and the seal of the Tianshu monument is released. Lifted."

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "It's all unverifiable claims."

Ye Yousi nodded and said: "That's right, so, about the Tianshu stele, a more reliable statement is that when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, the inheritance left by the Sky Throne in order to keep the incense alive, by the way, you know that the Sky Throne Is it?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "I know!"

Although Qiao Ye didn't know much about the airspace, no, it should be said that most people knew very little about the airspace, but the matter of the Sky Throne was not among them.

This was a well-known fact before the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Domains. Even after the shattering of the Three Realms and Nine Domains, it was recorded in many historical documents, and these historical documents are not necessarily the historical documents of the air domain, but the history of other domains in the literature.

This explains the problem very much. The place that is obviously the air domain is actually recorded in the historical documents of other domains. It can be seen how famous the Sky Throne was at that time.

In fact, even though the Sky Throne was located in the airspace at that time, the Nine Regions regarded the Sky Throne as a place where the Nine Regions gathered. This is because the airspace itself is very closed, and the people in the airspace are not very friendly, but they still There are reasons for people from other domains to run to the airspace. Ninety-nine percent of these people are going to the sky throne!

The Throne of the Sky, before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, was also known as the Sky Arena. As the name suggests, this is a place for martial arts competitions.

The first ninety-nine floors of the Throne of the Sky are called the Tongtian Tower. Countless people have dreamed of going from the first floor to the ninety-ninth floor. This is the recognition of strength and the highest glory.

And the hundredth floor begins, known as the Battle of the Throne!

If you can pass the battle of the throne, you can have the seat of the Sky Throne.

The Throne of the Sky has a total of twelve seats, from the first to the twelfth, and the level of the seat is determined by strength. Of course, if you have a seat on the Throne of the Sky, even if it is the twelfth seat, it is the most powerful existence at that time.

At the same time, the Throne of the Sky is not only open to Skywalker, but to all the powerhouses of the Nine Realms, and anyone from any one of the Realms is eligible to compete for the Twelve Seats of the Throne of the Sky.

Therefore, in the air domain, although the throne of the sky is called the throne of the sky, in the other eight domains, the throne of the sky is more often called the throne of the nine domains!

However, if that's all it is, there doesn't seem to be anything unusual about the Sky Throne. At most, it is a high-end arena with many masters that can represent the combat power of the Nine Realms.

But in fact, the Sky Throne can be so popular, famous and sought after, it's not just that.

The throne of the sky symbolizes strength and glory. There is nothing wrong with that, but not everyone is willing to risk everything to fight for glory. Many people like glory, but many people think it is just a false name. Therefore, the sky There is another reason why the throne is world-famous, and that is...

The Sky Throne itself is a Noble Phantasm!

Because the age is too long, there is no way to verify the effect of the Sky Throne. However, one thing is certain, after obtaining the 12th seat of the Sky Throne, you will be able to obtain special abilities from the Sky Throne. It can directly improve your combat power.

And unlike ordinary treasures, the Sky Throne is there, there is no need to use the so-called Noble Phantasm, and there is no need to take the Sky Throne away, as long as you can become the Twelve Seats of the Sky Throne, the special abilities you get from the Sky Throne will not matter. It will disappear, even if it leaves the Sky Throne, unless it is kicked from the position of the twelve seats of the Sky Throne.

At the same time, one thing is certain is that the increase in strength brought about by the Throne of the Sky is absolutely huge, even unimaginable.

If not, why did so many people flock to the Sky Throne at that time?

This is very simple truth!

Ye Yousi continued: "So, at present, everyone agrees that the Tianshu tablet is related to the Sky Throne. Some people say that the Tianshu tablet itself is a part of the Sky Throne. Some people say that the Tianshu tablet is left by the Twelve Seats of the Sky Throne Inheritance of incense, and the recognition of these two statements is very high."


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