Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1224 Tea House Storyteller

Chapter 1224 Tea House Storyteller

Qiao Ye led Xiao Ji towards the front.

Now that we have entered this small town, no matter what ghosts and monsters there are in front of us, we must go and see them to see how big the book tablet is today.

at the same time……

Above a teahouse full of people, a storyteller held a tea bowl, took a sip of tea, knocked on the tea cover, and then raised his fan and knocked on the table.

"Today, let's talk about the story of Chu Xianglie, the god of the sky-shattering sword, who defeated the thirteen assassins in Maishan Villa."

"If you say that Chu Xianglie is originally a member of the royal family, it is a pity that due to imperial disputes and conspiracy schemes, for the sake of the throne, Chu Xianglie was plotted against when he was young and had to be escorted by his loyal servants to escape from the imperial capital. .”

"Twenty-two years later, Chu Xianglie, who escaped from the imperial capital, has grown from a baby to a middle-aged man. At the same time, he is the best in the Northwest with his sky-breaking sword. Lie felt that the past enmity should be counted, and he left the northwest desert and went to the imperial capital alone."

"It's just that Chu Xianglie is going back to Beijing, but some people can't sit still. If Chu Xianglie comes back, will they have a good day to do it? So, a group of killers were dispatched, vowing to kill Chu Xianglie Kill them on the road, and absolutely prevent people from entering Beijing."

"On that day, it was said that Chu Xianglie arrived at Guliangshui Town, and was waiting for the Jinshui Bridge. On the boat passing by the bridge, there was a loud shout, and then the merchant on the boat, underwater, and at the fruit stand by the bridge , the men selling candied haws came together and attacked them in groups, but it was the famous Thirteen Swords of Maishanzhuang, a rare thirteen top assassins in this world who shot at the same time..."


Qiao Ye led Xiao Ji, walked across the street, and looked around.

This town seems to have no problems at all, but it seems to be very problematic.

Because the people here are very fake.

When Qiao Ye walked there, he felt that he and Xiaoji were transparent, and they were not in the eyes of everyone from the beginning to the end.

Even, because of looking left and right, Qiao Ye accidentally knocked down a passerby who passed by him. As a result, Qiao Ye was about to apologize, but the man got up, patted his butt, and just left without saying a word!

Everything here looks real, but it feels like it's all fake.

Those pedestrians one by one are like dummies one by one, acting step by step without thinking at all.

All the way to the center of the town, there is a small river, and there are small boats in the river passing through the bridge hole below.

Qiao Ye led Xiao Ji up the stone bridge, but suddenly felt something was wrong.

Wind, it's a little cold!

The unique biting feeling of the autumn wind makes people feel the urge to shrink down involuntarily.

But the current wind is obviously more than a little cold.

Because, there was a chilling feeling in the wind.

Qiao Ye pulled Xiao Ji towards her back and blocked her with her body.

But at this moment...

"Do it!"

On the passing black-covered boat, a boatman wearing a bamboo hat suddenly raised his head, with two fierce lights in his eyes. bridge.

As soon as the boatman lifted his clothes, there was a soft sword wrapped around his waist. When he shook it in the air, a silver light appeared, and flew forward, heading towards Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye immediately stretched out his hand to hold it, and a black halberd appeared in his hand and swept forward.

There was a crisp chirping sound, and Qiao Ye split the soft sword with a halberd.

However, this is clearly just the beginning.

The boatman was forced to retreat by Qiao Ye, but at this very moment...

Bang, bang!

In the river under the bridge, there were two bursting sounds suddenly.

Four men in sackcloth jumped out of the river, holding swords in their hands, and slashed towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye just looked up and found that these four people were very sophisticated, and they probably had cooperated for many years, and the tacit understanding between them was unimaginable.

The four people attacked from left to right, then one attacked Qiao Ye's upper body and the other attacked Qiao Ye's lower body.

This was not over yet, the boatman who was forced to retreat by Qiao Ye attacked again, and with a flick of his soft sword, like a whip, he slammed it at Qiao Ye's cheek from the front.

And behind Qiao Ye, a man in sackcloth performing juggling by the bridge jumped up and stabbed at Qiao Ye's back with a sword.

There were attacks from front, back, left, and right. Moreover, those people had perfectly controlled the timing and speed of their swords, and Qiao Ye's attacks were almost at the same time.

In this way, how can Qiao Ye avoid it?

There is no way to avoid it!

Such cooperation is simply unbelievable!


Qiao Ye simply refused to avoid it!

Nine-turn golden body!

A golden light suddenly bloomed from Qiao Ye's body, and the golden halo quickly pushed out towards the surroundings.

In the next moment, pieces of silver light came out from the surrounding swords, and they were already in front of Qiao Ye.

Bang lang, ding lang, ding lang!

Those swords stabbed Qiao Ye's body continuously, making crisp sounds, but before the sword tip touched Qiao Ye, it was blocked by the golden light of the nine-turn golden body.

After blocking the attack, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to grab it, and the Dragon Demon Claw grabbed the opponent's sword directly.

"Get out!"

Qiao Ye let out a low cry, and then suddenly exerted force, and everyone in front of him was blown away by Qiao Ye's blow.

But at this moment...

A man in sackcloth selling candied haws walked towards Qiao Ye, and suddenly lifted the pole on which the candied haws were inserted, and there was a section of sword tip hidden under the pole, and he stabbed hard.

However, that guy's target turned out to be Xiao Ji who was protected by Qiao Ye.

Seeing the sword light attacking, Xiao Ji suddenly raised her head to look at the other party.

With just one glance, the man in sackcloth fell into hell, his eyes were scattered, revealing a look of incomparable fear, and Qiao Ye also discovered the other party's intentions at this time.

"you dare!"

Qiao Ye let out a low growl, and the black halberd swept towards the rear.


After a halberd, blood splashed up, and a head rushed directly into the sky, churning in the air.

Qiao Ye killed one person, then raised his eyebrows.

"Fake again?"

After Qiao Ye killed one person, he didn't absorb any martial soul value. Obviously, just like when he killed the man in silver armor before, these guys were not real people.

Real people, of course they will absorb the martial soul value!

Qiao Ye curled her lips, it was probably caused by the Tianshubei again, and Qiao Ye was not interested in getting too entangled with these guys.

Because this kind of battle is completely meaningless.

Killing the opponent has no martial soul value, and these guys don't have any treasures on them. It's even impossible to ask about the situation after beating people half to death. These guys don't know how to communicate at all.

What's so good about this kind of fight?


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