Chapter 1225 Assassin

"Then let's make a quick decision!"

Qiao Ye looked around, there were thirteen people in total, and after one died, there were twelve left!

Qiao Ye didn't want to linger with these guys for too long. Seeing them approaching him again, she suddenly closed her eyes and then opened them again.

Almost instantly, Qiao Ye's aura changed drastically!

Countless spirits and spirits appeared behind Qiao Ye, flowing and sketching, quickly forming a spiritual diagram of ten thousand dharmas!

The next moment, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand towards the front, and a radiance appeared in front of Qiao Ye.

Ten thousand dharma spirit map, all phenomena in the mirror!

Jinghua Vientiane (field ability): One mirror illuminates Kyushu, and all phenomena are in it, one side is dry, one side is Kun, one side is yin, and one side is yang, just a mirror, shining in the world.

Almost instantly, a white radiance appeared around Qiao Ye, and spread rapidly towards the surroundings, forming a circle like floating ripples.

The area that the light passed by, the scope of the domain was divided for the first time, and then...

In the white light, mirrors suddenly appeared one after another!

Those mirrors are made of crystal, and each side presents an irregular state. There are about a dozen of them. Some stand on the ground, some float in mid-air, some are straight, and some are inclined. of.

Qiao Ye hooked the corner of her mouth, the other party surrounded her, and then...

They surrounded each other by themselves!

Qiao Ye stood still, two sword lights suddenly flashed past, and came to Qiao Ye, but Qiao Ye had no intention of dodging at all, letting the two sword lights hit her.



The next moment, Qiao Ye's body was torn apart like smashed glass.

What those two sword lights hit was not Qiao Ye, but a crystal mirror!

As the mirrors were scattered, sword lights suddenly shot out from the mirror surface, densely packed, as many broken mirror surfaces as there were sword lights, and frantically pushed towards the surroundings.

The eyes of the two sackclothed men standing at the front widened instantly, a blood hole appeared in their throat, and bright red blood continuously flowed from the wound.

Plop, plop!

The next moment, the two men in sackcloth fell to the ground, and their bodies disappeared without a trace like illusory bubbles.

The other men in sackcloth backed away, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye's figure suddenly appeared in a long mirror.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand abruptly, and strangled one person's neck. Before the other party could react, a wisp of black smoke condensed in Qiao Ye's palm, turned into a small knife, and pierced directly into the temple of the man in sackcloth.

"Only you, are you still an assassin? The means of assassination is not good, isn't it just a crowd!"

Qiao Ye's voice sounded, but it came from all directions.

In the surrounding mirrors, Qiao Ye's figure appeared at the same time, each of which looked like a reflection of the mirror, but everyone knew that one of the figures must be Qiao Ye's true self.

Those men in sackcloth kept looking around, vigilant, searching, trying to find out Qiao Ye's body.



The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly sounded.

A man in sackcloth stared wide-eyed, a large amount of blood sprayed from his back, and then he fell to the ground, gradually losing his vitality, and his body gradually disappeared.

"over there!"

Someone yelled loudly, then moved towards the corpse, and swung his sword across it.


After that sword strike, Qiao Ye's figure disappeared again, and what was crushed by that sword was a mirror again.

Those men in sackcloth learned to be smart, and when the mirror shattered, they immediately jumped back.

However, in the shattered mirror, the imaginary attack did not appear, and then...

Surprise suddenly appeared on the faces of those men in sackcloth.

Because, they suddenly discovered that as they retreated, they were surrounded by dense mirrors around them, and those mirrors could be moved.

at the same time……

Qiao Ye appeared on the periphery of the mirror, smiled ferociously, and slapped a piece of the mirror fiercely.


An electric current appeared from Qiao Ye's palm, directly into the mirror.

In the next instant, currents began to flow in all the mirrors, continuously flying, and then lasing from the mirrors, intertwined and intertwined, like a huge net, enveloping the men in sackcloth. .

There was an endless stream of screams!

After a while, there was no one alive in front of Qiao Ye, leaving only a pile of charred corpses, which gradually dissipated.

Qiao Ye let out a long breath.

Looking at this group of linen clothes, their strength is not very strong, and their cultivation base is probably at the level of just entering the imperial realm.

The most powerful thing is the group of thirteen people, the cooperation produced by the intimate and tacit understanding.

This type of guy is very difficult to deal with. It is the opponent's forte to defeat the strong with the weak, and it can also defeat the many with less, and this is also the characteristic of combined strikes.

Then, Qiao Ye used the most brutal method to prevent the opponent from attacking together.

That is……

I don't even give you a target, let's see how you attack together!

No matter how powerful the cooperation is, you need to have a goal to play it!

at the same time……

In the teahouse, the storyteller finished his speech, picked up the tea bowl and asked Xiao Er to add water, and took a sip of hot tea to moisten his throat.

A diner shouted: "Sir, tell me one more!"

"Hmm, um!" Someone booed, "Speak out loud!"

The storyteller smiled, opened the folding fan and said, "Then let's talk about another one, the battle of the imperial capital between Mo Zun Wu Yuetian and Wu Zun Xiao Feng!"

"Speaking of Wu Yuetian and Xiao Feng, although one of them is from the Demon Realm and the other is from the Martial Realm, their parents have a deep blood feud. Enemy, who once ambush Wu Yuetian's wife."

"The enmity between the two is getting deeper and deeper, and finally decided to fight to the death in the imperial capital, and this battle was supposed to be a close battle, but no one thought that Mozun Wu Yuetian had cultivated his demonization state to the third level. form……"


Qiao Ye crossed the bridge, stood at the intersection, looked forward, then slowly narrowed her eyes, and reached out to touch Xiao Ji's head.

"Xiao Ji!" Qiao Ye said with a smile, "Go and sit aside for a while, I'll be fine in a while."

Xiaoji nodded obediently, then looked forward.

Qiao Ye looked over the crowd and landed on a man.

The man was dressed in black, and his skin was very fair, which was sickly. It was no longer a normal skin color, but a snowy look.

When Qiao Ye looked at the other party, Qiao Ye knew that the other party was also looking at him.

Although the street was still full of pedestrians, it seemed that there were only two people on this street.


It's snowing in the sky!


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