Chapter 1219 Kill

The collision of one blow, just the aftermath, killed a large number of evil beasts!


Among the flames floating in the air, Si Buxiang leaped up, jumped out of the flames, and came to the stone beast.

Fighting head-on, the stone beast didn't need to move, and immediately showed its ferocity. It raised its fist and threw it at Qiao Ye.


The huge fist slammed down, but Qiao Ye didn't intend to avoid it, but raised his fist directly to meet it.

The extremely terrifying collision, the moment the fists of the two sides collided, the strong wind kicked up, directly blowing away the surrounding corpses.

Qiao Ye also gritted his teeth tightly. The power of the stone beast was really terrifying. Qiao Ye entered the state of beast soul symbiosis, and his strength couldn't even hold down the opponent. Even, being slightly suppressed by the opponent, his fist was being slowly push back.

The power of that stone beast is definitely close to the level of Wu Zunjing!


The stone beast is not only powerful, this guy's fist...

But it will explode!

The flames burning on the stone beast are constantly gathering, and then an explosion will occur.

This is the scariest thing about this stone beast in front of him. It is covered with turquoise flames. No matter what kind of attack that stone beast makes, it will form a second explosion attack, which is very terrifying.

However, after fighting several times, Qiao Ye has naturally figured out the characteristics of the stone beast!

What Qiao Ye was waiting for was...

The moment of explosion!


The sound of an explosion suddenly sounded, and at this moment, Qiao Ye's body suddenly burst into golden light.

Nine-turn golden body!

Qiao Ye entered the state of the Nine-Turn Golden Body, and at the same time, the Wanfa Lingtu was activated at this moment, wrapping all the flames within a certain range, preventing Sibuxiang from being hurt, and at the same time, Qiao Ye used his physical body to carry it hard!

Does that look silly?

No, because...

Do not move and reverse!

Immobility Reversal: Absorb the attack with the body of Jin Zun. After absorbing the attack, within 30 breaths, the attack can be transferred to any target.

The stone beast's attack was indeed terrifying, and it directly knocked out Qiao Ye's nine-turn golden body with one blow.

However, even if the Nine-turn Golden Body was destroyed, Qiao Ye still held up this wave of attacks.

next moment...

Click, click, click!

Si Buxiang opened his mouth suddenly, and a large swath of frost surged forward, freezing the stone beast's body.

The flames on the Stone Evil Beast can melt the frost, so the ability of Four Different Phases to spit out frost is not very useful for the Stone Evil Beast.

However, as long as there is a moment of freezing, it can restrict the movement of the stone beast, which is enough for Qiao Ye!

Because, at that moment, Qiao Ye had already pressed his palm on the stone beast's body, and the reversal was activated without moving!


The sound of the explosion sounded again, and a large piece of turquoise flame burst out instantly, directly flying the stone evil beast, and smashed it seven or eight meters away.

There was a loud noise on the ground, and large cobweb cracks continued to spread towards the surroundings, and then a piece of the ground collapsed, forming a huge deep pit.

Qiao Ye grabbed the disparate mane, licked the corner of her mouth and said, "Isn't that dead?"

Using immobility and reversal to return the opponent's attack in full, the stone evil beast seemed to be seriously injured because of it, and it could be seen that there were many cracks visible to the naked eye on the stone evil beast.

However, this guy is still alive!

The stone beast wobbled and stood up again.

Qiao Ye didn't intend to give the stone beast a chance, so he clamped Sibuxiang's abdomen with his legs, and Sibuxiang rushed forward immediately.

Coming to the stone beast, the stone beast didn't react immediately. Obviously, the explosion caused the stone beast to choke!


The evil beasts crawling all around stood up in an instant, and rushed towards Qiao Ye!

The stone evil beast was already unable to fight back, or in other words, it took a certain amount of time to recover, so, using the ability of command, the surrounding evil beasts rushed up!

Qiao Ye obviously wouldn't let the stone beast succeed, it took so much effort to cripple it!


Qiao Ye directly pointed to the sky, and then there was a thunderous sound.

Ten thousand dharma spiritual diagrams, everything is going on!

Accompanied by the appearance of the thunder, a large black thundercloud appeared, the pressure was extremely low, and the lightning flashed in the thundercloud. Immediately afterwards, one after another azure thunderbolts crazily crashed down towards the bottom.

Boom, boom, boom!

The thunder kept falling into the group of evil beasts, accompanied by the sound of explosions, blowing those evil beasts away.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand forward, his five fingers formed into claws, and he grasped it fiercely in the void, and the blood on the ground kept flying up, spreading towards the surroundings, forming a blood mist.


Hundred battle blood techniques, three punctures!

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, as the blood mist drifted away, the ground suddenly trembled, shaking constantly, and then a large cobweb crack appeared and spread in all directions.

Wisps of blood-colored smoke continuously gushed out from the ground, and then, countless blood thorns rose from the ground, centered on Qiao Ye, and pushed out towards the surroundings.

The blood thorns protruded, piercing the bodies of the evil beasts from bottom to top, and then the evil beasts were pushed up by the blood thorns.

The corpses of those evil beasts hung on the blood thorns, their bodies were pierced by the blood thorns, and the bright red blood dripped down continuously, dyeing the snow on the ground red.

"You killed an evil beast (forest giant ape), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 21100 points."

"You killed an evil beast (mandrill), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 12900 points."

"You killed an evil beast (panshan tiger), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 7500 points."


Qiao Ye carried out a wide-ranging bombing attack with the momentum of thunder, and killed those evil beasts in an instant without giving them a chance to approach and delay him.



Si Buxiang raised his head and roared, then curled up his body, jumped up vigorously, jumped over the blood thorns one after another, and came to the stone beast.

Qiao Ye naturally raised the black halberd without any delay!

The black smoke from all around kept flying in, and then condensed and transformed in front of Qiao Ye, forming a huge smoke halberd, which slashed forward.


The smoke giant halberd ten meters away landed on the stone beast, making a loud noise.

Click, click!

The stone beast finally couldn't support it, the cracks on its body exploded suddenly, and then turned into a pile of gravel, which fell towards the ground!


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