Chapter 1226 Moonless Sky

Mozun Wuyuetian is actually not a very famous person.

The reason why Moonless Sky is not famous is not that he is not strong enough, but that the time he was born in is not good enough.

It was about hundreds of years before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were shattered. At that time, the Three Realms and Nine Realms were not even in turmoil, and it could be regarded as the heyday of the powerful from all walks of life.

There are quite a few people in the Nine Realms who can step into the realm of gods, not to mention Demon Lord.

At that time, although the Demon Lord was also extremely strong, he was far from being as noble as he is now.

If it is now, Moonless Sky can at least become the master of one party!

at the same time……

Qiao Ye and Wu Yuetian looked at each other, the pedestrians on the street gradually walked, and then inexplicably began to decrease, until the last pedestrian disappeared...

Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became cold.

The snowflakes falling in the sky exuded a chilling smell.


The snowflakes suddenly turned into knives, and the sharp knives fell towards Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and the Spiritual Diagram behind him unfolded. Immediately afterwards, the falling snowflakes began to swim against the current, as if they were afraid of Qiao Ye and did not dare to approach.

But also at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt a blur in front of her eyes, but Moonless Sky had already arrived in front of Qiao Ye.

So fast!

The next moment, Wu Yuetian raised his fist and blasted towards Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye quickly raised his arm to block, feeling the force from his fist, Qiao Ye was pushed backward.

After skating for seven or eight meters, Qiao Ye barely stabilized his body, while Wu Yuetian walked forward while spreading his hands.

Tianxuan level demonization, Jade Dragon Frost Sky!

Wu Yuetian's two small arms protruding from the sleeves of the robe were shining brightly, and then white dragon scales appeared on Wu Yuetian's arms one by one, and a small bag bulged on the forehead at this moment, and then , A single horn of white jade emerged from Wu Yuetian's forehead.


Seeing Wuyuetian enter the demonized state, Qiao Ye activated the Ten Thousand Magic Spiritual Diagram without hesitation.

The ten thousand dharma spiritual map, all phenomena in the universe!

At the same time, Qiao Ye released the ghost lamp that had not been used for a long time.

The ghost lamp still likes to cling to Qiao Ye as always, and the three will-o'-the-wisps turn into "(¬,¬)" and "乛◡乛" for a while.

With the continuous improvement of Qiao Ye's strength, the time to borrow ghost lamps has gradually decreased, because few people are worthy of Qiao Ye's use of the universe.

However, Moonless Sky now has such qualifications.

Qiao Ye transformed his spiritual power into physical attributes in an instant.

There is no good choice here, the pseudo-lingzun or the pseudo-wuzun, Qiao Ye will definitely choose the latter.

Speaking of it, the universe is actually a double-edged sword, because both states have obvious weaknesses, but it also depends on the situation.

When facing a demonized person, there is almost no need to think. It is right to choose a fake martial artist. The demonized person is the same as the warrior who majors in the physical body. Even, it is more extreme than the warrior. There are very few people in the demon realm who master spiritual attacks , such treasures are also extremely rare.

Then, the weakness of the pseudo-warrior can be weakened to the greatest extent. Without the attack of the spiritual force, Qiao Ye's state of the pseudo-martial is unable to be broken. Hitting and touching can make Qiao Ye go to bed for ten days and half a month.

Of course, it's not that there is a gamble in it, but Qiao Ye thinks that he has a great chance of winning the gamble, and there are few demonized people who are good at mental attacks. Secondly, everything in this place is false, which is also true. it means...

The opponent does not have a treasure!

In other words, it is impossible for the other party to have a treasure in his hand. After all, people are illusory, so where did the treasure come from?

In this way, the opponent does not have the means to attack with mental power, and the probability of being unable to deal with the state of the fake martial artist is greatly increased.

Most importantly though...

You can't beat the world without everything!

Wu Yuetian is an upright Demon Lord, and Qiao Ye fights with the cultivation of Martial Emperor...

Although Qiao Ye always felt that she was super brave, she was not so brave.

And at the moment when he entered the state of Pseudo Martial Lord, Qiao Ye rushed forward without any hesitation.

The two met in the middle, raised their fists and blasted towards each other!


The fists collided, making a loud noise, and then a circle of air wave swayed from the fists of the two, like a large wave of ripples, constantly pushing around.

Boom, boom, boom!

The houses on both sides collapsed almost instantly, turning into piles of rubble, and then the smoke and dust flew up and drifted towards the surroundings.

Wu Yuetian's body twisted, and immediately turned around and swept towards Qiao Ye, and Qiao Ye's reaction was also extremely fast, quickly raising his arms to block!


Wu Yuetian kicked Qiao Ye's arm, and the next moment, the black halberd in Qiao Ye's hand swept forward.

The black halberd light swept across, hit Wu Yuetian's chest, and directly swept Wu Yuetian away.

Five or six meters away, Wu Yuetian hit the ground, and then slowly got up, the clothes on his chest were completely torn, but he couldn't hurt Wu Yuetian, and this guy's chest was also covered with dragon scales , like a solid armor.


Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes, he can fight!

Although Wu Yuetian is a Demon Lord, but after a round of fighting, it can be seen that Wu Yuetian's cultivation base is at the level of the first level of the Demon Lord Realm, and will not exceed the third level.

And Qiao Ye used the spiritual power of the ghost lamp to transform into the state of a pseudo-martial god, and his strength did not remain unchanged. With the improvement of Qiao Ye's cultivation base, the strengthening after this transformation was also improving. It's just enough to be able to enter the state of Wu Zun. Now, as far as the body is concerned, Qiao Ye has already reached the physical level above the fifth level of Wu Zun.


The physical body of this guy in front of him is no match for him!

As Qiao Ye was thinking, he kicked his legs and jumped forward again.

Arriving in front of Wuyuetian in the blink of an eye, Qiao Ye raised the black halberd and smashed it down.

Since it's a physical competition, then it's over!


Wu Yuetian crossed his hands, and took Qiao Ye's halberd directly, the ground under his feet exploded inch by inch, and dust flew up.


Qiao Ye shouted in a low voice: "Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!"

Qiao Ye was surrounded by black smoke, and black light and shadow surrounded Qiao Ye's body, quickly forming a black armor.

It was as dark as night, with lion's mouth shoulder pads on both sides of the shoulders, a dragon's head on the upper edge of the combat boots, and an unknown evil beast on its chest, with its bloody mouth wide open, looking extremely ferocious.

Qiao Ye stretched out his left hand and clenched his fist lightly, feeling a constant surge of power.


Entering the state of Heavenly Demon Dominant Blood, Qiao Ye's strength increased again, and the ground under Wu Yuetian's feet also roared again.


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