Chapter 1220

"You killed an evil beast (hellfire), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 320,500 points."

Accompanied by the collapse of the body, the turquoise flames gradually extinguished, and the stone beast finally died completely, leaving only a pile of broken stones, among which there was a stone that glowed green like jade, which was particularly conspicuous , should be the most valuable thing on the stone beast called Hellfire, and Qiao Ye grabbed it in his hand as soon as he bent down.

"Found Absorbable Item: Infernal Rock (Rankless)"

"Is it absorbed?"

The moment Qiao Ye held the stone, a hint that it could be absorbed appeared. This thing turned out to be the spiritual material of the five elements of pure earth among the elements of heaven and earth, and it could be used to activate the five spirits breaking evil!


Qiao Ye felt like crying.

This Hell Flame Rock is the earth attribute of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, but he has something of earth attribute!

Tiance Longzun gave Qiao Ye a piece of Luo Tianxi soil when Qiao Ye left the holy building, and asked Qiao Ye to complete the soil attribute. Now, among the five elements, Qiao Ye only lacks one thing, the gold element, so he can fully point it. It is clear that the five elements break evil records.

Therefore, even if the Hell Flame Rock is absorbed, it is useless. The earth element has already been lit, so there is no need to light it a second time.

Qiao Ye didn't know what to say about this, was she unlucky or not?

Frankly speaking, this kind of thing is actually quite rare, and it can even be said to be rare, but no matter how rare it is, it is useless.

Qiao Ye sighed, took the things away, and handed them back to the boundary guards. He could still get a lot of merit points. The study of unknown evil beasts by the mystics of the world has always been a topic. Things will definitely give you a lot of merit points.

While Qiao Ye was thinking, the movement of his hand was not slow, and he swung his halberd to the side, beheading a black eagle that was flying down from the sky.

Qiao Ye has not forgotten what situation she is in right now!

Although Hellfire was beheaded, Qiao Ye didn't get out of trouble!

After losing Hellfire's command, the surrounding beast herds became chaotic again, and began to rampage, incomparably tyrannical.

And Qiao Ye hasn't escaped from the beast herd yet!

However, because of the appearance of the hellfire, it briefly controlled the evil beasts, making them crawl and make way for Qiao Ye, so that there was an open space in front of Qiao Ye's eyes.

That being the case, what is the delay?

Qiao Ye patted Si Buxiang on the head, and Si Buxiang immediately began to charge with all his strength, and flew forward, throwing off his four hooves and running crazily.

In this way, after rushing about 30 to 40 meters, the evil beasts in front gradually closed up again, blocking Qiao Ye's way!

However, the end of the Herd of Evil can already be seen!

About 50 meters ahead is the end of the evil beast herd, and there are no evil beasts in the rear, so it is enough to kill this last area!

Qiao Ye patted the four different heads and said, "Use the spirit-gathering ring!"

The spirit-gathering ring was hanging on Si Buxiang's neck, and now Sibuxiang opened his mouth and threw it, and the spirit-gathering ring immediately began to bloom.

In the next moment, the spirit-gathering ring began to gather energy continuously, and the light became more and more beautiful.

Sibuxiang opened his mouth to roar, and a beam of light appeared in the center of the spirit-gathering ring.

Almost instantly, a ray of spiritual light shot out directly from the spirit-gathering ring, and immediately after that, the ray of light swept forward.

Boom, boom, boom!

The aura flew forward and directly pushed into the herd of evil beasts.

As long as they were illuminated by the spiritual light, those evil beasts would scream in misery, and then under the spiritual light, the bodies of those evil beasts began to be annihilated continuously, directly turning into fly ash, not even a bit of bone residue left.

"You killed an evil beast (magic soil and stone puppet), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 35,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (nine-spotted red tiger), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 16,500 points."

"You killed an evil beast (three-tailed sun flame wolf), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 22000 points."


When the aura of the spirit-gathering ring dissipated, a large open space appeared in front of him again, because the evil beast directly in front was killed in an instant, and there was no corpse left, so naturally it would not block the way .

Sibuxiang didn't need Qiao Ye's instructions, and ran forward with his legs spread apart, turning into an afterimage and galloping forward all the way, before the surrounding evil beasts surrounded him again, and quickly left the group of evil beasts.

And after Sibuxiang rushed out, the Evil Beast at the back started to turn around, as if it wanted to pursue it.

However, Qiao Ye didn't pay attention to such a large number of pursuits.

The Evil Beasts had no command, they simply gathered together, and they could not unite the front. Although the Evil Beasts at the end started to chase, the Evil Beasts at the rear had already ran forward, and the final result was a disconnect. The number of evil beasts that caught up was not many.

After Qiao Ye let Si Buxiang distance himself from the group of evil beasts, he made Si Buxiang stop, then turned around and killed the evil beasts that were chasing up one by one, which was regarded as overcoming the crisis.

After a while, Qiao Ye looked at the corpses of evil beasts all over the ground, wiped off his sweat and said, "I don't know how dangerous the tombstone is today, but the gathering of evil beasts is really annoying!"

The troublesome part of the evil beasts is actually a chain. After they are gathered together, it is very difficult to kill them. The consumption is also quite huge.

Qiao Ye is now facing such a situation. Although he managed to escape, even if he is not in danger of threatening his life, he is really tired!

Moreover, this kind of exhaustion will also cause a chain reaction. If you rush out of the herd of evil beasts and you will be fine, then naturally there is no problem, but if you still cannot stay in a safe environment, such consumption is undoubtedly a hidden danger.

After sorting himself out a bit, Qiao Ye patted Si Bu Xiang on the head, letting Si Bu Xiang move forward.

After walking for about a stick of incense, Qiao Ye suddenly stopped Sibuxiang and looked around.

This forest...

No, to be precise, it should be a forest. Qiao Ye found that the terrain had some obvious ups and downs. At this moment, Qiao Ye was heading down.

And as he kept going down, Qiao Ye found that a layer of fog gradually formed around him.

The fog was very thin at first, and then gradually became thicker, and even, in a white mist, the scenery five meters away became very blurred.

However, if you are walking towards the top of the mountain, it is understandable that the surrounding clouds are getting darker, but now Qiao Ye is walking down!


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