Chapter 1222 The Blocker

Qiao Ye could feel a very obvious resistance, the power was pushing crazily, trying to suppress the power of aura.

It's just that Qiao Ye obviously didn't intend to relax, and kept urging Wanfa Lingtu to fight, and then...


Something seemed to explode at this moment, Qiao Ye felt a force pushing towards him, and involuntarily took several steps back.

Under the oppression of the aura, there was a wave of fluctuation in that power, which waved away the looming ripple-like things.

This reckless fight was evenly matched.


Behind the stele that day, a circular light circle gradually emerged from the ruins, and the next moment, a man in armor slowly rose from the light circle.

The man's figure is very burly, and he can't see his face clearly, because the other party is wearing a silver armor, a full-faced heavy helmet, covering almost every part of the body, with a helmet on his head, and a silver mask on his face. The grimace mask in his hand is a mountain sword, which is much longer than ordinary swords, and can reach a man's chest upright.

At the same time, there is a treasure floating on the man's back, which is a sun wheel made of white jade. The sun wheel is in a triangular position and is inlaid with three red gems.

Qiao Ye was vigilant, and stretched out his hand to shake it sideways. A black halberd appeared and fell into Qiao Ye's hand.

But also at this moment...

Suddenly two rays of light appeared under the mask, but it was the man in armor who suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Qiao Ye.

The next moment, the white jade sun wheel behind the man suddenly burst into a pure white radiance, and swung towards the surroundings, and the three rubies suddenly lit up.

A bright red beam of light suddenly shot out from the gemstone and swayed towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and he immediately turned sideways.


The bright red light beam fell to the ground, and then there was an explosion sound, and the ground was instantly shattered, and a huge pothole appeared.

"Don't come here!" Qiao Ye glanced at the blown hole on the ground, and then hurriedly said to Xiaoji, "Stay away!"

Xiao Ji retreated obediently, but the man in silver armor didn't seem to intend to attack Xiao Ji, but kept staring at Qiao Ye.

The white jade sun wheel on the back suddenly rotated, and when the second ruby ​​rose to the top, a second red light beam appeared immediately and flew towards Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye's reaction was extremely fast. She pressed the ground with one palm, and her whole body rolled up, avoiding the past again. The bright red beam fell to the ground and shattered the ground again.

The man in silver armor didn't stop, turned his body around, and quickly turned to Qiao Ye's direction. The white jade sun wheel behind him turned again, and the third ruby ​​came up with the rotation of the white jade sun wheel, emitting a third bright red light beam.


Qiao Ye gave a low snort, and swept the black halberd in his hand towards the front, a black halberd light appeared, collided with the bright red light beam, and then there was a bang, the sound of explosion appeared suddenly, the black smoke shattered, and the halo scattered.

After one blow, the silver-armored man suddenly moved, stepped out from the ruins, leaped suddenly, and came to Qiao Ye, raised the machete in his hand, and slashed at Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye raised his halberd to meet each other, and the crisp sound of sympathy sounded.

The weapons of the two disappeared at the touch of a touch, and after a collision, the two leaped towards the rear at the same time.

In the next moment, the man in silver armor stretched out his hand to wipe the blade, and then a small green dragon with short arms appeared, wrapping around the blade.

Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Wuhun?"

The appearance of the green dragon was not a martial art, but a martial soul, and Qiao Ye knew what it was.

Heavenly Chosen Martial Soul, Qinglong Manifestation!

The martial spirits of the four sages of the East are very famous, and each is a series, ranging from the earth-sounding level to the unparalleled level, and, according to speculation, there may also be the boundary level. Among them, Qinglong Manifestation is the chosen level. recorded in the textbook.

After the green dragon wrapped the knife, the man in silver armor let out a low cry, and rushed towards Qiao Ye again.

Qiao Ye grinned, as if she should be more serious.

"Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!"

With a bang, a large cloud of black smoke burst out from under Qiao Ye's feet, like a black lotus flower. Wisps of black smoke wrapped around Qiao Ye's body, and then formed a jet-black armor, forming a sharp contrast with the other party. Compared.

next moment...


Qiao Ye's legs curled up violently, crushing a piece of the ground, and then rushed forward.


The two raised their weapons at the same time, and slashed forward vigorously, making a crisp sound of sympathy.

After another collision, Qiao Ye frowned.

This guy in front of me...

Not human!

Although the other party didn't look like a human being, and even used his martial spirit, Qiao Ye still felt something was wrong after the continuous collisions.

The guy in front of him couldn't feel any blood!

Blood energy is something that exists in everyone's body!

It was formed by a person's essence and blood. A warrior in the martial arts practiced his body. With the strength of his body, his blood energy would also become very strong, but Qiao Ye didn't feel any blood energy on the opponent's body at all.

Taking a step back, even if you are not a warrior in the martial arts field, this is not the case. There is a difference in strength and weakness of blood energy, and it is absolutely impossible not to have it.


Not a person, or, not a living person!

While Qiao Ye was thinking, the other party shot again, the machete danced forward, and the long-armed green dragon flew directly forward, rushing towards Qiao Ye!

Black smoke surged rapidly from Qiao Ye's body, and then, as the black smoke drifted away, Qiao Ye's figure flashed and disappeared without a trace!

Avoiding the attack of the green dragon, the black smoke rushed forward, and Qiao Ye came to the opponent in an instant, and the black halberd in his hand slashed forward.


The weapons of the two collided again, stirring up sparks.

This time, Qiao Ye didn't dodge, and directly reached out with his left hand, grabbing the opponent's blade.

The next moment, Qiao Ye smiled ferociously.

Dragon Devil's Claw (Noble Phantasm) (Rank 2): Made of the scale armor of the tomb guard beast, it is difficult for the world's magic soldiers to break through. It can grab the white blade with bare hands, and can cause damage to the enemy's weapon. When attacking, it can secrete corrosive venom as long as it touches it. , sharp claws are like swords, bone spurs can break soldiers, black gold iron chains are hidden inside, and dragon claws can be used to hook objects to become flying claws.

Qiao Ye had the Dragon Demon Claw on his hand, so he would not be hurt by the opponent's blade, and the moment he grabbed the opponent's blade, the corrosive poison seeped out from the Dragon Demon Claw, and the opponent's blade immediately issued "Zi, Zn!" " voice, with wisps of white air rising.


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