Chapter 1223 Combat Strength

The corrosive venom on the dragon's claw had an effect on the blade. At this moment, Qiao Ye's wrist twisted suddenly, and the bone spurs and sharp claws on both sides of the dragon's claw caught the opponent's blade.


A crisp sound sounded, and then the machete broke in response.

After breaking the opponent's weapon with one blow, Qiao Ye naturally didn't have any intention of holding back, and directly raised his halberd to slash forward.


The sound of a sharp knife entering the body suddenly sounded, and Qiao Ye swung down the halberd, cutting directly from the opponent's shoulder, splitting the opponent's upper body.

However, no blood, no howling!

The man in silver armor fell to the ground, his body was like an illusory shadow, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Qiao Ye looked at the place where the silver-armored man disappeared, and then at the Tianshu Monument. It seemed that this guy was created by the Tianshu Monument.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye came back to the front of the Tianshu tablet, reached out and knocked on the Tianshu tablet.

"What does this mean?" Qiao Ye murmured, "Don't let me enter the ruins?"

Just as Qiao Ye was thinking, a ray of light suddenly appeared on the stele that day, and then the words on the stele of the heavenly book twisted like tadpoles, began to change, and began to move, leaving a space in the center.

In the next moment, words suddenly appeared on the stele that day.

Combat power: 71050000/50000000

On the Tianzijia!

Qiao Ye was stunned, combat power? On Tianzijia?

What's the meaning?

Suddenly, Qiao Ye had a flash of inspiration, and a light curtain appeared in front of his eyes.

Sure enough!

The information about Qiao Ye in the light curtain has always been about combat power, but Qiao Ye has never been clear about what this thing is used for and what it means.

Combat power, in a broad sense, is equivalent to strength.

But to be able to show specific values, Qiao Ye has never heard of such a saying in any domain, whether it is the Wu domain, the magic domain, the beast domain, the spirit domain, or the art domain, there is no such statement.

Therefore, Qiao Ye always thought that it was just the effect of the treasure of the jade card.

However, now there is a combat power value on the Tianshu tablet, and it is exactly the same as the number displayed on the light curtain of the jade tablet. As for the so-called Tianzi armor, Qiao Ye thinks it is probably a grade? Or is cultivation equal to the level of combat power?

Qiao Ye didn't know, but it was a fact that the combat power values ​​of the two were exactly the same.

"So..." Qiao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that this jade plaque is related to the Tianshu Monument?"

Qiao Ye was also at a loss. The Tianshu Monument belongs to the airspace, so his parents should have nothing to do with the airspace, right?

Qiao Ye was a bit puzzled. Although she felt that this matter was a bit strange, she couldn't seem to see any problems or hidden secrets from it.

Secondly, what Qiao Ye thinks is more important is that there was an invisible power in the outer circle of the ruins, but now, Qiao Ye can clearly feel that power is rapidly dissipating.

"I see!"

Qiao Ye glanced at the Tianshu Stele again, and suddenly understood the meaning.

This should be a test of the Tianshu Monument, and the content of the test should be the level of combat power.

Because, the number displayed on the tablet that day was actually: combat power: 71050000/50000000!

The number in the front is exactly the same as the number in the light curtain, representing Qiao Ye's combat power, so the number in the back should represent the standard line!

Only when you reach or exceed this value, you are eligible to pass here and move on.

Of course, this is just Qiao Ye's conjecture. Whether it is true or not is unknown. However, this matter is not troublesome, just try it out.

Qiao Ye left the Tianshu Monument and walked towards the ruins.

This time, the invisible force did not appear again, and Qiao Ye stepped into the ruins!

And the moment Qiao Ye entered the ruins.

Suddenly, Qiao Ye saw a ray of light appearing under his feet, flowing towards the ground like water.

At the same time, after the water-like light passed by, the surrounding ruins seemed to have been repaired.

Buildings rose one after another, and the ground full of cracks suddenly became extremely flat, and bluestone bricks were paved forward one by one. Soon, a street appeared and stretched forward. .

The ruins turned into a quaint town in the blink of an eye!

"Delicious soybean cakes, would you like one?"

"Little Er, serve tea!"

"Officer, I want the gold hairpin, okay?"


Accompanied by the appearance of the quaint small town, figures appeared one by one around, walking on the street, and the noisy sounds rang out.

The whole town seemed to be alive in an instant.

at the same time……

With her head raised, Xiao Ji looked at the Tianshu Monument in front of her, and after thinking about it, she pressed her palm on it.

The numbers on the stele that day immediately started beating crazily again, and then...


The number on the tablet that day was not fixed in the end, but a crack appeared, covering most of the tablet.

Xiao Ji shrugged, then walked towards the ruins of the ruins.

No matter what number appeared on the stele that day.

No matter what day the stele will be, whether there will be numbers or not.

There is nothing in this world that can stop her.

On the other side, Qiao Ye was also taken aback by the changes in front of her for a moment, and then walked forward involuntarily. Suddenly, Qiao Ye remembered something, and hurriedly stopped and turned around.

Xiao Ji is still outside!

If the inscription on that day was a test of a person's combat power, it would be difficult to calculate whether Xiaoji could come in.

Qiao Ye was worried about leaving Xiao Ji outside alone.

But just as Qiao Ye turned around, Xiao Ji walked in from the outside.

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Can your combat power reach the standard of the Tianshu Monument?"

Xiaoji tilted her head. It seemed that she couldn't detect the thing, so she broke it. But if it was broken, it was considered a pass, right? Just nodded!

Qiao Ye was dumbfounded. Is Xiaoji so fierce?

Although I have surpassed the boss by a certain amount, what is my cultivation level, and what is my little Ji's cultivation level? Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for Xiaoji to meet the standard no matter what.

"Could it be..." Qiao Ye murmured, "Could it be based on your cultivation!"

For example, if one's own cultivation level is one standard, and Xiaoji's cultivation level is another standard, then the possibility of Xiaoji's attainment is very high. After all, Qiao Ye also knows how terrifying Xiaoji's talent in cultivation is. However, the probability of reaching the standard is much higher than that of not meeting the standard.

Moreover, this seemed to be the only possibility for Xiaoji to come in.

Qiao Ye thought for a while, but he didn't get too entangled. Anyway, it's good to come in, leaving Xiao Ji outside alone, Qiao Ye would definitely not do it.


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