Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1218 Stone Evil Beast

Chapter 1218 Stone Evil Beast

The stone beast kept beating its chest, seeming very angry.

But also at this time...

Several evil beasts suddenly jumped up from behind Si Buxiang, and jumped towards Si Buxiang's direction.

This move was quite abrupt, the stone evil beast couldn't catch up with Siwuxiang by itself, but it planned to use other evil beasts to restrict Siwuxiang's movement.

Fortunately, Qiao Ye never let down his vigilance. Those evil beasts rushed from behind, and it was too late to turn around, but Qiao Ye could.

The moment those evil beasts jumped up, Qiao Ye threw a halberd towards the rear.

The black smoke swirled around and turned into a huge arc blade. The moment it flew towards the rear, the bodies of those beasts that jumped up were instantly chopped to pieces!

"You killed an evil beast (Hua Niang Snake), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 9700 points."

"You killed an evil beast (nine-spotted red tiger), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 15,500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (black-spotted dragon and tiger), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12,000 points."


Qiao Ye waved his hand to stop those evil beasts that were rushing up, and precisely because they were not entangled by those evil beasts, the four different bodies twisted, successfully avoided the fist of the stone evil beast, and jumped to the side.

However, the fist this time is obviously different from the previous fist.

The stone beast seemed to be really angry. The moment it punched down, its body shook, and there was an explosion sound on its body, and then countless flames pushed away in all directions.

Sibuxiang hurriedly moved around, and then...


In the flames, a huge fist blasted out again. This time, because of the reason to dodge the flames, Si Buxiang finally failed to dodge. After being hit by a punch, he was blasted backwards.

But Si Buxiang held on and did not fall to the ground, because Qiao Ye was on Si Buxiang's back!

This has nothing to do with whether Qiao Ye will be hurt, but...

Belongs to the pride of the Four Distinctions!

Holding on forcibly, he was punched and slid on the ground for about five or six meters. Sibuxiang finally stopped.

However, the hair on Sibuxiang's head was scorched, and blood flowed down at the same time.

Xiao Ji stretched out her hand, pulled Qiaoye's sleeve and said, "Do you want my help?"

Qiao Ye smiled and touched Xiao Ji's head, "No, I can handle it."

Of course, Qiao Ye didn't know that Xiao Ji's help was to deal with the stone beast directly. In Qiao Ye's view, this was not an opponent that Xiao Ji could handle.

Stretching out his hand to touch Si Buxiang's head, Qiao Ye smiled and said, "I have lived with the Polaris Beast Soul before, but I have never tried it with you, so, would you like to give it a try?"

Sibuxiang raised his head and roared, Qiao Ye could clearly feel the joy conveyed by Sibuxiang.

A lot of things like animal soul symbiosis are not unilateral, but relative!

For the beast master, and for the beast master, it is a mutual recognition, so Sibuxiang does not exclude entering into the state of beast soul symbiosis with Qiao Ye, on the contrary, Sibu is relative to beast soul symbiosis The emotions shown are excitement, joy, and satisfaction!

Because this represented Qiao Ye's recognition of it, and it was finally able to help Qiao Ye.

Sibuxiang wants to prove to Qiao Ye that your dog has really grown up!

"Then, let's come!" Qiao Ye took a deep breath, waved his halberd and shouted in a low voice: "Beast souls coexist!"

In the next moment, the sun and moon pattern on the forehead of the four different faces bloomed with brilliance again.

The brilliance is like the bright moonlight, spreading towards the surroundings, soft and cold, with an indescribable charm in it.

In the next moment, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand gradually turned into a moonlight white color, and a bunch of white hairs appeared under the blade of the halberd fluttering in the wind.

On the left and right sides of Qiao Ye's cheeks, there were two extra white lines, like the beards of a beast, while on Qiao Ye's forehead, there appeared four different sun and moon lines, between the two sides of the sun and moon lines. On the side, the faint radiance drifted away and gradually transformed into a pair of double horns.

At the same time, Qiao Ye's neck was covered with animal hair like clothes. At the neck, the slender hair formed a circle, like an extremely long scarf. The hair kept getting longer and gradually turned silvery white, like The four different hairs dragged all the way to the back of the waist, fluttering in the wind.

Qiao Ye grinned, revealing two canine teeth on both sides of her mouth, which looked a little ferocious!

The extremely thick blood energy is constantly churning in Qiao Ye's body at this moment. Although the strengthening of the physical attack is not obvious, the strong blood energy means that he is more resistant to beatings. At the same time, the recovery speed of the injury will also be significantly improved.


Qiao Ye took a deep breath, then reached out and patted the four different heads.

"Go!" Qiao Ye said, "This time I will attack!"

Si Bu Xiang let out a low cry, and immediately brought out an afterimage, and jumped forward.

The stone beast immediately shook its body, and countless green flames swayed in all directions.

Although those flames are only the size of a fist, they are not weak. Not only can they burn, but they can also explode to cause secondary damage.

Even though the stone beast was not very good at speed and agility, its strength and attack power were quite impressive.

Looking at the blue-black flames rushing toward his face, Qiao Ye couldn't help but squinted his eyes, then stretched out his hand and pressed forward.

In an instant, behind Qiao Ye, a large piece of spiritual charm appeared, constantly sketching behind Qiao Ye's back, and quickly formed a spiritual map of ten thousand dharmas.

Out of spirit and Wuhun together!

Qiao Ye also didn't intend to hold back, she didn't plan to stay here for too long, she planned to get rid of the stone beast in front of her as soon as possible, and then leave here.

After all, the longer one stays in the herd of evil beasts, the more unfavorable it must be.

at the same time……

At the moment when the Wanfa Lingtu took shape!


In front of Qiao Ye, an invisible force was rapidly gathering, and then an invisible wall seemed to appear in front of Qiao Ye, blocking it there.

Boom, boom, boom!

The cyan flames kept falling on the invisible barrier, and while burning blazingly, they continuously caused the sound of explosions.

The flames rolled around, and the air waves were like ripples.

The evil beasts around the battle circle were swept away by the air wave in an instant, and fell to the ground fiercely. They lost their sound and were crushed to death by the collision of this blow!

"You killed an evil beast (mudstone puppet), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 18,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed night leopard), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 5500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (diving ground), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12,000 points."


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